There Is A Coming Kingdom – Dr. Mike Spaulding

We are seeing in our day, a rise in Christian radicalism. Specifically, I see some Christians calling for an armed rebellion to squash the evildoers in our midst. I see it because at one time, I was of the same opinion. I no longer hold the view that the Church of Jesus Christ is to take on the Deep State, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, or the United Nations, to name a few.

The commission the Church has been given is to tell the world about the free gift of salvation God the Father has made available to “whosoever will” believe in Jesus the Christ. It is our solemn duty and honor to expose the workings of the kingdom of darkness. We must exercise all spiritual authority in Christ to persuade the hearts of men and women toward Him. But make no mistake, it is the work of the Holy Spirit which causes the new birth.

I see a different “new birth” being propagated by so-called Christian Reconstructionists, Dominionists, and some in the Covenant Theology camp. It is as if a dark deception has fallen upon many who name Christ as Savior. This darkness has clouded their spiritual eyesight, causing them to see the plans of the enemy of our soul as godly and wise plans. Seeking to take back America and in the process, establish a Christian theocracy, is in every aspect, a fools errand. Nowhere are Christians instructed to do these things. Trying to breathe life into the dead carcass that is America is simply delusion.

There is a coming kingdom which is not made with human hands. This coming kingdom will appear when the King who will rule it appears. This is the kingdom that Daniel spoke of in 2:45, as made without hands, which will crush the existing kingdoms when it arrives. The King is Jesus. He will put His enemies under His feet one day. Thinking that we are called to do that for Him is misguided and dangerous.

I fear my brothers and sisters in the faith who have succumbed to this siren song of conquest in the name of Jesus have been duped and are in reality, building a kingdom for the coming Antichrist. No manner of persuasion will deter most from what they perceive to be a holy calling of Christian warfare.

May God have mercy on us all.

Dr. Mike Spaulding

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