What Is The Purpose Of Music In Christian Worship? Dr. Mike Spaulding


That is a loaded question for sure. Modern Christians have strong convictions when it comes to so-called worship music in the church. I say “so-called” because Christian worship has become almost exclusively thought of in terms of “worship” music. It is now believed that worship music is the vehicle for ushering worshippers into the presence of God.  This belief is a rather recent evolution in church thinking. Let me explain.

It is not uncommon today to hear those hired to lead congregations in corporate worship, say something along the lines of this – “Join us Sunday morning for an inspiring time of worship where you will enter into the presence of God.” Here is an actual flyer from a church that promised all who attend would encounter God. It said in part:

“Join us for dynamic teaching to set you on the right path, and inspiring worship where you can meet God and receive the energy and love you need to be a mover and shaker in today’s world. Alongside our teaching program are worship events which put you in touch with the power and love of God.”

This kind of superficial sales and marketing is unbiblical to the core. What kind of church leadership would make such an outlandish claim that everyone who attends will receive the energy and love they need to be successful in life, not to mention that their church staff has the ability to put people in touch with God’s power and love? This is nothing more than new age witchcraft.

The Bible states that there is one mediator between God and man, the Lord Jesus Christ. Only through Christ can we approach the Father. There is absolutely no biblical support for the belief that music in any way mediates direct encounters with God. That idea has been borrowed directly from pagan cults.

Friends, if you are in a church that gives much more time to the performance of music than to the teaching of the Bible, then you need to find another church. If the pulpit has disappeared but the stage lightening and special effects have increased then you are attending a show not a church service.

At issue here folks, is the fact that Christian worship as it is presented in far too many places today has become all about your experience. How did Christian music in our church services become about the experiences and feelings of those singing?  This is emotionally driven deception.

Our thoughts during the singing of songs must be directed to Christ and to God the Father and to all that has been done on our behalf. All glory and honor belong to God but when we chase the emotional experience and equate that with having experienced God we are grievously mistaken.

Remember friends that music in our church services is meant to honor and glorify God first and foremost. We must reject the modern idea that it is meant to provide an experience for us that we mistakenly equate to an encounter with God.

That is transforming truth.

You may contact Pastor Mike at pastormike@cclohio.org

The Dog Whistle Point, Faith, and ‘The Voyage of Life’ – Steven Menking


We’re living during a temporal juncture that has a certain ethereal quality to it. It’s almost like when you take a hearing test and the increasing pitch of the sound exceeds your hearing threshold and goes into dog whistle territory. You are simultaneously cognizant that a sound is still being generated and that it is no longer audible. You know that there is something to be heard, but you don’t hear it.

This summer has seen incredible, unbelievable, and shocking events from all quarters, yet it seems as if for all this stimulus there is little to no response. By now it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that our primary institutions of government, finance, and media here in the US are terminally corrupt at best and overtly criminal at worst. For all of the startling revelations it appears that the general populace is content to let events that even a decade ago would have generated national outcry simply roll off their shoulders.

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10 Things Your Children Need to Know for the 2016-2017 School Year

10 things ballon for Gregg article


This is a guest post written by Gregg Jackson. For more articles by Gregg visit his website here.

This list is not exhaustive and some are taken from my book “40 Things to Teach Your Children Before You Die: The Simple American Truths About Life, Family & Faith.” Print em out. Put em on your fridge and discuss them daily over breakfast with your kids and help inoculate them from the Leftist lies and propaganda so prevalent in much of our culture and society today.

