Pastor You Must Be A Theologian – Part 2

Scripture and compass

In part one of this five-part series I discussed the rise of the nones and the dones.  A large percentage of the former group has no experience with the organized church. This is in sharp contrast with the latter group who has years of experience with the organized church but have chosen for various reasons to no longer be a part of it.

A major factor that keeps both the nones and dones disinterested in the church is the inability or outright refusal of God’s shepherds to preach the Word of God without compromise.  Unfortunately this is nothing new and certainly is not unexpected from a biblical perspective.

What Does The Bible Say?

God states plainly through the prophet Amos for example that “days are coming . . . when I will send a famine on the land, not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but rather for hearing the words of the LORD” (Amos 8:11).

Through the prophet Jeremiah God identified why this latter-day famine would be so widespread: “Many shepherds have ruined My vineyard, They have trampled down My field; They have made My pleasant field A desolate wilderness” (Jeremiah 12:10).

“Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of My pasture! Declares the Lord.” Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel concerning the shepherds who are tending My people: “You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not attended to them; behold, I am about to attend to you for the evil of your deeds,” declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 23:1-2).

“My people have become lost sheep; Their shepherds have led them astray. They have made them turn aside on the mountains; They have gone along from mountain to hill And have forgotten their resting place” (Jeremiah 50:6).

Through the prophet Ezekiel God spoke these words: “As I live,” declares the Lord God, “surely because My flock has become a prey, My flock has even become food for all the beasts of the field for lack of a shepherd, and My shepherds did not search for My flock, but rather the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My flock;” (Ezekiel 34:8).

And then this: ‘Thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand My sheep from them and make them cease from feeding sheep. So the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore, but I will deliver My flock from their mouth, so that they will not be food for them”’” (Ezekiel 34:10)

What Is The Problem Today?

I am willing to admit that some shepherds today simply do not know how to preach and teach the Bible.  Fifty plus years of inadequate and intentionally misguided seminary training has yielded a generation of shepherds ill-prepared to be the leaders of God’s people that they must be for the times we live in.

However, there are a growing number of shepherds who simply choose not to teach God’s Word.  They have chosen to be CEO’s instead of foot washers, Public Relations managers instead of holy writ counselors, managers of staffs instead of friends to people in their fellowships.

To these God spoke as well: “Thus says the Lord, “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, Where the good way is, and walk in it; And you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it’ And I set watchmen over you, saying, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But they said, ‘We will not listen’ (Jeremiah 6:16-17).

Time To Refocus

What all of these passages and many more speak of friends, is the absolute necessity of God’s shepherds knowing God’s Word, being able to counsel using God’s Word, and basing church life and practice on God’s Word.

God has always set a clear path for His shepherds to lead His people upon.  Today, many shepherds have chosen a path that appeals more to the flesh than to the spirit. When God’s people are fed God’s Word they will flourish.  Perhaps the issue for modern-day shepherds is a lack of faith and trust in the power of God’s Word.

Friends, don’t mistake goat food for sheep food.  Large crowds and large church campuses do not identify healthy ministries.  Faithfulness to God and His revealed Word are the marks of a faithful shepherd and church.  It is true today more than ever, as the shepherd goes, so goes the sheep.

Stay tuned for part three of this five-part series on “Pastor You Must Be A Theologian.”

Matthew 3:1-12


If we were to go into downtown Lima and conduct one of our now famous hypothetical “man-on-the-street interviews,” asking the question, “What makes a person great?”  What do you suppose would be the most common responses?

What makes a person great in the world’s eyes is the question.  I think we would hear something along the lines of these responses:

Having famous parents or being born into a famous family (Kennedy, Rockefeller, Forbes, etc).

Having wealth – Gates, Warren Buffett, Sam Walton’s heirs, Oprah

Academic degrees, Nobel Peace Prizes

Your profession – politician, doctor, lawyer

Outstanding athletic ability

Artistic ability – music, art, poetry

I think it is obvious that the world does judge greatness for the most part by these types of standards.

