Between Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence: The Middle Road is the Narrow Path To Everlasting Life

AI and Transhumanism are not new, but they capture much public attention. There is at the moment an “arms race” to borrow a Cold War idiom. This arms race is not that of rifles and bullets or armored vehicles or exoskeleton armor, for that matter. The race is to develop and unleash Artificial Intelligence to master the algorithms and quantum computing necessary for emerging technologies. And this, to outpace the enemies of America. Transhumanism fits into this arms race just as the Terminator movie franchise chillingly warned us of. It is the so-called future according to the Techno-cultists among us. And it will seek to rule us all eventually.

It appears to me that humanity is on the precipice of great breakthroughs in the use of AI. I am not ascribing any sense of morality to that statement. It is simply an observation. The ethics of emerging technologies will be determined based on intent and utilization. I see potential for good but because of human nature, I also see potential for much evil. Time will tell which is which.

The medical field is buzzing about the potential for detecting disease early enough to successfully treat and restore to health those who without the use of AI, would succumb to their malady.

The fields of engineering, exploration, both of the earth and other planets, as well as philosophy and even theology, are being impacted. Conversant AI is growing exponentially. Related to the last field mentioned, theology, Joe Allen recently posted in The American Spectator an article titled, “Techno-Religion Will Snare the Unbeliever.” Here is a snippet of that article.

Traditional religions exalt higher intelligence above the human mind—God, angels, devas, and buddhas. But these religions fare poorly in the developed world, especially among the young. Religion’s influence has faded, along with its moral limits and responsibilities. For wistful souls, the resulting “religion-shaped void” is pretty depressing.

The transhuman impulse—the drive to go beyond human limits by way of technology, even to the point of abandoning our humanity—arises from a godless cosmos. The evolutionary view begins with atoms and the void. It moves through various organic forms, and presently sees the human brain as the highest intelligence in the known universe. Artificial intelligence holds out the promise of a tangible higher power. If God does not exist—and if aliens aren’t coming to save us—then we must create our own gods.[1]

OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman once wrote that, “Successful people create companies…The most successful people create religions.” What Altman was saying in effect is that idolatry is back in vogue.

This was Allen’s conclusion as well. From the same Techno-Religion article he wrote:

…corporate religiosity—a world where logos are sacred symbols, mission statements are creeds, and top execs are saints—was born of American optimism. Today, that gilded faith is accelerating toward some dismal omega point in the Future™. Artificial intelligence advances just ahead of robotics. Brain-computer interfaces are catching up to genetic engineering. Digital currency pulses through the system like electric blood. Mammon-worship is coming to full realization through technology. The average consumer may not believe any of it, but that hardly matters. The people selling them the Future™ are true believers.[2]

That is as clear a statement on the dangers of AI and Transhumanism as you will find. This speaks clearly to a collective loss of the knowledge or belief in transcendence as it relates to world religions and their gods. Christianity, although not a religion, as it is relationship based, the only faith system of its kind, is not immune from this devastation. History has demonstrated repeatedly that a loss in the knowledge of a transcendent God leads ultimately to idolatry. The golden calf is every bit the equivalent of today’s emerging techno-religionists who claim faith in a better tomorrow based on techno-optimistic ideologies.

We currently live in a time of dying socialism. That may sound surprising to some people. American Progressives, which is to say utopian Marxist Communists, are seeing what they believed was their once promising future, the world of tomorrow “unburdened by what has been,” according to Kamala Harris, crumble as their ideology, being earthbound and without a positive example anywhere and at any time, betrays their allegiance.

In October of 2023 billionaire Marc Andreessen, founder of Andreessen-Horowitz, a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley, California, wrote what he described as a “Techno Optimist Manifesto,” giving great detail to what he saw as emerging technologies and how those must be harnessed for a bright, productive future for all mankind. This manifesto has been described as a “materialist declaration of religious aspiration.”

Andreessen believes that technology and transhumanism are not anti-human at all. In his manifesto he declares that these fields and the technological advances being made are, “the most pro-human thing there is. It serves us. The techno-capital machine works for us. All the machines work for us.”[3]

As a side note, one of the many things that technology will do is destroy the wickedness of DEI – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. How will it or how is it presently destroying DEI? Andreessen says that technology is a techno-capital machine that “makes natural selection work for us in the realm of ideas. The best and most productive ideas win and are combined and generate even better ideas. Those ideas materialize in the real world as technologically enabled goods and services that never would have emerged de novo.”[4] In other words, all ideas are not equal. Ideas that are clearly inferior and amount to nothing more than pandering to classes of people will be rejected.

