Spiritual Fitness for 2016 – Part 2

hands on Bible

I had the blessing and honor to be back on the Prepper Recon show with my friend Mark Goodwin. This is Part Two of our conversation focused on getting spiritually in shape for 2016. Spiritual fitness will be your most important prep if you intend to face the dark days ahead. To learn more about being spiritually prepared, listen to Dr. Mike’s archived messages from Calvary Chapel Lima.

Click here to listen.

Spiritual Fitness for 2016 Part 1

Mike - Profile Pic

I had the blessing and honor to be back on the Prepper Recon show with my friend Mark Goodwin. This is Part One of our conversation focused on getting spiritually in shape for 2016. Spiritual fitness will be your most important prep if you intend to face the dark days ahead. To learn more about being spiritually prepared, listen to Dr. Mike’s archived messages from Calvary Chapel Lima.

Click here to listen.



Matthew 5:17-48 – Jesus Speaks About The Hot Topics Of His Day – Part 2

sermon on the mount

This is part two of this sermon. Click here for part one.

Hot Topic #4 – V33-37

Four high schools boys were late to their morning classes one day.  They entered the classroom and told their teacher that they were detained due to a flat tire and not to any type of joy-riding or other activities associated with trying to get to school.

The teacher of these 4 fine students smiled knowingly and said, “You know you missed a test this morning but I’m willing to let you make it up if you can answer one question.”  “Sure”, the students replied.

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