Do Not Grow Weary – Pastor Mike Spaulding

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.[1] Jesus Christ

Weariness has become epidemic in America. The mental and physical exhaustion being suffered is evident on the faces of a great number of people nearly every day. Webster’s Dictionary defines weariness as: The state of being weary or tired; that lassitude or exhaustion of strength which is induced by labor; fatigue.[2]

Lassitude as used by Webster in the definition of weariness above means: uneasiness proceeding from continued waiting, disappointed expectation or exhausted patience, or from other cause.[3]

When I read “or from other cause” I paused. Certainly, unfulfilled expectations can weary you, as can unexpected events that bring with them negative results. Patience can be exhausted resulting in weariness and depleted strength or stamina to continue to persevere while waiting for a desired outcome.

However, when I read “or from other cause” my mind went immediately to weariness of the soul. What I see happening today in America especially in the individual lives of Christians is weariness of the soul.

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A Perversion of Justice

“…we must understand that the only road to peace and social justice is socialism…With the exploiting classes there will never be peace.”[1]

“…it is necessary to understand that every modern theory of social justice is ideological. No matter how reasonable or rational it may be, every modern theory of social justice is the rationalization of the interests of a particular group or class.”[2]

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8[3]

Justice for all! This statement is a great sound bite but little more than that. Indeed, as it is used today, it is superfluous on the surface and vacuous once a brief examination is undertaken. However, given that Americans have been conditioned to respond to sound bite journalism and half-truths and worse masquerading as fact-based news, this mantra has become a dangerous, misleading, although effective ploy utilized by those bent on destroying America.

For justice to be realized by all, at least two things are necessary foundationally: there must be a standard or system of justice available to all that is objective, that is, it is beyond the frailties and double-mindedness of man, and all parties interested in justice for all must recognize this objective standard as guiding principles for determining when justice has been exhibited. In other words, there must be law and the rule of law must prevail over all well-intentioned and/or misguided arguments based on emotions, feelings, or the ideology-du-jour.

In order for true justice to prevail and guide any people in their shared lives, justice must be impartial, proportionally related to behavior so that each individual receives his or her due, whether that due is reward or punishment. This must be in accord with the objective standard agreed upon as the guiding principles mentioned above.

America was founded upon Christian principles. Therefore, God’s moral law has undergirded the guiding principles of this republic even before the American Revolution. The Mayflower Compact, the first governing document of English settlers to America makes this clear. The Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights follow suit in recognizing the God of the Christian Bible as Creator, Sustainer, Lord, and Law Giver. His immutable and timeless law is recognized as the foundation for America’s laws.

John Locke said, “The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom.” President John F. Kennedy recognized that truth when he stated during his inaugural address that: “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” Sir William Blackstone, the acclaimed English jurist and scholar of jurisprudence, wrote that:

“Man … must necessarily be subject to the laws of his Creator…This will of his Maker is called the law of nature…This law of nature…is of course superior to any other…No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this: and such of them as are valid derive all their force…from this original.”[4]        

Additionally, justice has many different applications and therefore must be understood within several different contexts, among them: commercial, vindictive, retributive, punitive, and remedial justice.[5] Commercial justice defines voluntary relationships, while vindictive, retributive, punitive, and remedial justice defines involuntary relationships. Theologian and Philosopher E. Calvin Beisner, offers this explanation:

Commercial justice requires that if we desire what another has, we must offer something he prefers in exchange for it, not acquire it by force or fraud – whether directly (picking his pocket) or indirectly (using a law to take from him and give to ourselves or others). Violations of commercial justice by fraud, theft, or violence bring punitive and vindictive justice into play as correctives.

