
Mike - Profile Pic

Mike was ordained to the ministry in 1998.  He is the pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lima and hosts the Soaring Eagle Radio show, an interview, news, and commentary show available by subscription through iTunes or Speaker or by going directly to the Soaring Eagle Radio website – www.soaringeagleradio.com.

The Transforming Word is Pastor Mike’s Bible-teaching ministry. The program is heard on radio stations in Ohio, Iowa, Nebraska, and New Jersey and is available as a podcast through iTunes, Stitcher, Spreaker, or by listening on www.thetransformingword.com.

Mike holds an undergraduate degree in Organizational Management from Bluffton University, a graduate degree in Theological Studies from Logos University, and a Ph.D. in Apologetics from Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary.  He is the author of: 

Psalms 121-150 Commentary

Ezekiel Commentary

Daniel Commentary

Gospel of Matthew Commentary Vol. 1, 1-9

Gospel of Matthew Commentary Vol. 2, 10-18

Gospel of Mark Commentary

1 Corinthians Commentary

James Commentary

Revelation Commentary

Day By Day in the Father’s Embrace: A 366 Day Devotional

Traveling the Road Together: Remembering God’s Promises in Difficult Times

#MTPGA (Make the Pulpit Great Again): 12 Things Christians Can Do Right Now

Random Thoughts From a Disciple of Jesus Christ: Commentary on America’s “Hot Button” Issues

Who Are You To Judge: What Does the Bible Really Say About Judging?

Upside Down in America: What Went Wrong and How Do We Make It Right Again

The Unraveling of America: Spiritual Warfare and Faith in the 21st Century

He is a contributing author to:

Social Injustice

The Evangelical Dictionary of World Religions

Daily Devotions with Calvary Chapel Pastors

Church and State: How the Left Used the Church to Destroy America

Mike has been married to his lovely wife Kathy for over 41 years. They have four daughters, seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.

You may support The Transforming Word Ministry by sending your gifts to:

Dr. Mike Spaulding
PO Box 3007
Lima, OH 45807

Our preferred online payment processor is Swipe Simple, a Christian owned company  https://swipesimple.com/links/lnk_e7df48b4

You may support this ministry through PayPal support@drmikespaulding.com

Email him – drmichaelspaulding@gmail.com 

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Good morning,
    In an attempt to reach more of this generation with the right message of the gospel I made a rap album. At the end I give a shout out to Mike Spaulding, Calvary Chapel, SkyWatchTV . My goal is to get your names in the ears of more of the younger generations . All of the conferences I have seen are full of white hair. But we need to reach the youth with what you are preaching. When the younger generations drive all social change. (Farooq :Truth Is track 13)
    Thanks for your letting God use you.

  2. I don’t know that I’ll be back, but I just listened to a replay of your message for the Defender Conference. I see it as part of “knowledge will increase” prophecy. I have a very small platform as a Sunday school teacher Central Baptist Church in Crossville, TN, but I will be using some of your message in my lesson series theme, Wake The Bride. Wanted to encourage you and your calling. I pray every day, Be faithful today . . . and Be ready.
    God bless,
    Mark Stamper (one of the least of these)

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