Dr. Mike Spaulding

Random thoughts from a disciple of Jesus Christ

Dr. Mike Spaulding

Lifting the Veil – Long Island, New York

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Below are all the speaker’s topics.  

Pastor Carl Gallups: “Fake News or Fake Israel?  The Most prophetic days since the 1st coming of Jesus Christ.  The Gods of Ground Zero are on the Move

Derek Gilbert: “The Traveling Dead: Revealing the Identity of Gog, the Second coming of Hercules and Bible  Prophecies of the Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse”

Dave Daubenmire: “Stop Waiting for Someone Else!”

Dr. Michael Lake: “The Kingdom Dynamic of the Fire of God”

Russ Dizdar: “The Final Unveiling from Both Sides”

Pastor Paul Begley:  The” Revealing”

Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat: “Radiant:” The Image of the Most  High God

Pastor Mike Spaulding:  “Missionaries to America”

LA Marzulli: “The Coming Great Deception-Fatima-UFO Disclosure”

Pastor Caspar McCloud : “Wheat, Tares & Christ’s Heirs”


(ED. NOTEI have devoted a lot of time on my radio shows recently to the subject of Revoice, the pro-“LGBT Christianity” conference set to take place July 26-28 at a Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) church in St. Louis. Readers may find links to my “Janet Mefferd Today” coverage of Revoice hereherehere and here. The following is an important guest post, written by my good friends Tom Littleton — a Southern Baptist pastor and writer — and Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, professor of humanities at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I am enormously grateful for both these men, for their clear biblical voices on the issue of homosexuality and Revoice and for their refusal to compromise the Word of God. Tom broke the story about Revoice and has been a hero in exposing how the unbiblical premises and language of Revoice are undermining the Word of God and the truth about gospel transformation through the tactics of incremental gay activism. He’s also noted how this narrative has been fueled not by biblical language or concepts, but by the psychological stylings advanced within evangelicalism by Dr. Mark Yarhouse. Further, Tom has connected the dots and shown Christians the troubling-but-undeniable ties between Revoice and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission and The Gospel Coalition — not a popular truth, but one that nonetheless must be exposed. You can read Tom’s work at Thirty Pieces of Silver here. Dr. Lopez not only submitted an important-but-denied resolution to the recent SBC annual meeting on leading people from homosexuality to heterosexuality, but his own testimony of deliverance from homosexuality stands as a beautiful testimony to the grace of God. Here, both men argue that while many evangelical leaders have rightly stood for biblical marriage, that doesn’t guarantee they will stand firm on biblical truth during the next stage of discernment: whether or not you can be “born gay.” It is my privilege to reprint this article, with permission, from Dr. Lopez’s blog, English Manif.)

“RESOLVED, the Southern Baptist Convention rejects as heresy any claims that God makes people homosexual…”

These words were included in the resolution that we submitted to the Southern Baptist Convention at its annual meeting in Dallas. We entitled the resolution, “On Ministry and Counseling to Lead People from Homosexuality to Heterosexuality.” Arguably the quote above was the most important ingredient in it.

On June 12, 2018, the SBC announced that the resolutions committee declined this resolution. Thus it never came to the floor. No other resolution has affirmed the Southern Baptists’ commitment to ministry and counseling for people who want help moving away from homosexual identity or behavior to heterosexuality.

Two recent articles published by Public Discourse—Robert George’s “Fr. James Martin, Friendship and Dialogue,” and Ron Belgau’s “In Defense of Spiritual Friendship and Revoice”—feel particularly ominous given what became of the resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention. George and Belgau address debates that have interested Roman Catholics. The same doctrinal crisis afflicts the Southern Baptists, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States.

The 2017 effort called “Faith in America,” which seems to have vanished in 2018, revealed that well-funded LGBT groups targeted the Southern Baptists as part of a willful drive to suppress Biblical resistance to homosexuality. In our current context, a siege mentality corresponds to basic realism and survival.

Many esteemed intellectual figures in both churches, such as Robert George and Russell Moore, have earned a reputation as being “beyond reproach on LGBT issues.” Russell Moore is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). We owe George’s and Moore’s high reputations to the stances they took when the United States was debating same-sex marriage. While they may deserve some credit for standing up for marriage in the past, their positions on sexual orientation change and “born this way” look increasingly weak.