When one person violates another’s rights (which are defined by justice), the injury is to be redressed by vindictive, retributive, and punitive justice. Vindictive justice judges the victim right in his cause (1 Kings 8:32; Deuteronomy 25:1). Retributive justice (from the Latin re, or “back,” and tribuere, “to pay”) requires the offender to restore the victim to his status before the offense (Exodus 22:1-15). Punitive justice applies a penalty to the offender as punishment for violating the law (Romans 13:4). In crimes against property (theft or destruction), punitive and retributive justice combine in the offender’s restoring what was taken or destroyed (retribution, also called restitution) plus some additional amount (punishment).

Sometimes someone harms another accidently. Then, remedial justice requires the one who caused the harm to share the cost equally with the victim (Exodus 21:35) but adds no penalty. But if he is negligent, he must be punished by bearing the whole loss (Exodus 21:33-34, 36), restoring the victim fully to his former state at his own expense.[6]

In the current climate of identity politics, gender dysphoria, and Marxian and Critical Theories run amok, these requirements for justice appear to be out of reach. That leaves us with a bare naked power grab by certain people, or cast in Darwinian terms, a fight for the survival of the strongest, where might makes right. In America today that means political power financed by globalists who espouse anti-American ideologies. The ability to force people to comply against their wishes and of the common good has defined tyranny throughout the ages. Sadly, much of the American Protestant church has been deceived and is supporting the multi-pronged Luciferian lunacy of the leftists and other assorted God haters.

Aiding and Abetting the Perversion of Justice

Recently the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) abdicated their responsibility to proclaim God’s truth by adopting Critical Theory and Intersectionality as guiding principles. Critical Theory and especially Critical Race Theory assume what they set out to prove. It is at best, circular reasoning on steroids. What it is at worse is a system for justifying racism against whites. If that statement makes you nervous, you are probably influenced by the now non-stop drumbeat of the white supremacy, white privilege nonsense perpetrated by Critical Theory race baiters embedded in the Southern Baptist Convention as well as many other denominations.

Critical Theory has already conquered numerous universities as evidenced by the growing number of white privilege courses being offered to students. The reason there is no uproar over this insanity is because college freshman have already been indoctrinated with the socialist, leftist, Marxist global citizenship lies such that by the time they enter college they have become victims of mass mind control that makes the CIA blush over its effectiveness.

Alex Newman, writing in the February 4, 2019 edition of the New American says:

More than 20 years ago, Hillary Clinton published a book called It Takes a Village. The key takeaway from the book is that the raising of children needs to be viewed as a collective responsibility, and that the government must take a much more active role. More recently, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry did a segment going even further. “We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to the whole community…Of course that idea is not new. In 1932, American Communist Party leader William Z. Foster, in his book Toward Soviet America, outlined similar goals. “Among the elementary measures the American Soviet government will adopt to further the cultural revolution are the following: the schools, colleges and universities will be coordinated and grouped under the National Department of Education and its state and local branches,” he wrote. “The studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of bourgeois ideology. The students will be taught on the basis of Marxian dialectic materialism, internationalism and the general ethics of the new Socialist society…Indeed dictators have long understood that shaping the minds of children is the surest method of keeping power. As Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) tyrant Adolph Hitler put it, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”…Education, it turns out, is the secret weapon of those seeking to build what they frequently refer to in public as a New World Order. And they not only admit it, they boast of it in public. The very future of the United States as a free and self-governing republic hinges on the outcome of this battle.[7]

According to the Socialists-Communists in the U.S. Senate and House, as well as Socialists-Communists in every level of government and even in the U.S. Judiciary, American’s who believe in the rule of law, in the God-given rights of Americans, in liberty and freedom, in limited government, and State’s rights to tell the U.S. Government to “take a hike,” are prime candidates for re-education. That means many Americans must be indoctrinated with an ideology that sees religion, by which is meant true Christianity, and patriotism, by which is meant nationalism, as “bourgeois.”

