Kamala Harris: A Clear and Present Danger to Israel and the Jewish People

Not so long-ago conservatives applauded the announcement by the Democrats that Kamala Harris would replace Joe Biden as their Presidential candidate. The reason conservatives cheered was due to a perceived handicap Harris brought to the ticket. Biden was demonstrably incoherent but how was Harris any different? Her speeches, loosely called, were rambling sentences of nonsensical gobbledygook, littered with equally nonsensical Marxist catch phrases such as, “What can be, unburdened by what has been,” highlighted her stumping. What conservatives did not understand a few weeks ago has become their handicap. Let me explain.

Kamala Harris is many things, She is a political survivor, someone who understands how the game of politics works. It is helpful to have benefactors who will open doors along the way and Harris has certainly availed herself of such. She has risen from a lowly state employee to United States Senator at a meteoric rate not seen since a junior state senator from Illinois by the name of Barack Obama did the same. Continue reading