Prof. George’s praise for radically pro-gay Jesuit James Martin has alarmed many, particularly ex-gays who have felt the brunt of James Martin’s abusive behavior and feel betrayed. Dr. Moore has refused to confront or admonish his own research fellow, Dr. Karen Swallow Prior, about her support for the controversial Revoice conference. “Revoice” is the name of a pro-LGBTQ+ organization and is also the name of a conference by the same, to take place in St. Louis July 26-28, 2018.

Dr. Moore’s evasive response to critics of Revoice contributes to our disappointment with many evangelical critiques of Revoice. We have seen lukewarm criticisms from figures such as Al MohlerAndrew Walker, and Kevin DeYoung. Mohler, Walker, and DeYoung have framed the problems with Revoice in esoteric or semantic terms. Yet Revoice poses an existential threat to evangelical religion. Revoice enshrines an assumption — the idea that non-heterosexual orientation can be an innate identity and impossible to change. That assumption negates core messages of the Bible.

Mohler, Walker and De Young’s lukewarm criticisms of Revoice sidestep the central question — can we say that people are born gay and God made them that way? The fact that Revoice uses some unclear terminology or might confuse some who hear Revoice rhetoric is significant, so we thank these evangelical commentators for picking up on such problems. Nonetheless, no critique of this conference/organization is truly adequate unless it confronts the horrendous apostasy at the core of Revoice’s rhetoric.

Backlash against Revoice has been so enormous in the evangelical world. It will obviously benefit the LGBT lobby if someone sympathetic to them can publish “critiques” that superficially placate worried Christians while distracting them from the sinister and ongoing assault on their belief system.

We wonder if a better course for thought leaders might consist of simply letting new voices oppose such heresy with the full attention of evangelical audiences. Early voices that came out against Revoice, such as ourselves and people like Janet Mefferd and Stephen Black, are noticeably ignored in the “critiques” that have been published by people who have much closer ties to established editors like the people at the helm of Public Discourse.

Many of the late-breaking writings that dispute parts of Revoice feel like controlled-opposition pieces, irrespective of their good intentions. When dealing with so much propaganda and psychological manipulation, as in LGBT debates, perception plays a major role. We need bold and clear discernment, rather than carefully calibrated stances that appear designed to insulate writers from accusations of complicity with heresy without actually confronting the heresy itself. While it’s true that the Revoice conference has not yet happened, given the long-lasting impact of an ERLC conference that took place on homosexuality in 2014 (to be discussed more momentarily), evangelical Christians are justified in wanting to prevent an ill-conceived conference from causing irreversible fallout.

The New Battleground: Different than Defining Marriage

Consider for a moment the case of Philippe Pétain. He received accolades for his heroism in World War I, but we remember him for the humiliating mistakes he made during World War II. He will forever be associated with the shame of the Vichy government. “Marshal Pétain” went from glory at the battle of Verdun in World War I to being sentenced to death for treason once the Allies liberated France from the Nazis. Pétain was the figurehead placed in charge of the Nazis’ puppet government in France.

Our churches are embroiled in less violent but nonetheless high-stakes theological conflicts that we can understand by applying Pétain’s example. The fight over homosexual marriage was one conflict, but the fight over “born this way” is a different war, with the potential to go nuclear. It is entirely possible to have been a stellar hero in the last war and yet to become a catastrophic disappointment in the current war.

The Nashville Statement of 2017, for instance, should not function as an indicator of who is trustworthy on the “born this way” controversy since it dealt primarily with issues from the last war — namely the fight over the definition of marriage and whether homosexuality was a sin. One could easily be in the Pétain role of signing the Nashville Statement and then, one year later, assisting the LGBT movement in destroying the churches’ ministries designed to save people from homosexuality.

Many Christian readers may not see the clear differences between the debate on marriage and the debate on whether homosexuals can change. The latter debate is fundamental and more critical at the pastoral and ecclesiological level. Defending Christian marriage meant denying recognition to unrepentant homosexuals and entangling churches in debates about civil law. But the debate about sexual orientation change is different. If we in the church accept the notion that people are born gay and cannot change, we deny the existence of people who have changed. We also withhold our help and hope to repentant individuals who have homosexual experiences but want help to conform to God’s design for love and sexuality — a heterosexual design.