The questions I have for all those Protestant and SBC leaders and the growing number of confessing Socialist-Communist Evangelicals such as Tim Keller and David Platt, is this: How do you legitimately espouse such demonic nonsense and think you are being true to the gospel of Jesus Christ? How can you adopt Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Social Justice, homosexual and even transgender propaganda and believe you are remaining faithful to the Scriptures? What people who hide behind and fly the flag of “inclusion” are really doing is waving the white flag of surrender to culture and the demonic hordes that have carefully crafted American culture for the last one hundred plus years. People who believe they are Christians and who see no conflict with their support of Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Big Gay, and every other interest that sets itself against the truth of God, have become useful idiots for the enemies of Christ and of the freedom and liberties we enjoy as Americans.

Founding Father John Adams was right when he wrote in a letter to the Massachusetts Third Division in 1798, that: “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” This explains why the Socialist-Communists in our governments, their allies in the media, and Big Gay hate the rule of law and hate any reference to the Founding Fathers and our governing documents: they are not a moral people and they will not abide by any moral code that calls their behavior immoral, wicked, and evil.

I encourage every freedom loving American to begin to tell the people described above that we will not tolerate their continued attack upon this nation’s principles and follow that up with action. What is happening in your local community will determine the necessary action items for you. I also suggest you utilize your network of people to grow an organization of resistance to the creeping Socialism-Communism in our governments and in our churches. If you will not stand up and fight back now it may be too late in the very near future.

Dr. Mike Spaulding

[1] Celia Hart, The Flag of Coyoacan, edited by Walter Lippmann in August 2004. Repreinted in Cited in Carl Teichrib, Forcing Change, Volume 4, Issue 8, p. 1.

[2] William E. Murnion, “The Ideology of Social Justice in Economic Justice For All,” Journal of Business Ethics, p. 848, 1989. Cited in Teichrib, p. 1.

[3] All Bible references are taken from The New American Standard translation (Lockman Foundation, 1995).

[4] See

[5] See E. Calvin Beisner, Social Justice vs. Biblical Justice: How Good Intentions Undermine Justice and Gospel, Good Tree Press, 2018.

[6] Beisner, p. 24-25.

[7] Alex Newman, The New American, Rescuing Our Children, February 4, 2019, p.7.

Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998. Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as pastor.

Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a M.T.S., and a Ph.D. in apologetics. He is the author of #MTPGA (Make the Pulpit Great Again): 12 Things Christians Can Do Right Now; Random Thoughts From a Disciple of Jesus Christ: Commentary on America’s “Hot Button” Issues; Matthew: A Commentary for the Remnant Body of Jesus Christ, Volume 1; and Mark: A Commentary for the Remnant Body of Jesus Christ, Volume 1. He is a contributing author to Social Injustice; The Evangelical Dictionary of World Religions; and Daily Devotions with Calvary Chapel Pastors. Mike is a frequent conference speaker and has appeared on broadcasts including Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse, The Hagmann Report, Caravan to Midnight and Ark Midnight with John B. Wells, and Five In Ten on Skywatch TV.

Mike is the host of Soaring Eagle Radio (, Dr. Mike Live (, and cohosts The Kingdom War Room with Dr. Michael Lake ( .

His teaching ministry is featured on the radio program “The Transforming Word,” heard on radio stations throughout the Midwest United States.

Mike has been married to his lovely wife Kathy for over 36 years and together they have four daughters and six grandchildren.

You may contact Mike via email – or by writing him at the address below. You may follow him on Twitter – @ccpastormike

Dr. Mike Spaulding
P.O. Box 3007
Elida, Ohio 45807

Our Authority Over the Enemy – Rob Pue

Why does our culture and our world continue to spin deeper and deeper down the drain of sewage and depravity?  Everywhere we look, good is called “evil” and evil is called “good.”   Everything is backwards from God’s natural order.  Everything is a demonic counterfeit of God’s perfect plan and design. 

   Today, as we read in Romans 1, it seems God has given the world over to depraved, reprobate minds.  Vile affections, blood lust, worship of false gods.  “Filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, spiteful, proud, boasters, INVENTORS of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection (even for their own children); undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, and unmerciful.”  Is it any wonder that God has given most people in this world over to reprobate minds?

