The Truth Concerning the Birth of Jesus: What the Manger Scene Tells Us – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Here we are again, another Christmas Sunday. The celebration of the birth of our Savior is a few days away. As I have done for the last couple of years, I’m breaking from our current Lord’s Day study, in our case this year, the book of Acts. I’m taking this Lord’s Day to teach about our Christmas celebration. Those who have been with us here at Calvary for a while may recall that two years ago, I titled the Christmas Sunday teaching, Debunking the Debunkers. Then last year I titled the Christmas Sunday teaching, Merry Non-Pagan Christmas.

The reason I have done this for the last couple of years is because the noise around Christmas gets louder all the time. I’m speaking of all the people who take to social media to remind the rest of us that Christmas is pagan. These people tell us that it originated with Roman Catholicism or Constantine, or the Druids, or some other pagan demonic source. Critics tell us that the day is really about the festival of the “Birth of the Unconquered Sun” or, Sol Invictus.[1]

Is any of this true? It is absolutely not true yet so many who profess Jesus Christ seem to take great pains to criticize and denigrate other Christians who celebrate the day set aside to commemorate the incarnation of the savior of the world.

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Hatred of Israel and the Jewish People Exposes Sharp Disagreement Among Churches – Dr. Mike Spaulding

A further heresy clouds premillennial interpretations of Scripture – their exultation of racism into a divine principle. Every attempt to bring the Jew back into prophecy as a Jew is to give race and works (for racial descent is a human work) a priority over grace and Christ’s work and is nothing more or less than paganism…There can be no compromise with this vicious heresy.[1]

In the last few days, I have had a discussion with other believers on a social media platform. That discussion has focused on the status of Israel both current and future. Specifically, the discussion centered on the differences between a Dispensational view of Israel and a Covenant Theology Postmillennial view of Israel.[2] One simple post that I made ignited a storm of counter-post responses. My post simply said, “Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel are not spiritually realized in the church. Two separate entities.” I expected “push-back” from some people due to their different views. Still, I did not expect to be called a blasphemer, false teacher, and enemy of Christ by others, who acted as if I had somehow denied Jesus by making a distinction between the church and Israel. What exactly has happened within the body of Christ that we have arrived at a place where calling other believers blasphemers is acceptable, especially over things that there is wide disagreement about?

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Debunking the Debunkers – Christmas IS NOT Pagan – Dr. Mike Spaulding

I was scrolling through my Instagram feed a few days ago and found a post about Christmas. Specifically, it was a post about a recent survey of American views concerning Christmas. The most recent survey results said that 57% of respondents affirmed that America needs more of Jesus in Christmas and less commercialism.

I, of course, agree with that wholeheartedly. That same survey said that as recently as 2019, among those surveyed, 63% of respondents said we need more of Jesus in Christmas and less commercialism. That shows a 6% drop in 3 years. What is going on here?

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The SPOTT Report Episode 7 – Finding a Remnant Ecclesia Part 4

Hi friends! Thank you for joining Kathy and me for this episode of The SPOTT Report. Today we continue to discuss the urgency of finding a true body of believers in Yeshua. There are many attractive options but are they true ecclesias? Kathy and I discuss several issues the ecclesia must stand for and against. We take off the “gloves” for this conversation.

Is there a subject you want us to discuss? Email us with that subject – and we’ll consider it for a future show.

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A Word For You Today from 1 Peter 3:15

but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;

1 Peter 3:15


The number of Christians who know virtually nothing about apologetics still amazes me. When discussing this topic even with pastors I often receive a blank stare that suggests they’ve never considered apologetics to be of much importance. Clearly, this needs to change. Here are four reasons why.

Reason #1 – Skepticism is at an all-time high and that breeds confusion.

In fact you could say that there is also an inverse relationship between confusion and skepticism. Skepticism in the culture breeds confusion in the church but it is also true that skepticism about the adequacy of the Christian faith within the church breeds confusion in the culture. If Christians won’t affirm what it is they believe why should the culture listen to anything they say?

The American religious landscape is in a state of flux. I’ve written about this elsewhere previously. New category entrants include the “nones” and the “dones.” The nones claim no religious affiliation and the dones have abandoned religious affiliation. The dones will most assuredly transition into the nones if they are not reached with reasons to believe the Gospel. The church is ill-equipped to do this when their foundation is skepticism and confusion.

Reason #2 – Young people are leaving the church for several reasons.

Some fall prey to the predators on our college campuses masquerading as professors and teachers. Don’t be deceived friends. There are myriad stories of college professors who are forthright in their intentions to destroy the Christian faith of their freshman students so that they can be free of the intellectual shackles of Christianity.  Parents, do you really intend to turn your children over to the wolves without a fight?

Reason #3 – Apologetics strengthens the faith of believers.

Let’s be perfectly clear about something friends. It is a known fact among Christians that a vast majority is downright fearful of friends, co-workers, even family members challenging them on why they believe what they believe. Most Christians are not prepared to give a simple answer to a simple question. Being unprepared breeds fear and fear causes believers to shy away from situations that will require them to defend their faith. Understanding that there is a vast depository of historical data that forms the basis for reasonable answers to every objection raised up against the Christian faith strengthens the faith of believers.

Reason #4 – Apologetics is integral to evangelism.

I was speaking with Lenny Esposito, President of Come Reason Ministries recently and we discussed this often overlooked truth.  Apologetics is not incidental to evangelism; it forms the very heart of evangelism. Although the idea of apologetics being a necessary part of one’s faith is met with surprise today, this was not the case in the early church. Giants of the faith such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus of Lyons, and Tertullian wrote extensively about cultural issues of their day and provided robust and intelligent responses that pointed people to Jesus Christ.

CS Lewis once remarked, “One must keep on pointing out that Christianity is a statement which, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important.”

Friends I encourage you today to take up the responsibility for your discipleship and study to show yourself ready to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. When you do you will experience a transformation in your faith.