“Occupy 2018” April 20-22, 2018 Registration

Join us in Canton to hear updates from Joe and Doug Hagmann, Jon Robberson, LA Marzulli, Russ Dizdar,  Pastor Paul Begley, Pastor Mike Spaulding, Mark Trump, Bill Federer and Coach Dave.

Many events provide meaningful data on world events and biblical implications, but most of the time, event attendees leave all pumped up but find themselves all alone when they return home and are not able to further their personal growth with like-minded people.  Occupy 2018 is an event  that will encourage attendees to stay plugged into various processes (prayer groups, online training, podcasts, etc) to continue their walk in Christ.

The goal of the Occupy Til I Come Conference is to inform, guide, and connect like minded Remnant members and prepare them for the current and future spiritual battles ahead as time draws nearer to Christ’s return. (Luke 19:13)

What You Can Expect:

The Conference speaker topics will focus on standing and holding ground as Christians wherever you are.

Registrants will learn the calls to action to find training, websites, and material resources that will strengthen attendees in their personal walk and growth in truth.

The Conference Team will share with attendees tools to stay connected, access to weekly events (prayer teams, bible groups, online fellowship, podcasts, video streaming and physical fellowship)

Our aim is to connect attendees to multiple opportunities to take the fight to the enemy in areas all across the country.

Conference Dates:  April 20-22, 2018
Location: Courtyard Canton Hotel, 4375 Metro Circle NW, Canton, OH (Block Rate- $89 plus tax- Click Here)
Reservations can also be made by calling 1-800-971-4768. Ask for Pass the Salt Ministries group rate.
Block rate available through March 21, 2018.

Local Area information:

  • Canton – home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame . . . approx 5 miles away
  • The hotel has a shuttle for airport guests
  • Onsite restaurant
  • Many restaurants of all levels within minutes of the hotel, easy access for lunch and dinner breaks

Airports:  Akron-Canton Airport ( 5 minutes from Hotel), or Cleveland airport (30 miles- rental cars available)

Weekend Schedule: (Under Development)
Friday Start Time: 6 P.M.
Sunday Wrap-Up: 2 P.M.


Do As I Say and Not As I Do: The Tragedy of the James White Interfaith Dialogue and the Pragmatic Defense Offered by Phil Johnson

The current firestorm related to James White’s decision to facilitate an interfaith dialogue with Imam Yasir Qahdi is puzzling in the least and has become a stumbling block for many who do not understand how White cannot understand that he is “dancing with the devil” as the saying goes.  Mr. White’s response to those critical of his decision has been the polar opposite of remorse and he has in fact dug his heels in and maintained that his actions were right and consistent with what Christians should be doing. Is that true? What bridges can be built to people who teach that Christians who do not submit or convert to Islam should be murdered? What madness is this that has gripped Christians today such that they believe the lie that building bridges to nowhere constitute evangelism? I won’t rehash all of Mr. White’s actions related to this in detail. You can read about that here – http://www.worldviewweekend.com/news/article/facts-reveal-james-white-islamic-dupe-clueless-evangelicals-are-desperate-save-his

What I wish to address is the support Mr. White has received. Surprisingly a couple of people with very different perspectives, one might say two people with theological beliefs very much at odds with one another, have stepped into the fray to defend Mr. White’s error. I am speaking of Phil Johnson and Michael Brown. This has added a layer of intrigue to the entire situation but has also served to obfuscate the truth of what critics of White’s decision to promote an interfaith dialogue have been saying. By engaging in what appear to be damage control activities on behalf of Mr. White, Johnson seems to have exposed himself as a hypocrite of the highest order. You can be the judge of whether or not that is true based on the information contained in this article. His previous statements seem to be completely contradictory to his stated position concerning James White’s ecumenicalism, or to use the new and improved phrase, interfaith dialogue.

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Mastering Flexibility And Adaptation – The Amateur Society with Steven Menking

Following up on last week’s discussion of change and growth, we now turn to the related concepts of flexibility and adaptation. Change and growth are certainly necessary ideas for us to grapple with, but in order to understand this dynamic we must also understand our threshold for change. From a worldview perspective, flexibility and adaptation match this concept nicely.

What do flexibility and adaptation mean in this context? Where are the lines for ‘not flexible enough’ and ‘too flexible’ in the process of change? How are those lines determined? What do differing worldviews have to say about this concept? Why should we care?


WordPress: https://amateursociety.wordpress.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWArNcoTCBRxeoTJWvcc9Q
Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/theamateursociety
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@amateursociety
Gab: https://gab.ai/AmateurSociety
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/ontheobjective

Reflections on Hear The Watchmen Conference – Dallas

Hi friends. Kathy and I made it home Monday afternoon after spending Thursday evening through Monday morning at the Hear The Watchmen (HTW) Conference in Dallas. I’m still not caught up on everything that needs to be addressed but I simply must take some time to share with you some thoughts about this past weekend.

Kathy and I have been to many conferences over the years. We were both saved in 1983 and since that time have attended too many conferences to begin to count. Most of them were worthwhile, a few were not, but only a handful standout. At the top of the list of these outstanding conferences is this recent HTW Dallas Conference.

What made it so very special was the clear presence of the Holy Spirit. Evident to both of us from the moment we arrived and gathered with the other speakers for a meal prior to the official start of the conference on Friday, was the singular purpose and goal. We were there to encourage and equip the remnant body of Christ and one another.

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I don’t know how we cannot see it. Even those who were raised in “Christian” homes seemed to be wandering aimlessly in the moral cesspool known as America. The Scriptures warn us that “When there was no God in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Young American Christians are afloat in a sea without a compass. We have failed to train them to navigate the rough waters of the debaucherous American culture. If today’s parents don’t lose their children in high school they are sure to lose them in college.

It is my experience that for most of the Millenials I come in contact with “religion” is not the guiding factor in the moral decisions that they make. We have taught them to FEEL, not to think. Emotions are a poor foundation upon which to build moral values.

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