Systemic Reset – What Comes After?

This is a guest post from my friend Steven Menking who posts on The Amateur Society website. You will be hearing much more from Steven as well as other friends in guest posts on this site in the future. For more great articles check out The Amateur Society website here.

Steven Menking: Systemic Reset – What Comes After?

Global monetary systems typically undergo systemic resets around twice per century on average. If you are looking for an excellent, succinct resource for an overview of recent monetary history, please check out the following video before reading on:

140 Years of Monetary History in 10 Minutes – Mike Maloney

If you have come to the realization that the current monetary system is on life support and is overdue for a dramatic shift that will impact everyone and everything on the planet, then you may be wondering about what is coming next? Prognosticators are predicting everything from utopia to apocalypse and everything in between, and it can be confusing and frightening to examine many of the potential scenarios moving forward.

I don’t know exactly when the systemic reset will happen, what will come after, and how long the transition period will be. Unless you’ve received that information directly from God there’s no way to know. Even those eagerly awaiting and even making the decisions that will lead to such a transition do not have the absolute power and control necessary to execute their objectives with total certainty and with perfectly precise timing. Rather than venture fully into the realm of abject speculation, I will instead present several guiding principles that we can use to frame our conversations and analysis on this topic.

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Standing For Truth – Eagle Forum of California

Here is conference information for those of you who live in the southern California area. Mark the date – Saturday, May 7th from 9:00am to 1:00pm at Calvary Chapel East Anaheim. More info call 562-305-5003.

Free live streaming of this conference anywhere in the world at




Faith and Freedom Friday-God Contends With Those Who Contend With His People-Pt 5

prepper recon psalm 35 pic

My friend Mark Goodwin – author of The Economic Collapse Chronicles, The Days of Noah series, and his latest offering, Behold Darkness and Sorrow, was kind enough to post my 5-part teaching through Psalm 35. His synopsis is below.

God will defend His people against those who oppose Him and them. How far will God go and how far should the Christian go in denouncing evil? Psalm 35 gives us an in-depth look into the answer to that question and much more. Buckle up for this 5-part teaching through Psalm 35. You might be surprised by what you will learn.

This Part 5 starts at verse 20 and concludes the study of this chapter. Pastor Mike takes a look at Romans 13 and the proper, correct interpretation that is out of step with the general view of Romans 13 in the majority of the Church today. The overreach of the US Government has hit unprecedented levels. This message will challenge all the shallow thinking and erroneous application of the Church’s responsibility to obey the US government. Stand strong believer!

View other teachings from Pastor Mike on his YouTube channel HERE – Calvary Chapel of Lima.

Listen to Psalm 35 Part 5 here.

Marks’ website –

Faith and Freedom Friday-God Contends With Those Who Contend With His People-Pt 4

prepper recon psalm 35 pic

My friend Mark Goodwin – author of The Economic Collapse Chronicles, The Days of Noah series, and his latest offering, Behold Darkness and Sorrow, was kind enough to post my 5-part teaching through Psalm 35. His synopsis is below.

God will defend His people against those who oppose Him and them. How far will God go and how far should the Christians go in denouncing evil? Psalm 35 gives us an in-depth look into the answer to that question and much more. Buckle up for this 5-part teaching through Psalm 35. You might be surprised by what you will learn.

This Part 4 focuses on verses 8-20. The overreach of the US Government has hit unprecedented levels. This message will challenge all the shallow thinking and erroneous application of the Church’s responsibility to obey the US government. Stand strong believer!

View other teachings from Pastor Mike on his YouTube channel HERE – Calvary Chapel of Lima.

Listen to Psalm 35 Part 4 here.

Marks’ website –

Faith and Freedom Friday-God Contends With Those Who Contend With His People-Pt 3

prepper recon psalm 35 pic

My friend Mark Goodwin – author of The Economic Collapse Chronicles, The Days of Noah series, and his latest offering, Behold Darkness and Sorrow, was kind enough to post my 5-part teaching through Psalm 35. His synopsis is below.

God will defend His people against those who oppose Him and them. How far will God go and how far should the Christians go in denouncing evil? Psalm 35 gives us an in-depth look into the answer to that question and much more. Buckle up for this 5-part teaching through Psalm 35. You might be surprised by what you will learn.

This Part 3 focuses on verses 4-8. This message is not for the pacifist or the believer who has compromised to get along with the world. Stand strong believer!

View other teachings from Pastor Mike on his YouTube channel HERE – Calvary Chapel of Lima.

Listen to Psalm 35 Part 3 here.

Marks’ website –