As Southern Baptists we have not received adequate guidance or stewardship from people who needed to lead us against the “born this way” heresy. In October 2014, Russell Moore’s ERLC organized a conference on homosexuality whose lasting effects on the denomination have proved profoundly negative. Dr. Moore rejected “reparative therapy” in broad terms that parallel the phrases used by LGBT in subsequent years as they sought to ban any kind of sexual-orientation change counseling. At the same events Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, stated that the church had been wrong about “sexual orientation” and that the LGBT community was right about homosexuality’s being to some degree innate and real.

Also, at this event, J.D. Greear — now the president of the Southern Baptist Convention — declared that Christians should be advocates against discrimination aimed at LGBTs. If he had specified that he did not define “discrimination” the way LGBT activists do (to include efforts to change homosexuals), he may have been on solid ground. But the silence about whether he meant discrimination in the broad sense to encompass any challenges to the pro-gay “born this way” doctrine leaves the Southern Baptist Convention now in a doctrinal disaster.

All signs point to the Southern Baptist Convention’s growing acceptance of the idea that people are born gay or that homosexuality originates in some way that does not exclude the will of God for it to exist. One sign is the SBC’s rejection of a resolution declaring that people are born according to God’s design (heterosexuality) and not according to the false design of homosexuality. Another major sign is the SBC’s troubled ties to the “Revoice conference,” which features a panoply of presenters who affirm gay identity even if they claim they will not engage in homosexual sex. The underlying ethos of Revoice is “born this way” ideology, since the alternatives suggested by the conference speakers all exclude the simple (and most logical) solution for Christians who struggle with homosexual tendencies: change, follow God’s design, and turn yourself into a heterosexual. In an interview, Austin Ruse of Crisis magazine revealed that the Revoice conference appears a repeat-performance of the “New Homophiles” who tried to force the Catholic church into many of the same theological compromises, and only fell from prominence with the rise of the more radical James Martin.

“Heresy” might be too strong a word for some. For us it’s just right.

As Southern Baptists, we pay no undue respect to human authorities. For we consider ourselves a priesthood of the believer. As evangelical Christians our prevailing reference point is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. The story of His ministry and death provides important cues for us to understand the spiritual battles to which God calls us. A mob insulted Jesus, Roman soldiers nailed Him to a cross, and corrupt authorities in both the church and civil government mistreated Him in a sham trial.

But Judas Iscariot, one of those closest to Him, betrayed Him with a kiss. And He found Himself abandoned even by disciples who had mastered all His teachings. We take important lessons to heart from these details. Even the humans best known for their wisdom and virtue, the Apostle Paul reminds us, “have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Much of the New Testament indicates that we are in greatest danger when we place so much trust in reputable people that we deem them beyond reproach. Jesus speaks not only of Pharisees and Sadducees but also of “messiahs and false prophets” who “will rise up and will perform signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, the elect” (Mark 13:22).

Scriptures abound in warnings about people who gain authority and convince us to trust them. Jesus warns us to leave alone “every plant that My heavenly Father didn’t plant,” noting, “if the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14).

And He tells us: “Beware of the scribes who want to go around in long robes, and who want greetings in the marketplaces, the front seats of the synagogues, and the places of honor at banquets” for “these will receive harsher punishment” (Mark 12:39-40). Jesus minced no words about the existence of a devil who outsmarts those who fear confronting the powerful or allow psychological tricks to persuade them. Paul tells us, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:13), elaborating on what Jesus Christ said to Peter himself: “Get behind Me, Satan, because you’re not thinking about God’s concerns, but man’s!” (Mark 8:33).

Jesus’s stark warnings target not only those with esteemed reputations among men, but also people whom we may personally like. Personal affection does not trump obedience to God’s instruction. Jesus tells us, “My brothers are those who hear and do the word of God” (Luke 8:21). Those who have a smaller following and hold authority over few, or no, other people, may actually be the ones who are right: “whoever is least among you—this one is great” (Luke 9:48).