   A dark cloud of judgment has fallen upon our land.  And it is our own fault.  Why is the church today, so powerless?  Or perhaps better stated, why is modern American Christendom — the INSTITUTIONAL so-called “churches” — why are THEY so powerless and effeminate?  Outwardly, they practice a FORM of godliness, but they deny the power of GOD.  I dare say that MOST professing Christians and church-goers today are just as carnal as the worldly.  They may act “holy” during the “worshiptainment” they enjoy at their local “Godmart.”  But they really have no idea whatsoever what being a Christ-follower is really all about.  Salt that has lost the savor, therefore USELESS — except to be thrown out and trampled under the feet of men.  That is, if they ever HAD any “salt” to begin with.

   Increasingly, Lucifer and his demons are reigning on this earth.  Mind you, it is only because God Almighty allows it, for now.  But nevertheless, the demonic realm is very REAL, and very effective at destroying all who will fall for his lies and deceptions.  And make no mistake, ALL he offers are lies and deceptions, because he is the father of lies and there is no truth in him.  His goal is to lie, deceive and twist as many minds into godless rebellion as possible, leading to the ultimate death and destruction of as many of God’s image-bearers as possible.  That means YOU, friend.  We are ALL targets, simply because we are made in God’s image, and though our Creator is not willing that any should perish, MOST will, by their own choice.

   In the book of Job, we read that “One day, the sons of God (the angels) came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.  The Lord asked Satan, ‘Where have you come from?’  ‘From roaming through the earth,’ Satan answered Him, ‘and walking around on it.’”

   Ezekiel 28 is a two-fold prophecy — regarding the proud, boastful King of Tyre, who thought he was a god.  The King’s judgment was pronounced:  “Because you regard your heart as that of a god, I am about to bring strangers against you, ruthless men from the nations.  They will draw their swords against your magnificent wisdom and will defile your splendor.  They will bring you down to the Pit, and you will die a violent death.”  Such is always the end of those who celebrate “pride.”

   The second part of this message in Ezekiel seems to refer to Lucifer, Satan.  It reads, “You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.  You were in Eden, the garden of God.  Every kind of precious stone covered you…You were an anointed guardian cherub, for I had appointed you.  You were on the holy mountain of God…From the day you were created, you were blameless in your ways until wickedness was found in you.  Through the abundance of your trade (evil), you were filled with violence and you sinned.  So I expelled you in disgrace from the mountain of God, and banished you, guardian cherub.”

   The Lord goes on:  “Your heart became proud because of your beauty; for the sake of your splendor you corrupted your wisdom.  So I threw you down to the earth…”

   Yes, Satan is a CREATED being, and was anointed by God and given the position of “guardian.”  But he rebelled against the Most High, and was cast down to the earth, where he remains today, as the father of lies, the enemy of our souls.  1 Peter 5 warns us that he now “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”  We are therefore warned to be SOBER-MINDED and WATCHFUL, and we have God’s promise that if we  resist him, firm in our faith, he will flee from us.  You see, he HAS to.  Because we — IF we have the Holy Spirit of God within us (and not ALL who claim the name of Christ actually DO)  — then WE have the very power and authority of God within us also to trample satan beneath our feet.

   In Matthew 10, we have this:  “Summoning His 12 disciples, He gave them authority over unclean spirits, to drive them out and to heal every disease and sickness.”  In Matthew 28, starting at verse 18, “Then Jesus came near and said to them, ‘ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven AND ON EARTH.  Go therefore, and make discples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to oberve everything I have commanded you.  And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  Yes, JESUS is with us — He is IN us — and gives us HIS authority on this earth.  And the authority of GOD includes authority over the devil and his demons 

   Look also at Luke 10:  Jesus commanded the seventy to go out, two by two into ‘every city and place.’  His directives were to “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with diseases and DRIVE OUT DEMONS.”  But He warned that while the harvest is great, the workers are few.  He warned that His disciples would be going out as sheep among wolves.  The Christian life is NOT one of ease and comfort, not one of potlucks and ice cream socials and youth group pizza parties.  This is serious business.  This is our JOB.

