The Family Bloodline That Orchestrated the Explosion of Homosexuality, Lesbianism and Pedophilia in America

This is a brief exposé on the history of progressive politics and how it has infiltrated the Church. Readers will be well served to investigate the history of the Church and the relationship between it and the US Federal Government, the wealthy foundations, and Marxist Communism over the last one hundred years.

It is clear that tax exempt, private, and largely unaccountable foundations and the US Federal Government have worked together tirelessly to destroy the Judeo–Christian foundation upon which this nation was built and by which this nation was a light to the world in so many positive ways. Part of their joint plan was to infiltrate and utilize the Church as a primary cultural change agent. This subject needs to be more fully studied, written about, and discussed among Christians.

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Have You Had Enough Yet? – D. Mike Spaulding

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am sick and tired of the Luciferian zombies, the mindless, clueless, sycophants of the Progressive Marxists and the hatred they vomit daily against America, Americans, and our freedom and liberties. I am sick and tired of people who call themselves Christians offering no rebuttal whatsoever.

This Orwellian nightmare we are living has given rise to people who one day are eating Tide Pods, and the next have become alleged experts in matters of our Constitution and the 1st and 2nd Amendments specifically. These clueless zombies and everyone like them are nothing but “props” for the satanic media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, The New York Times, The Washington Post, et al.

Some people might think, Mike you are a little harsh. I remind those people of this: Jesus said, He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters (Matthew 12:30). Let me zero in on those people that should care the most about these developments.

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Revelation 17-18 Show Us The Near Future – Babylon Will Fall

I hear people say “The world is falling apart.” I take a different view. I believe things are falling into place. We are marching toward the culmination of Jesus’ destruction of wickedness and evil upon the earth. Revelation 18 offers details of the true nature of the end times civic and commercial Babylon, as well as the complete and total annihilation of it. This one world government is coming into sharp focus in our day and will for a short time have complete control over all aspects of life for those “who dwell on the earth.”[1]

It appears to me that the current race to implement the United Nations agendas across the earth, the rapid development of AI, transhumanist technology such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, and the virulent Anti-Israelism evidenced across the earth, is proof that we are on the cusp of a drastic change in how we live our lives day by day. At stake is our freedom and liberty as Americans, our rights of self-determination under a form of government where we are meant to have input, and the very ideals of Americanism. Add to this the creation and expansion of BRICS[2] and the push by the US Government working in conjunction with the Federal Reserve to implement a new government controlled crypto currency, and you have the makings of a totalitarian global regime.

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Financial Management At Your Fingertips – Darryl Weinberg

Mike speaks with Rabbi Darryl Weinberg about Starfish, a new way to manage your finances through an e-wallet that you have complete control over.

Darryl can be contacted at for more information.


Biden Administration Making Lists Of Religious Vaccine Objectors

A tiny administrative agency in the District of Columbia announced a new policy Tuesday that will likely serve as a model for a whole-of-government push to assemble lists of Americans who object on religious grounds to a COVID-19 vaccine.
The Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia–a federal independent entity that assists officers in the District of Columbia courts in formulating release recommendations and providing supervision and services to defendants awaiting trial–announced a new records system that will store the names and “personal religious information” of all employees who make “religious accommodation requests for religious exception from the federally mandated vaccination requirement.”
The announcement does not explain why the agency needs to create this list except to say that it will “assist the Agency in the collecting, storing, dissemination, and disposal of employee religious exemption request information collected and maintained by the Agency.” In other words, the list will help the agency make a list.
The announcement also does not say what the agency will do with this information after it has decided an employee’s religious accommodation request.
And neither does the announcement explain why the Biden administration chose to test this policy in an agency with a majority-black staff, who are both more religious and less vaccinated than other groups. So much for the president’s commitment to “racial equity.”
We’re starting to suspect that President Joe Biden is not keeping his promise to have the most transparent administration in history.
What’s really going on with this announcement at this tiny agency? Likely, the Biden administration is using it to stealth test a policy it intends to roll out across the whole government.
Almost nobody has ever heard of the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia, and very few people pay close attention to it or are covered by its policies. Indeed, at of the time of publication of this article, the announcement has been viewed only 16 times.
However, had Biden announced, for example, that the Department of Labor intended to adopt this policy, it would be big news. The Federal Register where announcements like this are made would be flooded with comments that the department would have to address.
That would, of course, delay the policy’s rollout. With the Pretrial Services Agency, Biden likely expected that the policy would land quickly and without a splash. As it is, the notice of a new announcement provides less than 30 days for public comment.
Biden may not be winning points for transparency, but he’s doing his best to win first place in subjecting Americans with sincerely held religious beliefs to differential treatment.
Take the Department of Defense, for example–which has failed to grant a single religious exemption on behalf of any service members requesting one for the federal vaccine mandate. A group of Navy SEALS was recently successful in its federal lawsuit against the Biden administration on claims that its conscience rights under the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act were violated.
From the outset of his administration, Biden voiced support for passage of the patently faith-hostile Equality Act–a bill that would gut the Religious Freedom Restoration Act entirely when it intersects with LGBTQ+ protections and entitlements in public accommodations.
The president also swiftly revoked the Mexico City policy that had been reinstated by former President Donald Trump, thereby ensuring that religious Americans would be forced to fund abortions overseas by way of their tax dollars, despite their religious objections to the act.
While employers, employment agencies, or unions with 100 employees or more are prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 from engaging in disparate treatment and from maintaining policies or practices that result in unjustified disparate impact based on religion, this administration doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo.
That, at bottom, is what this policy is about.
Originally published at The Daily Signal by Sarah Perry