These scriptures mean a great deal to us because we know that we will anger many people by calling out the heresy: “God makes people gay.” If you allow the argument that people are born gay and cannot change, you are stuck on a one-way track to the heresy that God makes people gay. If God is sovereign and creates each of us in His image, and if God sent Jesus Christ as a sacrifice to atone for human sin, then “people are born gay and cannot change” must mean that homosexuality is in God’s image and Jesus Christ accepts homosexuality as something to remain in a person even after grace and redemption.

Christians should have never entertained the slightest discussion of separating homosexual identity, thoughts, and desires from physical enactment of homosexuality. This is why the frustration and angst toward Russell Moore’s vagary and Robert George’s friendliness with James Martin come from legitimate concern about the encroachment of heresy into the church.

The highest law cited by Jesus Christ was the Deuteronomistic phrase, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind” (Luke 10:27). This phrase appears in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical conformity to God’s will inseparably form obedience to Him.

There is no threshold that separates mental commitment to God’s design from behavioral enactment of God’s design. Jesus Christ’s liberating of people from ceremonial laws does not include, in any way, liberating them from the central demand that all mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical behavior points toward love of God and the following of God’s design. In the original Deuteronomy passage, these key lines follow: “These words I give you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (6:6-8) God’s design — which is a heterosexual design of male and female in exclusive intimate partnership — encompasses everything about our living experience, including our identity, mental discipline, and focus of our thoughts.

The High Stakes of This Heresy

To accept any version of the “born this way” heresy, we would have to disregard the passage from James 1:13: “God does not tempt anyone. But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desires.” We would have to say either that James is wrong here, or that homosexuality is not evil but rather conforms to God’s design.

If we accept that homosexuality is part of God’s design, we will have to grant that Jesus did not really mean, in Matthew 19, for us to understand Genesis as mandating heterosexuality as His design for us. Absent this, we can no longer cite Genesis as the basis for defining marriage as only between a man and a woman. We cannot sustain a position against homosexual marriage and cannot, therefore, defend Christian vendors who cite their Christianity as the reason to refuse service for a same-sex wedding.

Ultimately, to accept that people are born gay, we will have to accept that God makes people gay, and much of the scripture we have is simply incorrect. At that point defining marriage is the least of our worries. We will contend with the conclusion that Adam’s maleness and Eve’s femaleness are accidents of history with no lasting implications as to our proper behavior. We will face the next inference, which is that everything we feel, no matter how much it conflicts with Christian tradition, comes from God. God becomes the author of everything, good and evil, a Father who gave us no clues as to how we are supposed to live, and a Son who came among us to promote love and anarchy, but not to redeem us from anything, since we are fine in the state in which we find ourselves as long as our inner emotions tell us that this is “who we are” right now. Repentance will become a side option for those who think it might be enjoyable.

Before a heresy of this magnitude, committed Christians should not refrain from disagreeing with or publicly challenging people like Robert George, Russell Moore, or Albert Mohler. Even Ryan Anderson. Thomas Littleton and Robert Oscar Lopez should not be trusted, either, if they come with strange doctrines at odds with the Bible. Do as one of John’s epistles advises and tell us “you are not welcome” if we come with wrong ideas. The Word of God never told us to treat them as perfect sages. Human history shows us that even people we are friends with, even people to whom we owe past favors, can be dangerously wrong.

This article appeared on Janet Mefferd’s blog on July 3, 2018 here.

The Importance of Parenting and the Course of the Nation


A great country, a good culture is cre­ated first and foremost through good parenting.

To this point, Proverbs 28:4 states, Those who forsake the law praise the wicked… This passage relates to God’s moral law in the Torah, but the prin­ciple being expressed here by Solomon could be applied in a broader sense to one’s obedience to a nation’s laws (cf. Romans 1:32).

It follows that those in the institution of government should not only prior­itize their own parenting responsibil­ities, but in a professional sense, seek to strengthen policies that help the nu­clear family to train up a child. What follows is a study almost exclusive­ly from the book of Proverbs related to helping you, as a Public Servant, become a better parent both person­ally and professionally; it is doubly powerful when the leaders of a society not only model great parenting, but write laws that help to facilitate this with others.