   When the seventy returned to Jesus, they came with joy saying, “Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name!”  And Jesus replied, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.  Behold… I give you… all power over the enemy, but rejoice not that the spirits are subject unto you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”

   Friends, do you REALIZE — do you UNDERSTAND — that the supernatural spiritual realm is REAL and PRESENT right alongside us?  Though we cannot see it in the natural, it is no less real.  Demons and angels walk among us on this earth and the spiritual battle rages in the heavenlies and in this world.  The “prince of the power of the air” commands legions of demons to do his evil bidding among us every day.  But he can only do this if WE allow it, and open the doors to the demonic. 

   But knowing that God is INFINITELY more powerful than the father of lies, knowing that Jesus Christ Himself was manifested in this world, died, was buried and rose again, that He might destroy the works of the devil, WHY then, is this world descending so rapidly, now, into utter destruction? 

   1 Timothy 4:  “Now the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, THROUGH THE HYPOCRISY OF LIARS whose consciences are seared.”  I could do an entire sermon on that verse alone.  Today, MANY have departed.  MANY are following the deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.  And this Scripture TELLS US that these demonic teachings come through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared.  Dare I say that many — if not MOST — of our “churches” today have become nothing more than carnal, satanic social clubs, where professing “pastors”  NEVER address the topic of spiritual warfare.   Hireling  “shepherds” that will NEVER talk about the social, cultural, moral and political issues that are twisting our own minds and those of our children, destroying marriages (indeed, even redefining MARRIAGE to include unholy sodomite hedonism), tearing apart families, and dragging millions of souls to hell every day.  By their silence, they have given their consent.  Sadly, there are now an increasing number of churches CELEBRATING all this wickedness as well.  Not just remaining silent — now they are ADVOCATING for and CELEBRATING sodomy, infanticide, Islam, fornication, pornography, socialism, fascism and more.

    Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “I fear that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your minds may be seduced from a complete and pure devotion to Christ.  For if a person comes and preaches another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or you receive a different spirit, which you had not received, or a different gospel, which you had not accepted, you put up with it splendidly!”  Yes, there are MANY false Christs and false gospels and false spirits being preached today, and there are MANY who put up with it splendidly!

   God has placed before us a choice, between life and death.  Sadly, most have chosen the broad path that leads to destruction.  Even MOST who attend church regularly and do all the vain religious rituals, having neglected ENTIRELY the weighter matters.  But Paul continued, “Since we have this ministry because we were shown mercy, we do not give up.  Instead, we have renounced shameful secret things, not walking in deceit or distorting God’s message, but commending ourselves to every person’s conscience in God’s sight by an OPEN DISPLAY OF THE TRUTH!  But if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.  In their case, the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”

   What an admonition!  We are NOT to walk in deceit or distort God’s message but seek to touch EVERY PERSON’S CONSCIENCE.  How?  By AN OPEN DISPLAY OF THE TRUTH!  We are not to tell the carnal, worldly person “Jesus loves you, brother, just the way you are!”  That is a lie from the father of lies himself.  UNTIL we come to Christ in humble repentance and faith, we remain under God’s wrath, an enemy of the cross, and Scripture tells us we are of our father the devil, and the deeds of our father we will do.  And that is NOT OK!  God is not “alright” with that.  The wages of sin is death.  Instead, as much as we are able, with all our might, through the POWER of the Holy Spirit within us, we are to present to EVERY PERSON’S CONSCIENCE an OPEN DISPLAY OF THE TRUTH!  Unashamedly.  Boldly, but humbly.  For such WERE some of us!

