Christian America: Gog of Magog Is Not Russia

Current events demand that we understand what the Bible says in its prophetic passages. Many Christians are entertaining the idea that we are in the time of Ezekiel 38-39. Is that the case? Is Gog rising upon the earth? I don’t believe so as I will explain below.

The war of Gog and Magog is sometimes confused with the Battle of Armageddon. These two events are different for several reasons.

First, the war of Gog and Magog has a very focused theater of operations, namely Israel. The assembled armies come against Israel specifically and are destroyed by Yahweh Himself. Conversely, the battle of Armageddon is a worldwide conflict of the nations of the world assembled against Jesus Christ.

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Kingdom War Room Episode 46 – Dr. Michael Lake, Dr. Mike Spaulding, Pastor Corby Shuey



Welcome back to the Kingdom War Room! Dr. Michael Lake, Dr. Mike Spaulding, and Pastor Corby Shuey discuss the chaotic state of the world, the dangers of “internet theology,” and the importance of discerning truth in an age of distraction.


  1. Introduction and State of Chaos
    • God’s judgment and pruning in our time
    • Everything hidden will be revealed
  2. The Rise of Internet Theology
    • Dangers of unbalanced, sensational content
    • Importance of researching responsibly and avoiding self-exaltation
  3. Key Warnings and Biblical Counsel
    • 1 Timothy 6: Avoiding controversy for gain
    • Accountability in fellowship and study
  4. Walking in Truth and Christlikeness
    • 80/20 principle: Balance theological research with spiritual maturity
    • Why humility and love matter in handling God’s Word
  5. Closing Encouragement and Prayer
    • Psalm 23: Sitting at God’s table in the presence of chaos
    • Focusing on Christ and bearing His image

If you feel overwhelmed by social media noise, conflicting voices, and sensationalist teaching, this episode will help you reset and center your faith in Jesus.


Dr. Michael K. Lake:  Scholar-in-residence, Strategic Remnant Learning Center – BLA, Host of Biblical Life TV, Co-Host of the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing, and best-selling author.

Dr. Mike Spaulding:  The teaching pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lima, OH, the author of Upsidedown in America, more than ten other books, and the host of Soaring Eagle Radio and Dr. Mike Live.

 Subscribe for more Kingdom insights and stay tuned for next month’s discussion!

Revelation 17-18 Show Us The Near Future – Babylon Will Fall

I hear people say “The world is falling apart.” I take a different view. I believe things are falling into place. We are marching toward the culmination of Jesus’ destruction of wickedness and evil upon the earth. Revelation 18 offers details of the true nature of the end times civic and commercial Babylon, as well as the complete and total annihilation of it. This one world government is coming into sharp focus in our day and will for a short time have complete control over all aspects of life for those “who dwell on the earth.”[1]

It appears to me that the current race to implement the United Nations agendas across the earth, the rapid development of AI, transhumanist technology such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, and the virulent Anti-Israelism evidenced across the earth, is proof that we are on the cusp of a drastic change in how we live our lives day by day. At stake is our freedom and liberty as Americans, our rights of self-determination under a form of government where we are meant to have input, and the very ideals of Americanism. Add to this the creation and expansion of BRICS[2] and the push by the US Government working in conjunction with the Federal Reserve to implement a new government controlled crypto currency, and you have the makings of a totalitarian global regime.

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Biden-Harris Regime Is One Long Treacherous And Ongoing Lie – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Photo – Harbinger’s Daily – CommonSpace

I recently watched a journalist employed by Sky News Australia share her impressions of an extended meeting she was granted with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The contrast between her comments and the largely ignorant, disconnected, and outright malicious lies of the American mainstream media could not be starker. Let me explain.

The Australian journalist compared the privilege of being able to sit with Mr. Netanyahu to what it would have been like for journalists during World War II to sit with Prime Minster Winston Churchill at the height of England’s conflict with Nazi Germany. How appropriate this comparison is at this important time cannot be understated.

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“All Israel” Will Be Saved – Dr. Mike Spaulding

I am currently teaching through the book of Acts. In Chapter 2 we read a prophecy of Joel. This prophecy provides a much-needed correction to much modern theology, especially Covenant Postmillennialism.

One advantage that we have as believers in Jesus Christ that the Hebrew people did not have is an understanding that the last days would be marked by two appearances of Messiah. Jesus came first as a suffering servant depicted in Isaiah 53. Jesus Himself quoted Isaiah 53:12 when He said, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

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