As a Public Servant you have to fight your scheduler in order to be a good parent because good parenting takes time; you are in a constant battle over your priorities. This means you must be especially knowledgeable and skilled at parenting, simply because you will most likely have less time to achieve this than will your next door neighbor. Accord­ingly, give special attention to this study and the principles expounded upon herein. The purposes of parenting are:


1:8 Hear, my son, your father’s instruc­tion and do not forsake your mother’s teaching;

6:20 My son, observe the command­ment of your father and do not forsake the teaching of your mother;

This first purpose is perhaps the most important. If you get this right and not so much the others to follow, you will probably still end up with good kids. Here’s the big principle that is so often forsaken in today’s American households: Your child needs to clearly observe the commandment(s) of his or her parents and not be allowed to forsake them.


Rather, obedience is to be demand­ed — with immediacy — always. The above passages imply that the parent’s child or children must learn to revere his authority. To allow your children to show disrespect for your authority is akin to teaching them to eventually not fear God; and a healthy fear of God is the basis for your child to one day bow the knee to the Lordship of Christ (hopefully at a young age) which is the ultimate objective and purpose for par­enting. There is no need to submit to God later if there is no need to submit to parents now. Such reverence for au­thority is created in a child at an early age through good parenting.

1:3 To receive instruction in wise be­havior, righteousness, justice and equity;

With the parent’s authority established and not in question, this passage con­tains some of the lofty goals that good parenting can achieve in the child: To instruct a child in wise behavior means that the parents have as their objec­tive to inculcate in the child the abili­ty to eventually govern him or herself by choice. To train in righteousness means the child will eventually self-ap­ply God’s standards when dealing with himself, others, and God. To train in justice connotes the child’s eventual ability to conform to the will and stan­dard of God. And lastly, equity has the idea of living life in a fair and pleasing way. Such children, borne from excel­lent parenting, not only eventually end up loving the Lord, but make for won­derful citizens!

2:1 My son, if you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you,

Notice how this passage relates back to 1:8 and the primary point I first made in this study. If you read through chap­ter two of Proverbs, you will learn of all the things this if leads to. It culminates in verse 5, wherein is the then: Then you will discern the fear of the Lord. Fear­ing the Lord is wrought via demanding that the child receive my [your] words and treasure my [your] command­ments.

3:26 For the Lord will be your confi­dence and will keep your foot from be­ing caught.

As a result of this proper fear of the Lord and the child treasuring His com­mandments (and yours) there results an ensuing confidence and peace of mind in the child. The child looks to his par­ents and eventually to God for guid­ance – and this Proverb indicates that God looks out for, and over him! What a tremendous principle and motivation this is to be a good, instructive parent! Think of the summation of these afore­mentioned passages in this way:


God will keep your child’s foot from being caught if you teach your child to receive your instruction at a young age! Unfortunately for the parent, child and society, too many parents simply do not instruct their children. In essence they live with them under the same roof, with the child finding his or her own way. Leniency is vogue — as if it is a higher virtue than instruction. It is not! It is bad parenting. Generally, there is too little proactive instruction in today’s American families which re­sult in so many wayward kids and social ills. The following Proverbs underscore this:

4:1-2 Hear, O sons, the instruction of a father, and give attention that you may gain understanding, for I give you sound teaching; do not abandon my in­struction.

22:17 Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge;

These passages serve to further illustrate the need of the parent to be proactive — requiring their children to apply [their] mind to the knowledge of the parent.



Exhorting is what the passages that I will list in this section all have in com­mon. Some good synonyms for exhort are: “urge strongly, advise, and warn.” The parent’s responsibilities go beyond instruction (my first point in the pur­pose of parenting section of the out­line): Beyond just instructing, the par­ent is to press God’s truths into not just the mind, but also the heart of the child by repetition, urgency and reason. One must shepherd the heart of his child. The following Proverbs bear witness to a parent’s urgency in this regard. Notice the demanding, exhortative nature of the passages:

3:1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my command­ments;

3:21 My son, let them not vanish from your sight; keep sound wisdom and dis­cretion,

8:32 “Now therefore O sons, listen to me, for blessed are they who keep my ways.”

7:1 My son, keep my words and trea­sure my commandments within you.


Not only does the biblically driven par­ent instruct and exhort, he also corrects.

3:12 For whom the Lord loves He re­proves, even as a father corrects a son in whom he delights.

