A Modern Letter From Birmingham Jail – Dr. John Diamond

To my Fellow Clergymen:

We live in a very strange and divisive time.  No matter the time, as believers in Christ we must respond to the culture of our day with both truth and love (Ephesians 4:15).  As we attempt to live up to that Biblical mandate, we must recognize that there are two very powerful voices arising in America in response to the various unlawful acts that have been committed against the American people by their government in the midst of the pandemic (sic).  In the first case, one group desires to appease the current culture.  This group believes that by going-along-to-get-along, peace can be found.  However, by not standing for individual liberty, this group essentially allows themselves (and their posterity) to become enslaved to a system of power mongers who rule by fiat.  On the other hand, another group of people wants to take justice into their own hands by picking up firearms and waging a revolution that they believe will restore our Constitutional Republic to what our founding fathers intended it to be.

Many Americans are increasingly expressing their desire to bring to justice those in power who are responsible for the great overreach of their authority.  These two aforementioned positions (indifference and violence) are both morally and theologically unacceptable for Christians; especially when there is still another lawful and Biblical course of action we can take.

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MUST READ for Every Christian and Especially Ministry Leaders

One of the most important aspects of the American War for Independence was the Christian pulpits and patriot preachers who stood in them each week, exhorting the
American colonists in their God-given liberty that was worth fighting for.

The armed force most feared by the British was the Black Robed Regiment — pastors who preached with a Bible in one hand and a newspaper or rifle in the other. The most admired patriot pastor, Peter Muhlenberg, on January 21, 1776 told his congregation: “There is a time for all things; a time to preach and a time to pray, but those times
have passed away. There is a time to fight, and that time has come!”

Never has government so resembled a foreign master. Never have armed enforcers of state and federal tyrants more closely resembled those British redcoats, with their
unquestioning obedience to lawless orders. As Muhlenberg said, that time has come.

Let us take up the cause of Christ and the Constitution, instructing the repentant remnant in their authority so they will perform their duty to enforce the Constitution, which safeguards our Christian liberties.

You may order a signed copy of this important book by sending a donation/ministry gift of $10 which covers the cost of shipping. Send to:

Mike Spaulding

PO Box 3007

Elida, OH 45807


Join me, Coach Dave, Pastor Niel Petersen, Jamie Walden, and David Paxton March 5-6, 2021 at the Harvest Revival Center in Brookville, Ohio. This is a time of encouragement, exhortation, and hands-on training. It is time to get prepared for what is HERE!

The War Is Here Summit is an effort of the Transforming Word Ministries. Donations and gifts to the ministry made be sent to:

Dr. Mike Spaulding

PO Box 3007

Elida, OH 45807

Dr. Mike, Pastor Caspar, and Dr. Carrie – The COVID “VACCINE” – What Are You Putting In Your Body?

My guests today are Pastor Caspar McCloud and Dr. Carrie Madej. Please invite your friends to watch and get this information out to as many people as possible. Mechanical pathogen? DNA altering capability? Artificial intelligence? Pre-crime predictions? Rockefeller Foundation scenario being played out right now? Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES!



Will You Accept The “New Normal”? Dr. Mike Live


Our lives have been planned out for us by wealthy globalists who don’t care what you desire to do. Your dreams and plans are irrelevant – this is the life they have planned for you instead.
The link below is for the New Normal video shown in this episode of Dr, Mike Live.

You may support The Transforming Word Ministry by sending your gifts to:

Dr. Mike Spaulding
PO Box 3007
Lima, OH 45807

Online at http://www.thetransformingword.com
Or by PayPal studies@thetransformingword.com