   But the world is growing darker, folks.  And at an alarming speed.  Why is evil getting so bold so quickly?  Why are we seeing things coming upon the earth now that we would have never dreamed possible just a few years ago?  Because we have opened the doors — we have rolled out the red carpet — we have opened “portals” into the demonic spiritual realm.  We have done this by believing lies and by hiding from God’s light.  We do this every day through the entertainment we choose, through the sin habits we continue to indulge in, through continuing to allow millions of babies to be slaughtered in the womb.  And make no mistake, the devil and his demons FEED on the blood of the innocent.  The blood of the innocent is CURRENCY in the demonic spiritual realm.  We are under blood guiltiness, but few professing Christians can be bothered to actually DO anything about it, or demand justice. 

   The same is true with the sodomite agenda.  Christians remain silent.  PASTORS remain silent on ALL of these things,  as thousands upon thousands of our young people and young CHILDREN are indoctrinated into this death-style.  Parents even march their little kids in the “pride” parades and take them to “Drag Queen Story Time” at their local libraries.   Countless children and young people are lured into the human trafficking market, sold as slaves and prostitutes.  Then we celebrate the death-cult of Islam, welcoming demon worshipers into high places in government, education, media and other areas of great influence.   I could go on:  the plague of Pharmakea; the indoctrination of children in public schools — and the rest of us through constant use of our “screens” — the invasion of our country by hostile foreign enemies.  The list is endless.

   And we do ALL of this with PRIDE.  Yes, we have willingly opened massive portals into the demonic realm, allowing an ever increasing number of demons to have free reign in every area of our lives and our world.  As we invite and welcome and celebrate the arrival of more and more demons, we seal our fate.  Only God’s faithful remnant will find eternal life with Him.  Yet we must press on, we must boldly proclaim TRUTH at every opportunity and seek and demand righteousness and justice!  Most of all, we must remember the words of Moses — and actually DO what we have so woefully failed at.  From Deuteronomy 6:  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.  These words I am giving you today are to be in your heart.  REPEAT THEM to your children.  Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  BIND THEM as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead.  Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

   This spiritual battle — this spiritual WARFARE — is REAL and it is intense, and the enemy is seeking to devour us all — especially our precious children.  We need to step up our game.  We need to “amp it up.”  We need to be bold WARRIORS for Christ, seeking to be a restraining influence against the enemy.  But we can NEVER DO THAT if we never speak up, or never leave the four walls of our local Religious Service Providers.  Salt that has lost its savor cannot be made salty again.  It’s too late for them.  But for the faithful, NOW is the time.  TODAY is the day for us to BELIEVE what Jesus said:  we have ALL authority over the enemy; Jesus will be with us, even to the end of the age.  Christ is IN us — and as His disciples we have the very authority of God to cast these demons OUT, and they have no choice but to OBEY… WHEN we understand and BELIEVE that authority, and come out of our hiding places and begin to exercise it.  Just as Jesus commanded.

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 258.


About Rob Pue – Rob is an ordained minister and the founder and publisher of Wisconsin Christian News, a national Christian newspaper based in Wisconsin. He writes a monthly commentary for WCN, and can also be heard twice weekly, (Tuesdays and Saturdays) nationwide on the VCY America Radio Network, with his “From the Editor’s Desk” commentaries. Rob’s messages offer unique teaching and insights from God’s Word, dealing with the most important issues of our day. He is also available for speaking engagements for conferences and special events. View his website at

The Epidemic of a Seared Conscience – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Nobody has the right to not be offended. That right doesn’t exist in any declaration I have ever read.[1]

Many Americans have been propagandized to the extent that they now form an entire subclass – the perpetually offended. What are the signs? One of the most glaring signs of this new genre of the walking infantile is the belief, often expressed by aggressive and even violent behavior, that anyone or thing that offends them ought not to be allowed to exist.

