Join Me At The Hear the Watchmen Conference Dallas 2017 – March 31 – April 2

Hi friends. I am honored and blessed to tell you that I will be speaking at the Hear The Watchmen Conference in Dallas, March 31 – April 2. More information and speaking schedule when available can be found at the conference website – 

A $20 discount on tickets is available to you by entering promo code “Spaulding” without the quotation marks when you buy your tickets online here. Hope to see you there friends.

Listen to the promo for more speaker information (subject to change).


The Church and Its Mission Today – Part 2

broken down pulpit

We often hear that “revival starts with the people of God.” That statement is true but often masks what must precede revival. Before God will bring revival in and upon His people, Christians must repent, confess, and turn from their evil ways. In other words, revival is necessary for a people that have wandered off the narrow path and have come under judgment.

The idea of revival in America has a long and storied history. From traveling evangelists to week long “tent meetings,” revival was a yearly occurrence in the lives of Christians throughout the 1940’s through 1970’s. Somewhere in the process of holding annual revival meetings, Christians made them more about evangelism than about personal repentance. This means that Christians did not do much self-reflection but instead focused on inviting friends, co-workers, and family members that they believed needed to hear the gospel.

Over the years the effectiveness of this type of outreach has waned dramatically. The need for revival in and upon the body of Christ has never been clearer though. A problem is that the modern version of Christianity has been so distorted by false teaching, so misconstrued by a heretical breed of motivational charlatans, by the ever growing cadre of name-it-claim-it, blab-it-grab-it, mantra chattering, demon oppressed celebrity “pastors,” that the body of Christ is in the miry swamplands of self-absorbed materialism, self-inflicted narcissism, and demon produced doctrines of flesh and misdirection. Sadly they do not even realize their precarious estate.

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If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? – Steven Menking


And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
2 Kings 6:15-17

Lord God, we are hearing of wars and rumors of wars. Your word tells us that this must surely come to pass eventually, but Lord we also know that we have an advocate at the throne of grace: Jesus Christ – your son and our Savior. Lord we pray in the name of Jesus that your angelic armies would be dispatched to thwart the plans of our enemy to steal, to kill, and to destroy. God we thank you for your mercy, grace, and forgiveness. You are good and holy and true and righteous and just.

Lord give us the hearts, the strength, and the faith to continue in prayer to intercede for our families, our nation, and our world. Jesus we are aware of the besetting dangers that have been unleashed and stand poised to bring great harm. God you are the Creator of all things. We pray in Jesus name for your mercy and for your protection in the midst of chaos and danger.

Your word teaches us that we should fear no evil. Lord we pray that you would write those words in our hearts. You are victorious Jesus and nothing can snatch us out of your hand. We give you glory and praise and worship for you are worthy. Destroy the works of the enemy. Bring confusion into their camp. Pour out your Holy Spirit on your people. Protect us and defend us Lord as we rely on you rather than on our own strength and understanding.

Nevertheless Lord God let your will be done. Whatever it takes for the sake of your glory, your name, and your kingdom. Jesus be exalted in our lives and in our nation once again. Have mercy on us Lord and bring us to the place of repentance, healing, and restoration. We pray in the name of Jesus for the discernment and wisdom of your Holy Spirit. God keep us from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Make a way for us. Open our ears and make us sensitive to your leading in this hour.

God we pray that everyone would be given an honest opportunity to accept your son Jesus as Savior. Show everyone who you are and what you have done, that multitudes would come to know you and those that would willingly reject you do it knowingly and not under the deception of the age. Jesus bring us a moment of utter clarity of purpose and meaning.

Lord protect us and strengthen us. Holy Spirit imbue us with the faith that we need to endure and to proclaim the name of Jesus in this generation. Keep us safe in the storm. We cling to you Jesus and stand firm on the rock of the foundation of our faith knowing that your name is above all names. You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords Jesus.

In your name we pray for mercy, protection, and encouragement in this hour. Amen.

This article originally posted on The Amateur Society here – on October 13, 2016

The Dark Side is Darker than You Think – Pass the Salt Live, October 5 2016

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