Prophecies and Headlines Hint of Coming Israeli-Syrian Conflict? – Bill Salus

As the Syrian civil war winds down and President Bashar Al-Assad remains in power, what’s next for Syria? Is it payback time against Israel for conducting repeated air strikes over the past few years on Syrian soil?

Now possessing powerful alliances with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, Syria is fighting back against Israel’s aggression. On February 10, 2018, an Israeli F-16 was shot down by the Syrian Air Defense Force after conducting an air raid on Iranian-backed positions inside Syria. Does this set the stage for the fulfillment of the Isaiah and Jeremiah prophecies concerning the doom of Damascus?


“Israel Strikes Iran in Syria and Loses a Jet”

                          The New York Times 2/10/18


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Israel Wayne at Calvary Chapel of Lima – Saturday, December 9th

Israel Wayne will be joining us Saturday, December 9th from 1 to 5pm. Sessions include:

  1. Why a Christian worldview is important
  2. What the Bible says about Christians educating their children
  3. Revival in the home
  4. Creation science apologetics

This is a free conference. Email Pastor Mike – for more information.


Calvary Chapel of Lima

682 W. Grand Avenue

Lima, OH 45801

The Wisdom Of Adversity – Steven Menking

There can be little doubt that as a society we are experiencing both a profound lack of wisdom and a powerful level of adversity. In a time of trial, the robust and antifragile person must be able to recognize the signals that adversity provides. There is great meaning in being able to develop wisdom through adversity. How can we accomplish this feat while avoiding the undeniably potent capability of adversity to destroy wisdom? What do our worldviews suggest about how we should approach this challenging hour?


Matthew 7:1-6 – Why the Confusion About Judging?


The following story appeared in a recent edition of Leadership Journal.

“A traveler, between flights at an airport, went to a lounge and bought a small package of cookies and a newspaper.  The woman found an empty seat in the gate area and sat down next to a man reading a magazine.  After a couple of minutes she became aware of a rustling noise.  From behind her paper she peeked to see the man sitting next to her helping himself to her cookies.  After the initial shock she decided not to make a scene so she reached over and took a cookie for herself.

A minute or two passed and then came more rustling.  The woman peeked from behind her paper and sure enough, the man was helping himself to another cookie.  Again the woman decided not to make a scene and instead reached over and took two cookies for herself.  This same process occurred several more times until there was one cookie left.  The man broke the cookie in two pieces, ate half, and slid half over to the woman, got up and left.

The woman couldn’t believe the audacity of the man and was still fuming over the whole affair when she boarded her flight.  After takeoff the woman needed something in her purse and when she opened it up the first thing she saw was her package of unopened cookies.”

Our assumptions can be misleading more often than we want to admit!

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Mastering Flexibility And Adaptation – The Amateur Society with Steven Menking

Following up on last week’s discussion of change and growth, we now turn to the related concepts of flexibility and adaptation. Change and growth are certainly necessary ideas for us to grapple with, but in order to understand this dynamic we must also understand our threshold for change. From a worldview perspective, flexibility and adaptation match this concept nicely.

What do flexibility and adaptation mean in this context? Where are the lines for ‘not flexible enough’ and ‘too flexible’ in the process of change? How are those lines determined? What do differing worldviews have to say about this concept? Why should we care?