Hebrews 12:9-10 is the New Testament corollary passage to this Proverb:

Furthermore we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good so that we may share His ho­liness.

Notice the continuing association be­tween the child’s obedience to an earth­ly father and his or her later submissive response to God. At the risk of “guilting you out” here:


The child never learned the value and fruit of correction at a young age. No one ever broke his self-will and as a re­sult he carries around a rebellious spirit today. This idea is evidenced in the fol­lowing Proverb:

9:6 “Forsake your folly and live, and proceed in the way of understanding.”

This is a passage that should be memo­rized and utilized by every parent when shepherding the heart of a child. Learn to say, “That’s wrong in accordance with God’s Word.” Such language best sets the stage for the child to have a sensitiv­ity and desire to please God tomorrow.

Of course, if one is a humanist, believing that man is basically good, not fallen, then there is no reason for correction. Quite to the contrary, the Christian worldview holds that man is fallen, including one’s cute little boy or girl, and is therefore in dire need of parental instruction, exhortation, and correc­tion. Lastly, your children are in need of direction in their path through life.


Notice the following set of Proverbs that speak to this purpose in parenting:

1:10 My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent.

1:15 My son, do not walk in the way with them. Keep your feet from their path,

2:20 So you will walk in the way of good men and keep to the paths of the righteous.

4:21 Do not let them depart from your sight; keep them in the midst of your heart.

The picture of a path is a wonderful metaphor related to the direction one walks in life (i.e., the straight and nar­row path). Parents should not be re­miss in correcting the direction their child is going as he or she ages. These mid-course corrections are ultra-critical decisions wherein the parent must not prove passive. If one has taught a child submission to authority at a young age, it will not be as difficult for the child to obey at an older age (while still under one’s roof ). In Danielle’s and my parenting, we chose our children’s friends when necessary (if you get my drift).


A specific area of parenting spoken of repeatedly is that of keeping your child from sexual sin.

5:8 Keep your way far from her and do not go near the door of her house,

6:24 To keep you from the evil woman, from the smooth tongue of the adulter­ess.

7:5 That they may keep you from an adulteress, from the foreigner who flat­ters with her words.

A responsible parent will always know who his child is with and where he is — especially at night. Be passionate about making your child accountable in these areas at all times. Teach your child to not pander to his fallen nature, but rather to mortify the flesh, to disci­pline [his] body and make it [his] slave (1 Corinthians 9:27a). Teach them that sexual desire is to be fulfilled in mar­riage only. Conversely, sexual involve­ment before marriage leads to abso­lutely nothing good for your child, his friends, your family, and our nation! As a governmental leader you know how much sexual sin ends up costing our na­tion in terms of the welfare roles, medi­cal costs, law enforcement, etc. Such are reduced by good parenting in this one particular area.


Children are called to obey their par­ents in Ephesians 6:1. Proverbs echoes the same truth per the following. This is important to know when your child resists your authority:

4:4 Then he taught me and said to me, “Let your heart hold fast my words; Keep my commandments and live;”

24:32 When I saw, I reflected upon it; I looked, and received instruction.

A parent must establish authority early on, allowing the child to gain a sense of conditioning as to the normative nature of parental authority in his life. It sets the stage for the future in the home. It follows that at a young age, parents must curtail a child’s natural tendency to rebel; a parent must lovingly prove and enforce his authority at the earli­est stages of a child’s life. This is done through spanking. Notice the following Proverb in this regard:

13:24 He who withholds his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him diligently.

22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of discipline will remove it far from him.

Corporeal punishment for wrong do­ing is replete throughout Scripture; it is one of the realities and necessities of liv­ing in a fallen world. But keep in mind always that spanking must be done in love and not anger.


There are tremendous benefits from taking the time and possessing and practicing the biblical skills necessary to raising your children. The following benefits listed in Proverbs last for a life­time! That’s to say that investing in your good parenting skills today will come back to you a hundred-fold tomorrow! It is akin to creating an investment port­folio with geometric returns!


4:10 Hear, my son, and accept my say­ings and the years of your life will be many.

