SER 15 – Dr. Mike Heiser – The Divine Council

Mike Heiser

Psalm 82:1 in the NASB says, “God takes His stand in His own congregation; He judges in the midst of the rulers.” Note that “rulers” used here in the NASB is better translated “gods” or elohim.

This same passage in the ESV says, “God has taken His place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment.” This is a better translation from the original Hebrew.

The Old Testament gives a clear picture of Yahweh utilizing a divine council of elohim to administer the affairs of the cosmos. Indeed the Israelites believed in a multitude of elohim but only assigned certain characteristics to one elohim, the divine name Hashem. Is this news to you?

Episode 15 is my interview with Dr. Mike Heiser on Soaring Eagle Radio. Listen here.

Dr. Mike Heiser is the Scholar-in-Residence at Logos Bible Software. He holds a Ph.D. in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin and graduate degrees from the University of Wisconsin in Hebrew and Semitic Studies and the University of Pennsylvania in Ancient History with a focus on Egypt and Syria-Palestine.

His websites for more information are:

Main site with a wealth of Bible studies and resources –

His books The Facade and The Unseen Realm –

Divine Council information –

This episode and every episode can be discussed on the SER website –

SER 12 – Mark Goodwin – How Prepared Are You?

Mark Goodwin

Episode 12 of my radio /podcast show has been released. I interview author and prepper extraordinaire Mark Goodwin. Enjoy!

Listen here.

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing 53 – A Pastoral View of the Need to Teaching End-Time Prophecy

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

In this episode, Dr. Mike Lake interviews me. In this heart-felt discussion, Mike and I examine the need for local congregations to address end-time prophecy, how to approach the subject and maintain balance, and encourage pastors to become true theologians for the sake of the flock. This episode is a timely word for both pastors and congregates.

Listen here.

Spiritual Shemitah Readiness – The Role of the Church in Prepping – Pt 1 – Dr Mike Spaulding


Author Mark Goodwin (Days of Noah, Books One and Two; The Economic Collapse Chronicles) and I talk about the upcoming financial reset most economists are talking about on his podcast show Prepper Recon.  What should Christians be doing to prepare for a potential change in the economy. Being forwarned is being prepared. Enjoy!

Listen here.

Four Reasons Every Believer Should Study Apologetics


The number of Christians who know virtually nothing about apologetics still amazes me. When discussing this topic even with pastors I often receive a blank stare that suggests they’ve never considered apologetics to be of much importance. Clearly this needs to change. Here are four reasons why.

Reason #1 – Skepticism is at an all-time high and that breeds confusion. In fact you could say that there is also an inverse relationship between confusion and skepticism. Skepticism in the culture breeds confusion in the church but it is also true that skepticism about the adequacy of the Christian faith within the church breeds confusion in the culture. If Christians won’t affirm what it is they believe why should the culture listen to anything they say.

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