By now, most Americans are aware of Yuval Noah Harari, the atheist philosopher associated with the World Economic Forum. Harari has written numerous books declaring that a new age of technology is eclipsing the age of man. Harari believes that mankind is moving beyond liberal humanism and into a new golden age which will usher in a techno-religion. He has infamously said that, “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.”

Harari’s book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow reads like a blueprint for the Techno-Transhumanist agenda. The publisher asked several provocative questions on the cover such as:

What will happen to democracy when Google and Facebook come to know our likes and our political preferences better than we know them ourselves? What will happen to the welfare state when computers push humans out of the job market and create a massive new “useless class”? How might Islam handle genetic engineering? Will Silicon Valley end up producing new religions, rather than just novel gadgets?[5]

I have written about Harari and his immersion in the AI and Transhumanist agendas previously. This is from a recent article.

Professor Yuval Noah Harari, a top advisor to World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, has been widely quoted as saying that human beings can be hacked and controlled. Harari says:

Humans are now hackable animals. You know the whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit, and they have free will. So, whatever I choose whether in the election, or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will. That’s over – free will.

An increasing number of people around the world now recognize the so-called pandemic associated with the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus known simply as COVID-19, as a huge success in terms of forcing heretofore unknown monitoring, surveillance, and curtailments of individual liberties and freedoms globally. This admission is now out in the open among those responsible for creating the mass hysteria that became a tsunami of acquiescence to the unscientific and unprovable dangers the technocrats insured us all were lurking in the shadows. Dr. Harari admitted as much. Speaking within the context of the COVID-19 hysteria (my word not his), Harari noted:

And maybe most importantly, all this was the moment when surveillance started going under the skin. Because really, we haven’t seen anything yet. The ability to hack humans to understand deeply what’s happening within you and what makes you go. And for that, the most important data is not what you read and who you meet and what you buy. It’s what’s happening inside your body.

The non-stop daily broadcasting of the alleged COVID-19 death toll, the lies and propaganda of overflowing hospitals and overwhelmed healthcare staffs proved to be orchestrated fabrications designed with one purpose in mind – to allow those with an agenda to create the biggest experiment upon humans ever devised, with government approval, media backing, and with the formidable aid of Big Pharma, the witches brew of pharmacology and greed.

Dr. David Martin has been an outspoken critic of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the entire COVID-19 narrative. He defines the transhumanist drive to recreate man in the image of man thusly:

Transhumanism is a means by which we exterminate homo sapiens as a species, and go into a post-human experience of reality, where the only thing relevant is the computational synthetic process of a selected set of inputs controlled by a cloud computer.

Dr. Robert Malone, credited with the discovery of the mRNA technology, agrees that the transhumanism efforts go far beyond any kind of humanitarian goal.

There’s a joint report in Germany from the government of the United Kingdom about transhumanism. That’s not hidden and transhumanism is not a conspiracy. And they talk about the RNA vaccines as an entry point to kind of opening that space, ethically and otherwise. So, that’s part of the transhumanism agenda.

What space was it that Dr. Malone was referring to? It is the space of the human body, the human mind, the human soul. It is the complete overthrow of God’s purposeful design and creation of humanity.

What kind of evil is this that so animates the minds and motivates the leaders of the World Economic Forum, government leaders around the world, and their lackeys in the media, education institutions, and even the entertainment industry, that they advocate for the overthrow of the human race? What kind of hidden evil has deceived even Christians to support and create transhumanist organizations?

What kind of evil is this? It is the kind of evil that can speak the truth of their agenda and people remain blind and deaf to its message. Journalist Lance Johnson authored an article recently that brings to light the real agenda and goal of the transhumanists associated with the World Economic Forum and the other supporting organizations I have mentioned. Here is what Johnson wrote.

One of the brains behind The World Economic Forum (WEF), is self-proclaimed prophet, Yuval Noah Harari. He believes in the Great Reset, in transhumanism, in culling the population, and using a global government to control humanity at the bio-metric level. He is praised by Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, and Klaus Schwab, just to name a few.

Harari talks about “useless human beings” who do not have meaning or purpose. He said the greatest fake news is the Bible. He said Christianity is wrong, that humans are here on Earth for “nothing.” “Jesus Christ is fake news,” be balked. He believes there is “no great cosmic plan” that humans have a role to play in. Instead, he views humans as “useless eaters” who can be hacked and manipulated using digital surveillance under their skin.