  1. You’re not a “global citizen.”If you were born in the United States of America or are a legal U.S. citizen, you are a United States citizen not bound by any other Constitution than the United States Constitution.
  2. The climate is always “changing.”It’s called weather. The reason you don’t hear about “man made global warming” anymore is that it has been thoroughly de-bunked. The major reason the earth’s temperature heats/cools is due to solar activity. During periods of increased solar activity the earth warms and vice-versa. “Climate change” initiatives are really just efforts to institute higher taxes and regulations to control the people ultimately for the purpose of establishing a global New World Order.
  3. There are only 2 types of humans God created.Men and women. Your sex (or gender) is determined by your chromosomal makeup. Males have XY and females have XX. There is no such thing as a “transgendered” person. A man who puts on lipstick and a wig has become a “cross dresser” but is still a man. Women who act/dress like men are still women. Boys should always use the men’s room and girls should always use the girl’s room.
  4. Our nation was not founded by secularists. The original founders, the Pilgrims and Puritans, were God fearing people whose main desire was to live in a nation where they could freely worship Jesus Christ. While many of the Framers of the Constitution were not Christians, our nation was explicitly founded on Judeo-Christian values, beliefs and principles. To the extent America returns to those founding principles and beliefs will largely determine whether we can ever become “great again.”
  5. Truth is not relative.God has defined all truth and apart from His Transcendent Divinely Revealed Word, everyone does what is right in their own eyes. Humans become their own gods. Man centered (humanistic) societies that have rejected God’s Word have been the most murderous and barbaric nations in the history of the world (Nazi Germany, Communist China/Russia, etc…)
  6. “Social Justice” is another term for Socialism. And Socialism is always wrong because it is based on the belief that it is ok to covet, steal, and re-distribute other people’s “stuff” for the general benefit of the “community.”
  7. God has defined, established and ordained marriage. It is the exclusive union of one man and one woman and the natural human family is the first, oldest, and most important form of government God ever created. No majority of judges, legislators or voters can re-define what God Himself has defined. All other types of “marriage” are legally null and void since they violate God’s definition.
  8. Courts don’t make law.Courts can issue opinions on individual cases before it, but court opinions are only binding on the individual plaintiffs and defendants in the case. Only the people directly or via their elected representatives can make, alter or amend laws, statutes or Constitutions. Any law or court opinions contrary to God’s Law is no law at all. It is legally null and void and must be ignored and rejected by all civil magistrates at every branch and level of government.
  9. There is only 1 race of people.The human race. People have different skin colors and come from different parts of the world but all humans are originally descended from the Original First Family (Adam and Eve.) Efforts to introduce race (“affirmative action,” “race based preferences,” “white privilege,” etc…) are merely efforts to divide and conquer.
  10. There is only one way to heaven. Through faith alone, by God’s grace alone, in Christ alone. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father in heaven but through Me.” (John 14:6) Is He your Lord and Savior?

This article first appeared on Gregg Jackson’s blog here.

What Do You Want Me To Do For You?

Jesus heals blind man

The gospel of Matthew relates an event in which Jesus is traveling from Jericho on His way to Jerusalem. As Jesus walked a great multitude followed Him. Along the way they encountered two blind men that were sitting by the roadside. In that time and place, these two men likely occupied that same spot day after day, asking alms of travelers. This day would be unlike any other day in their lives.

The text of Matthew in chapter 20 verse 30 states that these two blind men heard that Jesus was passing by. They didn’t need to be told a crowd was passing by because they would have known that from all the noise. What is significant in verse 30 is they “heard Jesus was passing by.” This means the crowd surrounding Jesus was abuzz with His name. Upon hearing the name of Jesus the two blind men immediately shouted out, “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David.”

This is significant for a number of reasons. One, by addressing Jesus as Lord, they were recognizing His power. Lord is Adonai, God Almighty. They knew that Jesus could heal them of their blindness. Next they called Jesus “Son of David,” which signifies their belief that Jesus was the long-awaited messiah of Israel. In making this profession the two blind men were saying they believed Jesus would want to heal them.

Taken together, the faith of the two blind men was noteworthy, especially given the tepid attitude of the multitude following Jesus who told the two blind men to “shut up.” But this did not stop the two blind men from seizing their moment and they cried out even louder, so as to be heard over the chatter of the multitude. “Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David.”

Can you imagine the expectation of these two men when as it says in verse 32, “Jesus stopped.” The noise of shuffling feet, of numerous conversations, of laughter, of scorn toward them, all ceased in a moment because Jesus stopped. And then in the midst of the silence, while every eye looked first upon Jesus and then at the objects of His attention – the two blind men, Jesus spoke these words, “What do you want me to do for you?”

Can you understand how the hearts of these men must have been beating with anxious anticipation? Jesus had just asked them what they wanted Him to do for them. Without hesitation they responded in unison, “Lord, we want our eyes to be opened.” Verse 34 says, “And moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes; and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him.”

Friends, this is one event among thousands, where Jesus demonstrated His compassion and loving care for men and women. There is one thing that every person needs in this life, and that is to have their eyes opened to see Jesus for who He is. Do you know Him as Savior and Lord? Today can be the day of your salvation. Wherever you are stop and pray to God and ask Him to forgive you of your sin and to accept you as His child by faith. Then live the life of a disciple by following Jesus.

For more information about how you can become a Christian through faith in Jesus Christ, write me at the following email address – pastormike@cclohio.org – God bless you today as you seek Him.

Image – Charissa’s Grace Notes

The Write Stuff Radio Show with Parker J. Cole

Parker J ColePJC banner

Hi friends. I have the honor of appearing on the Parker J. Cole show Saturday, February 6 at 2pm EST. You may listen via this link – http://www.blogtalkradio.com/pjcmedia/2016/02/06/relationship-month–husbands-wives–the-parker-j-cole-show 

You may call (646) 668-8485 to ask a question.