Ephesians 6:3 quotes this promise also, as recorded first in Deuteronomy 5:16, …that your days may be prolonged on the earth. Wherein a child must first be obedient, to accept my sayings for this principle to take effect, it implies (as we have seen) the discipline and com­mitment of a parent to be instructive and exhortative. Think about this: your child’s length of life is related to your parenting skills.


How blessed it is to thoroughly look forward to each and every family gath­ering! There is little in this life to com­pare to the joys of family…but how many are those, who, for a lack of wis­dom in parenting, miss out on these lat­er blessings. Be passionate about your parenting now and it will accrue to a present and future lively and pleasant home for the rest of your life.

7:2 Keep my commandments and live, and my teaching as the apple of your eye.

22:18 For it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, that they may be ready on your lips.



If a child doesn’t learn obedience in the home, he will most likely be a cost to society, both literally and figuratively. Conversely, those who learn to respect authority in the home will be on the side of helping society by curtailing crime, as this Proverb bears out (and used in the prologue):

28:4 Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive with them.

Parenting today relates and is connect­ed to a good society tomorrow; they are intrinsically intertwined in Scripture. It follows that Public Servants not only give attention to their own parenting skills but to lawmaking that helps par­ents achieve their God-given responsi­bility.


Proverbs lists the deleterious things that happen to a child when the parent allows rebellion — both passive and aggressive — in the home. What follows should serve as an additional motiva­tion to prioritize your parenting while in office. It is by far more important to displease your scheduler and staff than it is to shirk from your God-given respon­sibilities at home. Be clear on this:


Don’t confuse these primacies lest, long after serving in office, you have to live with the following the rest of your life. Herein is what Solomon states to his son in this regard, who, by the way, and in the context of the book of Prov­erbs, will someday be in charge of run­ning the State:


10:8 The wise of heart will receive commands, but a babbling fool will be ruined.


13:10 Through insolence comes noth­ing but strife, but wisdom is with those who receive counsel.


19:16 He who keeps the command­ment keeps his soul, but he who is care­less of conduct will die.


28:7 He who keeps the law is a discern­ing son, but he who is a companion of gluttons humiliates his father.


28:9 He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination.


29:18 Where there is no vision, the people are unre­strained, but happy is he who keeps the law.

Too many bad things can happen to a child whose parents are negligent, whose passion for the privilege of parenting is eclipsed by the limelight of public service. It is too high a price to pay — to neglect your child and abandon your higher calling.


As fallen human beings, we will all stumble at times in our parenting. That is to be expected, but thank God He gives us around 18 or so years to train up a child in the way he should go. Pray that God will help you in this area and read biblically based books on this subject with your spouse. Continue to hone your skills in this area.

This study would contain less than the whole counsel of God on this matter without including mention of 1Tim­othy 2:15. This passage speaks about the primary role the woman has in raising children. Hers is a high calling of in­fluence, love, and discipline in raising the next generation. Equally standing before God in their worth, God has as­signed the role of leading this generation primarily to the man, who is the breadwinner, whereas He has assigned the role of influencing the next generation to the woman. This is a much higher and much more difficult calling. May both husband and wife commit afresh and anew to this God-given responsibility that benefits not only the child, family, and society in the present and the future, but also the Kingdom of God. Parents are to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). This is not a suggestion; it is a God-ordained responsibility, a privilege to be extremely passionate about.

Ralph Drollinger

This article appeared here on June 11, 2018.

‘Drag Tots!’ and ‘Super Drags’ Cartoons Wooing Kids

Netflix continues their assault on children

Adding more controversial programming to its lineup this year, Netflix – along with another network – has announced plans to air a new animated series about cross-dressing drag queens to introduce, desensitize or incite children to the homosexual lifestyle.

The sexual and perverted nature of Netflix’s and the World of Wonder channel’s disturbing cartoons has spurred Christian entertainment and movie critics to send out a warning to parents.

“More than ever, parents need to be on top of what their children may be watching, because the days of innocent Saturday morning cartoons is officially over – honestly, it’s been over for a while,” MovieGuide advised. “Two new shows coming this year are pushing cross-dressing lifestyles on children.”

Shows for the whole family to avoid

The World of Wonder channel is premiering one of the disturbingly perverse cartoon series on June 28, using the world’s most recognized drag queen as a voiceover for one of the characters.

