Progressive Marxism, Tammany Hall, Saul Alinsky, and DEI – The Creation of True Systemic Racism

American government, which is to say, American politics has become a convoluted mess of near opaqueness. This condition has been intentionally constructed to distract and disorient the casual observer. The more serious individual given to a thirst for truth will find the veneer frustrating but the treasure of seeing clearly achieved through perseverance, well worth the effort.

To unravel the quagmire that has become American politics, one must refresh their understanding of history. Philosopher George Santayana once wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” For our concern in this article, a more apt quote from Santayana might well be, “A country without a memory is a country of madmen.” Indeed, America has become a country of madmen and women. Irrational and illogical beliefs rule the day and are foisted upon sane people through the threat of lawfare – refuse to use the pronoun of choice for any number of delusional people and you could find yourself unemployed. Or refer to someone as a she when they claim to be non-binary; or refuse to accept that gender is a social construct. Or reject the idiocy that men can have babies. The question on millions of American’s lips is this: “How did we ever get to this place where good is evil and evil is good? How has darkness been substituted for light and light for darkness; bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter?” (Isaiah 5:20)

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Diary of a Devil Hunter – Dr. Greg Reid Joins Pastor Mike

Dr. Greg Reid joins me to discuss his book Diary of a Devil Hunter. This amazing book is an autobiography that reads like an investigative documentary on the subject of child trafficking and occultism. It serves as a call to Christians and churches to stand and fight for the most vulnerable among us.

Greg’s website is –


Revelation 17-18 Show Us The Near Future – Babylon Will Fall

I hear people say “The world is falling apart.” I take a different view. I believe things are falling into place. We are marching toward the culmination of Jesus’ destruction of wickedness and evil upon the earth. Revelation 18 offers details of the true nature of the end times civic and commercial Babylon, as well as the complete and total annihilation of it. This one world government is coming into sharp focus in our day and will for a short time have complete control over all aspects of life for those “who dwell on the earth.”[1]

It appears to me that the current race to implement the United Nations agendas across the earth, the rapid development of AI, transhumanist technology such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, and the virulent Anti-Israelism evidenced across the earth, is proof that we are on the cusp of a drastic change in how we live our lives day by day. At stake is our freedom and liberty as Americans, our rights of self-determination under a form of government where we are meant to have input, and the very ideals of Americanism. Add to this the creation and expansion of BRICS[2] and the push by the US Government working in conjunction with the Federal Reserve to implement a new government controlled crypto currency, and you have the makings of a totalitarian global regime.

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Cultural Marxism Is A Mind Virus – Dr. Mike Spaulding

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet – Act 1, Scene 5

I found an article recently while researching a book. It provided once again, evidence of the destructive power of propaganda. People today can be turned into mindless zombies with very little effort. Let me explain.

Dr. Samuel J. Abrams is a Professor of Politics and Social Science at Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, New York. He serves concurrently as a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute where he focuses on questions related to civic and political culture and American ideologies. Additionally, he is a faculty fellow with New York University’s Center for Advanced Social Science Research.[1] Dr. Abrams is a respected and well-qualified expert in his field of research and analysis. Expertise matters not to some. Ideology is everything. Even when that ideology is wrought with error, inconsistency, and anti-American curtailment of civil discourse.

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6 Signs We Have Arrived at a Repeat of the 1930s and 40s! – Olivier Melnick

The 1930s and 1940s are here, and we know what’s next! I have warned Christians that history will eventually repeat itself and here we are. The question is: “What side of history do we want to be on as it pertains to Israel and the Jews?” In fact, the more important question really is:”Do we want to be on God’s side or not?” I see six signs that we have reached that dangerous point of a repeat of the 1930s and 1940s.

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