People that think this way apparently believe that the universe operates according to their ideology. They have no real justification for believing this way. They can’t point to any standard of moral reasoning, logical analysis, or time-tested system of thought that supports their viewpoint. They further demonstrate their ignorance by believing everyone would be better off believing like they do. Remarkable, they think they are the modern equivalent of the knights of old, riding in to rescue the damsels in distress, in this case culture, civility, and the American way. The truth that these individuals cannot grasp is something much different.

Here is a case in point: Two University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill students were recently arrested and charged with assault. What led to their arrests? They were arrested after they physically and violently attacked a pro-life activist who was on the campus with Created Equal, a group that uses dialogue to attempt to persuade people that abortion is the murder of unborn human beings. One of the strategies that Created Equal uses is the prominent display of actual pictures of the dismembered bodies of babies, the result of “choice” as abortion is euphemistically called by those attempting to disguise the barbaric truth of what abortion is and does to the preborn human.

Pictures of babies who have suffered the cruelest fate imaginable are a powerful reminder of the truth of what abortion really is. Pictures leave no room for debate about abortion being “women’s reproductive healthcare” as the brainwashed like to call it. Abortion ends the life of the baby and therefore trying to obfuscate this truth by calling it “reproductive healthcare” is idiocy.

The university students mentioned above were shocked when law enforcement officers arrested them. They could not believe that their noble cause of violently opposing and assaulting pro-life individuals resulted in arrest. One of the students said, “I cannot believe this is happening,” referring to her arrest.

Another example of the same mindset demonstrated by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill child murder supporters is the now infamous behavior of Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims. Sims, the self-proclaimed champion of a woman’s right to murder her unborn child, thought he was valiant and courageous for demeaning, belittling, and verbally intimidating an elderly woman outside a baby murder facility.

What was the crime that set Sims over the edge? This grandmother was walking in front of the murder mill while praying silently. For this gross offense Sims took it upon himself to video the woman, demanding her name and address, offering a money reward to anyone who would identify her and where she lived so that he and others that think like he does could go harass her at her home.

In the least Sims demonstrated that he has no business making decisions that affect citizens of the state of Pennsylvania in his capacity as a State Representative. More troubling than that however, is the fact that Sims thought it perfectly normal to call for a mass turnout of like-minded baby murderers to intimidate an individual for having the temerity to be at a place where women murder their children and pray that they would change their minds.

Then there is the recent case of the morally bankrupt young women celebrating the act of murdering babies by dancing through a graveyard of crosses representing aborted babies. This publicity stunt was noteworthy for the callousness with which these young women were exulting child murder. Here is one report of this incident:

Planned Parenthood supporters at the University of Texas at San Antonio protested at a Students for Life symbolic cemetery for the unborn.

The incident occurred on April 9 as Students for Life commemorated aborted babies through a cemetery display, the pro-life nonprofit group revealed in a press release Wednesday. Students for Life set up pink crosses and talked to students about pro-life options as part of a spring Planned Parenthood Truth Tour throughout college campuses.

Young women from the university’s Students United for Planned Parenthood group interrupted the memorial activity. The protesters strode through the assembled crosses, shouted and waved signs, according to video footage.

“Look, there’s mine right there,” one Planned Parenthood supporter shouted in the video, pointing at a cross and pretending an aborted baby lay beneath it. A student shouted across the cemetery that she loves having sex and aborting babies. “My number one kink,” she can be heard saying in the video, as noted by Students For Life.

“I love advocating for abortion! My uterus loves advocating for abortion,” another girl shouted, waving her sign. “When I say Planned, you say Parenthood. When I say aborted, you say fetuses!”

“It’s a fetus graveyard!” another protester said.[2]

What has happened to a great number of men and women in America is that their conscience has become seared. Their mind is in a state of depreciating ability to grasp morality personally and interpersonally. They have become incapable of moral reasoning and logical analysis that lead to guilt or shame related to their thinking and behavior. They are being turned over to the darkness they crave and prostitute themselves to and on behalf of.