He also believes in culling the population. “What do we need so many humans for?” he is quoted as saying while promoting his latest book.

In a recent interview, Harari said the world is entering a new industrial revolution, but the products will not be physical goods. Harari said science, technology, and industry’s greatest challenge of the 21st century will be “to try to gain control of the world inside us, to learn how to engineer and produce bodies and brains and minds.” He says these are likely to be the “main products” of the 21st century economy.

He said, “Once you know how to produce bodies and brains and minds so cheap labor in Africa and South Asia, it simply counts for nothing.”

“The biggest question…in economics and politics of the coming decades, will be what to do with all these useless people,” he said with a straight face. He said technology will ensure that everyone is fed, so “food is not the problem.”

“The problem is more boredom, and what to do with them, and how will they find some sense of meaning in life, when they are basically meaningless, worthless.” He prescribed drugs and computer games as solutions to entertain “useless” people’s brains.

He said a global government will collect and use data on every person to learn how to engineer bodies, brains, and minds. He says data and biometrics will be used to hack human beings and re-engineer the future of human life itself. He said “intelligent design” never existed and any notion of a Creator God will be driven out of society, as humans become hackable, programmable. Harari even claims that the laws of natural selection and organic biochemistry will be eliminated and replaced by a trans-humanist future, where humans become hackable animals, manipulated, and controlled.

“We have the technology to hack humans on a massive scale,” he said. He added crises should be exploited to implement more surveillance throughout society so “elites” can monitor, collect data, and engineer the future trajectory of human life. Much of this surveillance will “come under the skin” as biometric data become a pathway to manipulate human populations. Harari said we already have the ability to go under the skin and collect biometric data, allowing “elites” the power to re-engineer life itself. “We are upgrading humans into gods,” he said.

He said in an emergency, people trust the “scientists.” He used the example of priests and ministers shutting down their churches worldwide in 2020 to prove that God is dead. Going forward, people will put their faith in the scientific elite and global government, he balked. “Even the religious leaders trust the scientists,” he said.

The transhumanist view is nothing more than dressed up scientific naturalism. For those of you who understand the belief system that supports scientific naturalism, this makes perfect sense. There is no Creator and there is no need for such an antiquated idea. Since there is no Creator, the idea of a Savior is also unnecessary.

What follows from those two beliefs? What follows is that no Creator and no Savior means it is up to us to save ourselves. We can only save ourselves if we all come together in peace and devote our resources to figuring out solutions to our most pressing problems. This philosophy is variously described under the monikers of scientism – a religion based on a philosophy that only science presents truth, and secular humanism, which posits that humanity is capable of morality, self-fulfillment, and self-actualization without belief in a Creator God. Today, we find the cult of religious transhumanism dominating scientism and secular humanism.

This new religious cult has risen rapidly. They are forcing their vision of a utopia upon the entire earth. Their agenda is talked about everywhere that leaders of the most powerful nations meet. For example, at a recent G20 meeting of world leaders in Bali, Indonesia, the most pressing issues discussed were climate change, pollution, energy, poverty, famine, and war. Those are important issues to be sure, but it must be pointed out that the leaders gathered for the latest G20 meeting know very well that climate change is not manmade; pollution is man-made, and yet we witness the chemical geo-engineering of our atmosphere daily; energy should never be a concern as we have the technology to supply all the energy the earth needs very economically; and, the most powerful nations of the earth can, but refuse, to provide nations we define as third-world, with the ability to grow their own food and thus provide for their people the basic human need to eat. In a nutshell, the global leadership which meets at these types of summits are the ones creating these problems so that they can offer their solutions to continually enslave us all. Did you see the one declaration that received the most press coverage from the G20 summit? The issue that the world’s leaders all declared must take place was a global vaccine passport. The fake Covid narrative has given way to a much larger plan of enslavement hidden behind another “peace and safety” mantra.

Then we have the acceleration of AI. Artificial Intelligence and transhumanism are perfect matches in the minds of most globalists. Their plan is to integrate the human mind, body, and soul into a new super-hybrid. Humanity 2.0 is the goal. Can you see that all of this taken together is a religion?

