Be Offensive In Love (Part 5)

Thus says the Lord of hosts,“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are leading you into futility; They speak a vision of their own imagination, Not from the mouth of the Lord. “They keep saying to those who despise Me, ‘The Lord has said, “You will have peace”’; And as for everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart, They say, ‘Calamity will not come upon you.’ Jeremiah 23:16-17

Friends, we have been discussing the changing cultural norms in America in this five-part series. We started this conversation by observing that tolerance has been redefined to exclude the original idea of freedom of expression to the now sacrosanct notion of celebrating every behavior as normal and right.  This new freedom does not include the freedom to disagree so it is really just freedom to walk in lock-step with the prevailing enlightened ideals of those opposed to historic, biblical Christianity. Clearly this is not freedom in any sane, logical, rational sense but merely Orwellian double-speak.

What does this mean for Christian evangelism?  It means that Christians need to sharpen their minds and focus on exactly what it is we are trying to speak to our neighbors and friends.  Old techniques of evangelism don’t work for the simple reason that people don’t see anything “good” about the Gospel.  For the most part all they hear are do’s and don’ts. This leaves us needing to rethink our approach.  In other words why is the gospel good news to those we want to speak to?

It is precisely at this point that the Gospel is most clearly seen as relevant to every culture, time, and place.  You see, the problems mankind has wrestled with and sought answers to – namely where is hope to be found, can I find acceptance for who I am, who will love me truly and intimately, and even where can I find tolerance for my views – are all wrapped up in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hope is found in our new identity in Christ, an identity that He hand picks for each of us as His special creation. Acceptance is found in the unfathomable grace we experience as God accepts us in Christ and declares us holy and just in His eyes.  Intimacy is found in the midst of an ongoing love that lifts us up in every circumstance. Finally, even tolerance as the present world defines it is turned upside down as Jesus Christ shows us how to love those different from us and yet remain faithful to proclaim the truth that Christ alone saves.

Friends, don’t be dismayed by the current condition of the American culture. See instead great opportunity to share why the Gospel is great news for everyone.  It truly is a transforming truth.

Pastor You Must Be A Theologian – Part 3

Scripture and compass

In this series we have been examining a great need in the Church today.  While there are certainly many things we could choose to discuss that fall in that category, the primary focus must start with the pulpit.  Pastor do you take seriously your God-given calling to teach people the Bible? Pastor do you reject the common belief today that people simply won’t sit for a clear, systematic, and theologically rich exposition of the Scriptures and push on in your equipping God’s people.

Here is what we have covered thus far in our Pastor You Must Be a Theologian series: you must be because (1) people are perishing without hearing the lifesaving message of salvation through faith in Christ while they are simultaneously entertained with stage props and warm-fuzzy motivational speeches about being better parents, spouses, students, or employees. (2) because God has called and equipped you with His gifts to teach people His Word for the purpose of leading them to a deeper, richer, abundantly full relationship with Him. They will need this equipping when they face persecution for their faith.

Luke records for us these words of Jesus spoken to His disciples as He prepared them to go into all the land to preach, teach, and make disciples:  Jesus said, “I will give you utterance and wisdom which none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute” (Luke 21:15).  The context of this encouragement from our Lord was that faithfully preaching, teaching, and making disciples will result in persecution.

I am convinced that the reason so many pastors will not faithfully preach the Bible is because they have abandoned belief it its ability to save.  Perhaps they have forgotten Paul’s declaration that we are not to be ashamed of the gospel because it is what God uses to bring people into His Kingdom. Paul calls the gospel the power of God.

God has promised the power of the Holy Spirit to fuel the efforts of His work. It is the supreme privilege of the church to share God’s amazing love and mercy to all who will believe on Jesus Christ. This simple message has become obscured today through a religious philosophy that suggests people must be made to feel welcome and comfortable in the church so that they will consider God’s offer.

One problem with this approach is that it is not biblical.  If the seeker sensitive era of church history has taught us anything it has taught us that it is bereft of the ability to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  The grandmaster of the seeker sensitive movement – Bill Hybels – recently admitted this very thing and repented of the wasted years and effort that rendered very little to no fruit.

So what must be done to turn the tide?  My personal view is that it is too late for the big “C” church as a whole.  Many who hear this will disagree with this assessment.  They hold out hope that we are not so late in God’s timeline that things can’t be turned around.

Nevertheless, we have arrived at the time of the remnant.  We are past the tipping point. So Pastor, be faithful where you are planted. Pour your best into the people God has entrusted to your care. Do not follow the way of those who advocate for a Wall Street approach to church growth. The entire church growth model is corrupt, worldly, and fleshly in that it is based on appealing to the felt needs of the lost. Trust Jesus to build His church as He desires it to be built.  Jesus’ keys to Kingdom success look nothing like what the church growth gurus are saying today.