Depending on the severity of the behavior, psychologists call this psychopathic or sociopathic behavior. The difference between the two is that a psychopath has no conscience remaining. The psychopath’s conscience is completely seared and devoid of any emotion of shame or guilt associated with their behavior. Ironically, Hollywood glamorizes this behavior, giving tacit approval to the violent and murderous results of psychopathic people.

The sociopath has a small amount of conscience remaining. This person might still feel a twinge of guilt but not enough to stop their evil behavior. Both the psychopath and sociopath are dangerous to others with which they interact and especially those with whom they disagree.  Courtrooms across this nation are filled with cases involving the egregious behavior of people with little to no functioning conscience.

All of the examples above demonstrate varying states of the inability to reason morally. America is well down the path of being wrested from its moral foundations by psychopaths and sociopaths whose faculties have been impaired by evil. What can be done to correct this development? We must first understand what we are dealing with.

J.I. Packer* said concerning conscience that:

An educated, sensitive conscience is God’s monitor.  It alerts us to the moral quality of what we do or plan to do, forbids lawlessness and irresponsibility, and makes us feel guilt, shame, and fear of the future retribution that it tells us we deserve, when we have allowed ourselves to deny its restraints…Satan’s strategy is to corrupt, desensitize, and if possible kill our consciences.  The relativism, materialism, narcissism, secularism, and hedonism of today’s Western world help him mightily toward his goal.  His task is made yet simpler by the way in which the world’s moral weaknesses have been taken into the contemporary church.[3]

Packer identified the real crux of the issue. Conscience is a God-given warning system that has been deliberately turned off today in a large number of Americans. An alarm cannot warn of danger if it is not connected to a power source.

Slowly and over time the innate ability of Americans to determine right from wrong has been strategically and with malice corrupted. The constant drive to remove and even erase Christianity from the public mind and memory has borne the rottenest of fruit culturally speaking.

How can a culture sustain moral uprightness from generation to generation when even the Church, that instrument of God meant to inform and when necessary, correct culture, begins to emulate the culture? When a society becomes seared in conscience, when a critical mass of people begin to think and advocate for evil under the guise of good, and exchange light for darkness, their minds become seared as with a branding iron and the resultant scar tissue renders them incapable of returning to correct thinking and behavior absent a radical surgery.

The Church is meant to be God’s scalpel, guided by His hand to make perfect incisions to remove the cancer of evil, the scar tissue of a seared conscience, and in so doing, restore right thinking and behavior to all individuals. When the Church refuses to do that mass deception is allowed to congeal and that environment creates hostility toward the truth of man’s precarious condition and toward the only solution to his dilemma.

The answer to this predicament is not for the Church to go with the flow, to seek the path of least resistance, to affirm inclusiveness as that term is meant today and throw open the doors to culture. The only answer that will turn America around is a full-on biblical revival that must start in the pulpits of America and sweep through the local bodies of Christ spread out over this nation. That kind of revival cannot be contained and it will spill over into local school boards, city councils, college campuses, businesses, state representatives, and finally our national leadership. When God’s people once again bow their knee to Him alone, then revival will come, minds will be freed from the bondage of the demonic slavery imposed upon them from God-hating miscreants who have secretly snuck into our churches, communities, and governments at every level.

True biblical revival will transform hearts, heal minds, and lead to tangible action by those delivered from their bondage. True biblical revival will come on the heels of true repentance, a faith that demonstrates a changed heart, mind, and life trajectory.

The Scriptures[4] tell us that: There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. John 1:9

This means that only through faith in Christ will people become free from a seared conscience and the inevitable consequence of that state. Christian, rise up and take your place in the army of God, and march forward in victory, for our God has given us this land. Occupy until He returns!

[1] Quote attributed to author Salman Rushdie found here –

[2] See

[3] J.I. Packer, Rediscovering Holiness.

[4] All Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, The Lockman Foundation, 1995.

*My original post listed Mr. Packer as “The late.” Mr. Packer is very much alive. My apologies to him and readers.