This kind of slavish devotion is a prime characteristic of a cult. The nature of this particular cult I’m describing is that it is devoted to technology and technocracy, the elevation of science and so-called scientific experts. Technocrats such as Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Marc Andreessen, and many others form a type of high priesthood. If you’ve ever wondered how the one-world religious system will arise in the last days before Christ’s return, I suggest to you that we are witnessing its rise right now.

Dr. Owen Stachan, Professor of Christian Theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary, in his book, Reenchanting Humanity: A Theology of Mankind offers readers a reorientation of their thinking in this complex and sometimes confusing space. He writes that:

A proper theology of technology neither unreservedly cheers nor unequivocally denounces it…both by explicit teaching and by inference, the Bible urges caution in this realm. More than this, our Christocentric Scripture punctures the fundamental delusion of many modern technologists. We cannot live forever outside of God. Though the New Testament does not offer extensive step-by-step directions on how to handle emerging innovations, we cannot miss that it pops the balloon of any messianic expectation outside of the person of Jesus Christ. For the believer, it is not simply that Jesus is the exclusive way to God…it is that every other messiah fails and fails utterly. The ultimate response to any technocratic claim to authority is the lordly kingship of the Son of God…The Christian…cannot fail to exercise shrewd watchfulness when it comes to (technology).[6]

When I first became aware of transhumanism, I remember remarking that this is an attempt to escape the judgment of God. After nearly twenty years, I still believe that to be true. Reading through all the literature of the transhumanists and now those developing Artificial Intelligence as the greatest aid to human health and well-being, leaves me with the same impression. People are trying to throw off what they perceive to be the shackles of God and thereby escape what they believe to be a great day of reckoning.

In his 2017 bestselling book, Homo Deus, Harari said:

When biotechnology, nanotechnology and the other fruits of science ripen, Homo sapiens will attain divine powers and come full circle back to the biblical Tree of Knowledge…Scientists will upgrade us into gods.”[7]

In an excerpt of Chapter 7 of his book Dark Aeon, Joe Allen states that:

This human “upgrade” is exactly what Elon Musk proposes. “If we have digital superintelligence that’s just much smarter than any human, at a species level, how do we mitigate that risk?” Musk asked at his 2022 Neuralink Show-and-Tell. “And then even in a benign scenario, where the AI is very benevolent, then how do we even go along for the ride?” The solution he suggests is to create a “whole brain interface,” a “generalized input/output device” that “literally could interface with every aspect of your brain.”[8]

Harari, Musk, and others mentioned in this talk, see death as something they will overcome through technology and artificial intelligence. Those captivated by what they believe to be a limitless future through Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence miss the larger inescapable truth – death is not a physiological problem alleviated by proper information provided by a new operating system, or augmentation of the human body by machines. Death is a theological problem caused by sin. Whereas Transhumanists and Artificial Intelligence are lifted up as a means of escape, Christians point instead to our own coming resurrection. The problem of death has already been answered in Jesus Christ.

The late philosopher Walker Percy rightly observed the following:

(We) live in a deranged age — more deranged than usual, because despite great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing.[9]

This predicament is a self-inflicted wound that will be fatal for those who reject Jesus Christ. When the knowledge of or belief in a transcendent Creator dies, so too does the hope of a redemption by the only One who is capable of redeeming us.

When hope in a transcendent God dies so to does any thought of mercy, compassion, and agape love. Absent those traits that a transcendent God gives, the fate of mankind is nothing but dystopian and forlorn.

My prayer is that Christians will meet the technology of our day with wisdom, critiquing and evaluating all aspects of it. Some will be beneficial, other aspects will not. We must know the difference.

Dr. Mike Spaulding

[1] Joe Allen, American Spectator Magazine, “Techno-Religion Will Snare the Unbeliever,” February 17, 2025. Accessed February 25, 2025.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Marc Andreessen, “The Techno-Optimist Manifesto,” October 16, 2023. Accessed February 25, 2025.

[4] Ibid., Accessed February 25, 2025.  de novo means anew, afresh, or from the beginning. Andreessen is saying that technology must be employed to create new and fresh ideas.

[5] See Accessed February 25, 2025.

[6] Owen Strachan, Reenchanting Humanity: A Theology of Mankind, (Ross-Shire, UK: Christian Focus Publications, 2019), pp. 267-269.

[7] Cited in Singularity Weekly email. An excerpt of Chapter 7 of Dark Aeon by Joe Allen.

[8] Ibid.

[9] From the Techno-Optimist Manifesto.

Image by 1tamara2 from Pixabay

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