Hi friends! I am moving into a new arena – live video broadcasts! is launching September 10, 2018 at 6pm EST! This is something I’ve considered doing for the last year and have reached the conclusion that now is the time. Why now? After over three years of recording interviews with great guests on Soaring Eagle Radio, I believe the time is now to begin addressing issues we face as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ in real-time utilizing video. It is a natural progression for this vision the Lord has given me. Soaring Eagle Radio will continue in its current format as well.

I see situations arising daily that need a strong biblical response. My plan is to make this a weekly one hour program – Monday’s from 6pm – 7pm EST. The format will be interactive, meaning you get to participate!

I am asking for your help with a few of things. One, please let your friends know about this new program. Let’s build a core group of people who desire to hear the information I will provide and who will share this information to equip and encourage others.

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Truth Decay – Coach Dave Daubenmire

There is not enough dental floss or toothpaste left in the world to rescue the American church from its severe battle with truth decay.

I often hear people talk about how crazy things have become in the world and my friends often laugh at the snowflakes that we see whining on television.  But what we see on the streets of America is nothing more than the consequences of the truth decay so prevalent in America’s churches.

The salt has truly lost it’s savor.  That is what Jesus warned us about during his sermon on the mount.  That unless the church held fast to the reigns of Biblical morality the impending results would be a good for nothing form of Christianity.

Look around you and you see the impact of this truth decay everywhere you look.

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Soaring Eagle Radio – Mike & Kathy – Lifting the Veil Review and an Important Ministry Update

Friends, this is a very special episode of SER. After 3+ years I was finally able to convince my beautiful wife Kathy to join me on air! We enjoyed it so much we will definitely do this again.

We discuss the recently completed Hear the Watchmen Lifting the Veil conference AND a new ministry that will be launching soon! Stay tuned friends!

Spiritual Deception of the New Age – Rob Pue

We are seeing the words of Scripture play out in living color before our very eyes every single day now, though the unsaved world cannot comprehend it.  With all we have to contend with, it’s easy for us to get distracted, focusing on the things we see in this physical world every day, and forgetting about the invisible, spiritual world all around us.  But this is where the REAL war is actually being waged.

The abominations we SEE on this earth are actually just the manifestations of intense warfare being played out in the spiritual realm.  Ephesians 6 tells us, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but…against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”  There is a whole SPIRITUAL WORLD “out there” that we do not see while we live in these earthly bodies, yet it is as just as real as the ground we walk on.  And these “spiritual forces of evil” are working overtime against all of us.  Peter warns us to be aware of this.  “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”

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‘Now They’re Coming For Our Kids’ – Rob Pue

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16, which USED to be the most well-known verse of the Bible, until the Leftists started quoting “Judge not.”  Now, that seems to be the only “Bible” anyone knows anymore.

For those who are unaware, in addition to these radio broadcasts, my main ministry work is Wisconsin Christian News,which is now a NATIONAL Christian newspaper, based in Wisconsin.  We have subscribers in nearly all fifty states, and some larger distribution in other states as well.  In addition, we maintain an active and well-visited website AND, since we are a monthly newspaper, we utilize our Wisconsin Christian NewsFacebook page to post late-breaking news stories and items of interest on a daily basis as well — and THERE we have an opportunity to interact with our readers.

Last night, I posted an article about “Drag Queen Story Time” — now expanding from public libraries to the public SCHOOLS.  I am always amazed that SO MANY Christians are completely UNAWARE that these things are happening.  Because this is not “new” news — it’s actually OLD news.  It’s been going on for some time.  For those who don’t know, “Drag Queen Story Time” is a program which is now taking place nationwide, in which men dress up in full female regalia, loaded with makeup and then they read stories to little pre-school and kindergarten-age children about how being a homosexual is “fun,” a way to “express your individuality,” and that there is “no such thing as “boy” things and “girl” things.  “Children,” they say, “should feel free and open to choose whichever gender they would like…” Even if they would like to be a boy one day and a girl the next. And they’re doing this to four and five-year-olds.

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