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Mike’s Mix For January 23, 2015

mikes mix banner 3
Here are some of the many sites I visited this week and the articles I read.  What have you been reading lately?  Share that in the “Leave a Comment” section above.

Dan Doriani serves Covenant Seminary as Professor of Theology. He writes “How Preachers Read the Bible For Themselves” posted on The Gospel Coalition.

Mike Leake posts something similar to my “Mike’s Mix” on his blog Borrowed Light entitled Today in Blogworld.

Facts & Trends addresses some strategies to minister to college age adults in “8 Ways to Keep College Students in Your Church.”

Chad Hall posts “4 Kinds of Fake Faith” on the Transformed blog. A good reminder to evaluate ourselves constantly in light of the Scriptures.

I recently completed a five-part series about the necessity of men praying for their wives as a part of my Transforming Moments spots for radio, so this article by Logan Merrick caught my eye – “Men Do We Really Love Our Wives?”

Enjoy your weekend friends!

“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 NASB

*As always, references in my blog do not constitute full and unqualified endorsement of everything you might find on another blog site. Be Bereans folks. Acts 17:11


The Gospel of Matthew – Chapters 1-2


In a couple of weeks I will be begin teaching through the Gospel of Matthew for the third time.  In light of that I will be posting some of my old sermon notes from previous trips through this wonderful book.  Feel free to share, use, and comment below. God bless you my friends.

Matthew 1-2

Any Sherlock Holmes movie fans out there this morning? Remember the “Hounds of the Baskerville? In that movie Sherlock Holmes and his faithful sidekick Dr. Watson went on a camping trip.

After a very good evening meal cooked and ate around an open fire the 2 went to sleep in their tent. Some hours later, Sherlock nudged Watson and said “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”

Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.”

So Sherlock asked, “What does that tell you?”

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A Prayer for Those Battling Sin

John Owen Puritan theologian John Owen wrote the classic work The Mortification of Sin in 1656 to analyze and apply what Paul meant in Romans 8:13 when he said, “For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you “put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”

Owen has much to share about the important topic of killing our sin including what we need to believe about our common struggle, what mortifying sin is and isn’t, and practical principles for putting your sin to death. Below is a prayer based on the book that should help us mortify our sin and live in joyful obedience to Christ:

Most Gracious Heavenly Father,

I come to you a needy and contrite sinner,
with no power on my own to put to death the deeds of the body.

Daily come to my aid making it my business
to mortify the indwelling power of sin in my life.

May I never attempt to mortify in my own strength,
forgetting that without Your Spirit my efforts will be in vain.

Lord, through Your Spirit help me put to death
the subtle and crafty strength of the enemy.

As I wake each day, give me strength to remember my task of killing sin,
and remember that sin will kill me if I do not kill it.

Keep me from ever letting up in my battle with sin,
knowing constantly that sin will take advantage.

Help my heart abound in grace that flows from your Spirit,
and destroy in my heart the consuming lust for sin.

Give me a life characterized by the mortification of sin,
and give me life, vigor and comfort
for my life and for that battle.

Lord, each day remind me to strive after total obedience,
and so weaken the power of sin upon my life.

Aid me to know the methods and occasions for sin’s success,
and to fight and contend constantly for holiness.

May I constantly be aware of the guilt, danger, and evil of sin,
knowing that without you, I fall into a seared conscience,
hardness of heart, and deception of my soul.

Lord grant that your holy law is always upon my mind,
so that it may guide me and cause me to fear you.

By the graces of Your Spirit,
implant humility to weaken pride,
purity of mind to cleanse uncleanness,
heavenly-mindedness to counter a love for this world.

May Your Spirit,
cause my heart to abound in grace and the fruits that are contrary to the flesh,
consume and expose the root of my sin,
bring the cross of Christ into my heart through faith.

For it is only by gazing at the grace displayed on the cross of Christ
that I will be able experience its sin killing power.

I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ that is above every name,

Author: Kevin Halloran. You can follow Kevin on Twitter @KP_Halloran or on his blog Kevin Halloran – Books, Christ, Culture

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