Secondly Pastors, trust God and His Word.  Resist the temptation to twist the Bible into some kind of self-fulfillment manual.  The Bible is God’s message of His creation, redemption, sanctification, and glorification of a people who trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ on Calvary’s cross. Do not lose sight of the fact that the Gospel is the power of God to save.

Finally Pastor, and this is equally applicable to every believer, focus your time and energy on making disciples.  That is the last command of Jesus before He ascended to glory.  Be a disciple who makes disciples.

Stay tuned for Part 4 of Pastor You Must Be A Theologian.

Be Offensive In Love (Part 3)

Thus says the Lord of hosts,“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are leading you into futility; They speak a vision of their own imagination, Not from the mouth of the Lord. “They keep saying to those who despise Me, ‘The Lord has said, “You will have peace”’; And as for everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart, They say, ‘Calamity will not come upon you.’ Jeremiah 23:16-17

In this series we have been discussing the subject of Christian evangelism that has come into direct conflict with an American culture that believes it is wrong to suggest there are moral absolutes. Tolerance has been hijacked and true to Orwellian prophecy has become a double-speak of the highest order.

Intolerance is now state sanctioned. Did that statement startle you?  If so what I want you to do now is ask yourself why you are startled by that comment.  Saying that intolerance, specifically intolerance toward Christians and Christianity is now a government mandated practice is easily proven from the abundant evidence all around us.

Examples are plentiful. For many years now, the federally funded National Endowment for the Arts has financially supported all expressions of art that serve no other purpose than to desecrate Christian symbols and sensitivities.  Compared to other examples this now seems tame.

The US Government’s continues to purge our military of chaplains who insist on praying in Jesus name while simultaneously increasing the number of Islamic imams and Wiccan leadership who denounce Jesus Christ; the suspension of teachers who attempt to teach creation or who dare speak of evolution as theory, and the now notoriously famous re-education of Christians who have refused to cow-tow to political correctness run amok and have stood instead on their convictions that certain behavior is sinful now matter how much government cover and celebratory nonsense it is shrouded in.

Of far more concern than our government’s predictable behavior however, is the behavior of much of the Church.  Pastor, author, and theologian John Stott succinctly describes the present delusion of the church: “Tolerance is not a spiritual gift; it is the distinguishing mark of postmodernism; and sadly, it has permeated the very fiber of Christianity. Why is it that those who have no biblical convictions or theology to govern and direct their actions are tolerated and the standard or truth of God’s Word rightly divided and applied is dismissed as extreme opinion or legalism?”

That is the question we will answer next.  Look for Part 4 of “Be Offensive in Love” soon.

Matthew 3:1-12


If we were to go into downtown Lima and conduct one of our now famous hypothetical “man-on-the-street interviews,” asking the question, “What makes a person great?”  What do you suppose would be the most common responses?

What makes a person great in the world’s eyes is the question.  I think we would hear something along the lines of these responses:

Having famous parents or being born into a famous family (Kennedy, Rockefeller, Forbes, etc).

Having wealth – Gates, Warren Buffett, Sam Walton’s heirs, Oprah

Academic degrees, Nobel Peace Prizes

Your profession – politician, doctor, lawyer

Outstanding athletic ability

Artistic ability – music, art, poetry

I think it is obvious that the world does judge greatness for the most part by these types of standards.

Continue reading

Be Offensive In Love (Part 1)

Thus says the Lord of hosts,“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are leading you into futility; They speak a vision of their own imagination, Not from the mouth of the Lord. “They keep saying to those who despise Me, ‘The Lord has said, “You will have peace”’; And as for everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart, They say, ‘Calamity will not come upon you.’ Jeremiah 23:16-17

Are you a watcher?  I mean do you pay attention to the times we live in? Are you aware of the shift in what is considered to be polite and impolite conversation culturally speaking?  Let me zero in specifically on evangelism.  Have you noticed the huge shift in the methods of presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

I believe that many of the new approaches to evangelism are not well thought out and lack clear biblical support.  The reason so many of these new emergent and hipster strategies are gaining a foothold in churches is because too many Christians have succumbed to new definitions of old words. Our society has determined that new definitions are needed in order to rationalize ungodly behavior.  A case in point is the word tolerance.

In America tolerance once meant that everyone had a right to express their viewpoint and everyone had a right to disagree with a viewpoint.  Today tolerance means that everyone has a right to express a viewpoint as long as it is a socially acceptable viewpoint.  In other words, if you hold a viewpoint that is contrary to what the society at large believes, you are not free to express yourself.  If you are brave enough to try then you will be met with a very hostile “shout down” by the more enlightened people in our midst.

This has clear implications for telling other people about Jesus Christ. It has become increasingly impolite and in fact culturally incorrect to speak about anyone “needing” Jesus.  The Christian faith is being systematically muted by self-appointed “elites” and apparently many Christians are ok with this development.

I will be addressing this development in a five-part series of thoughts entitled, “Be Offensive In Love.”  Stay tuned for Part 2.


God bless you today friends.