Progressive Marxism, Tammany Hall, Saul Alinsky, and DEI – The Creation of True Systemic Racism

American government, which is to say, American politics has become a convoluted mess of near opaqueness. This condition has been intentionally constructed to distract and disorient the casual observer. The more serious individual given to a thirst for truth will find the veneer frustrating but the treasure of seeing clearly achieved through perseverance, well worth the effort.

To unravel the quagmire that has become American politics, one must refresh their understanding of history. Philosopher George Santayana once wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” For our concern in this article, a more apt quote from Santayana might well be, “A country without a memory is a country of madmen.” Indeed, America has become a country of madmen and women. Irrational and illogical beliefs rule the day and are foisted upon sane people through the threat of lawfare – refuse to use the pronoun of choice for any number of delusional people and you could find yourself unemployed. Or refer to someone as a she when they claim to be non-binary; or refuse to accept that gender is a social construct. Or reject the idiocy that men can have babies. The question on millions of American’s lips is this: “How did we ever get to this place where good is evil and evil is good? How has darkness been substituted for light and light for darkness; bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter?” (Isaiah 5:20)

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The Truth Concerning the Birth of Jesus: What the Manger Scene Tells Us – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Here we are again, another Christmas Sunday. The celebration of the birth of our Savior is a few days away. As I have done for the last couple of years, I’m breaking from our current Lord’s Day study, in our case this year, the book of Acts. I’m taking this Lord’s Day to teach about our Christmas celebration. Those who have been with us here at Calvary for a while may recall that two years ago, I titled the Christmas Sunday teaching, Debunking the Debunkers. Then last year I titled the Christmas Sunday teaching, Merry Non-Pagan Christmas.

The reason I have done this for the last couple of years is because the noise around Christmas gets louder all the time. I’m speaking of all the people who take to social media to remind the rest of us that Christmas is pagan. These people tell us that it originated with Roman Catholicism or Constantine, or the Druids, or some other pagan demonic source. Critics tell us that the day is really about the festival of the “Birth of the Unconquered Sun” or, Sol Invictus.[1]

Is any of this true? It is absolutely not true yet so many who profess Jesus Christ seem to take great pains to criticize and denigrate other Christians who celebrate the day set aside to commemorate the incarnation of the savior of the world.

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Have You Had Enough Yet? – D. Mike Spaulding

I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am sick and tired of the Luciferian zombies, the mindless, clueless, sycophants of the Progressive Marxists and the hatred they vomit daily against America, Americans, and our freedom and liberties. I am sick and tired of people who call themselves Christians offering no rebuttal whatsoever.

This Orwellian nightmare we are living has given rise to people who one day are eating Tide Pods, and the next have become alleged experts in matters of our Constitution and the 1st and 2nd Amendments specifically. These clueless zombies and everyone like them are nothing but “props” for the satanic media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, The New York Times, The Washington Post, et al.

Some people might think, Mike you are a little harsh. I remind those people of this: Jesus said, He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters (Matthew 12:30). Let me zero in on those people that should care the most about these developments.

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Biblical Prophecy Refutes Earthly Utopian Dreams Part 2 – Dr. Mike Spaulding

But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance. Mark 13:23

But when you see the Abomination of Desolation standing where it should not be [let the reader understand], then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. Mark 13:14[1]

In Part One of this Three Part article, I introduced you to the fact that America has undergone an effective New Age indoctrination. This indoctrination is now so pervasive that today we have churches offering yoga classes, Christians buying Angel Boards, the equivalent of the Ouija Board, and churches inviting drag queens to come and speak.

Christians today are participating in all sorts of activities such as Transcendental Meditation, Psychic Health and Healing Practices, Contemplative Prayer, Mantra Meditation, Higher Self, Centering Prayer, Reiki, Labyrinths, and Spiritual Formation. These practices are nothing more than white-washed New Age inspired activities, which is to say, they are demonically controlled deceptions.

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Financial Management At Your Fingertips – Darryl Weinberg

Mike speaks with Rabbi Darryl Weinberg about Starfish, a new way to manage your finances through an e-wallet that you have complete control over.

Darryl can be contacted at for more information.
