SER 12 – Mark Goodwin – How Prepared Are You?

Mark Goodwin

Episode 12 of my radio /podcast show has been released. I interview author and prepper extraordinaire Mark Goodwin. Enjoy!

Listen here.

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing 53 – A Pastoral View of the Need to Teaching End-Time Prophecy

Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

In this episode, Dr. Mike Lake interviews me. In this heart-felt discussion, Mike and I examine the need for local congregations to address end-time prophecy, how to approach the subject and maintain balance, and encourage pastors to become true theologians for the sake of the flock. This episode is a timely word for both pastors and congregates.

Listen here.

Spiritual Shemitah Readiness – The Role of the Church in Prepping – Pt 2 – Dr Mike Spaulding


PART 2 – Author Mark Goodwin (Days of Noah, Books One and Two; The Economic Collapse Chronicles) and I talk about the upcoming financial reset most economists are talking about on his podcast show Prepper Recon. What should Christians be doing to prepare for a potential change in the economy. Being forwarned is being prepared. Enjoy!

Listen here.

The Spirit of Antichrist in American Government, Politics, and Business


Recent events in American government, politics, and business leave people of faith and strong religious convictions in a difficult position. Our government is clearly manifesting the spirit of antichrist. Let me explain.

The Israelites of the OT were reminded to love God alone through their repeated proclamation of the Shema. For those unfamiliar with this word, the Shema was the declaration of all Israelites contained in Deuteronomy 6:4-8 which says:

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

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Soaring Eagle Radio Episode 7 – J.Warner Wallace – The Evidence For Jesus Christ is Beyond Reasonable Doubt


Hasn’t science already proven that the idea of a creator God is wishful thinking? After over 2,000 years what evidence can possibly be marshaled to make the case that the gospel writer’s accounts are trustworthy? Doesn’t atheism provide the best explanation for what we understand about life today?

For the first 35 years of his life Jim Wallace was a devout atheist. He found the claims of Jesus Christ and those of the gospel writers to be somewhat spurious. How could something that happened 2,000 years ago have any verifiable proof? Christianity in Jim’s mind was very much like his cold cases, puzzling and mostly dead ends.

But then one day Jim’s perspective was challenged and he began to consider the claims of Jesus Christ and the gospel writers in a different light.

In this episode of SER Jim Wallace discusses his faith journey, his realization that the evidence for the claims of Jesus Christ contained in the gospels is well beyond a reasonable doubt, and his new book, “God’s Crime Scene.”

Listen to this episode by clicking here.