“The first is Drag Tots! – a disturbing cartoon from the production company that makes Rupaul’s drag race about toddler drag queens,” MovieGuide’s Dr. Ted Baehr informed. “The cast voicing the toddlers are famous drag queens, like RuPaul himself.”

Netflix – which has already pushed the controversial envelope with its arguably suicide-glorifying 13 Reasons series and its new series paying the Obamas $50-million – is also getting into promoting alternative lifestyles to kids through its debut of Super Drags this year.

Here is how the streaming network giant is introducing the release of its new kids’ animated TV series:

“By night, they tighten up their corsets and transform into the baddest Super Drags in town, ready to combat shade and rescue the world’s glitter from the evil villains,” Netflix’s description of the TV show reads. “Get ready, because the Super Drags are going deeper than you think.”

The sexual content and graphic portrayal of body parts was in the programming is alarming – at best.

“The trailer – which Netflix released in May – shows drag queens dressing up, with superimposed shots of a characters’ breasts and buttocks,” Baehr pointed out.

Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing …

With all of the gender-bending hysteria over-sexualizing kids that is being pushed in the schools, media and entertainment industry in the name of tolerance and civil rights, the alarm is being sounded for families to closely monitor shows – even when they’re specially designated for youth.

“What should now be clear for parents is that you can’t trust a network’s children programming simply because they deem it ‘children’s programming,’” Baehr alerted families. “The filmmakers will insert whatever messaging they desire, and many parents won’t notice.”

Even Disney – the biggest name in kids’ entertainment in the world – has been in the habit of subjecting children to deviant sexual lifestyles, including a homosexual couple shown in its latest non-animated big screen version of Beauty and the Beast and in its popular animated series.

“Disney XD – a channel that numerous parents will leave on all day to distract their children – drew controversy last year for featuring a boy princess in an episode of Star vs. The Forces of Evil,” the Christian movie critic recounted. “The Disney Channel has also featured multiple LGBT stories in various children’s shows.”

Drag queens coming to a local school or library near you …

And the motivation behind exposing children to deviant sexual lifestyles is recognized as being more than tolerance or acceptance, as Baehr warns that the objective is to tear down Christian morals and inculcate kids with a new brand of sexual morality before encouraging them to explore unnatural relations.

“Parents shouldn’t have to worry about sexualized themes and agenda’s in children shows, but the reality is that they do have to worry,” the Christian entertainment guru insisted. “Whether it be Drag Queen reading sessions at schools, characters of classic literature being made lesbians, or your local city holding a LGBT Pride event, Christians should be ready to pass on biblical values and teachings to their children regarding these issues.”

In fact, libraries have been some of the most popular venues for local governments to encourage youth to explore the world of drag queens.

“Last year, the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library in Long Beach, California – a public facility – presented to children in its young readers program a huge array of diversity and ‘inclusion’ programs, including a visit by a drag queen named Xochi Mochi,” WND reported. “Mochi’s visit took place during the “Drag Queen Story Hour” – a collaboration between the Long Beach Public Library, the LGBTQ Center of Long Beach, the Genders and Sexualities Alliance Network and the LGBTQ nonprofit Imperial Court of Long Beach, according to the Long Beach Public Library’s calendar.”

Many might not too surprised of such a program turning up in deep-blue California, but such programs are also popping up in the nation’s interior, including Minnesota, where the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) announced its new summer series this month on cross-dressing called “Drag Story Hours,” which invites children and adults alike to attend.

LGBTQ activist Chad Kampe organizes queer-friendly events in Minnesota is has actively promoted the drag queen series with the library.

“Drag pushes people to break boundaries and explore creativity,” Kampe expressed, according to Intellectual Takeout. “At a very young age, we are taught to embrace our differences. Drag not only provides an opportunity to embrace who we are, it allows for us to broadcast and share who we are with the world.”

SPPL officials announced in a press release that the three gender-bending events in June and July are being livestreamed on Facebook and feature songs, story reading and two drag queen performers who will “strut their stuff for an over-the-top story hour.”

Sexually deviant lifestyles are hitting children with such frequency today as part of the government’s social justice campaign, which portrays so-called “transgenderism” as a civil rights issue – as if the decision to identify oneself as a different gender is the same as being an ethnic minority.

“The series is part of an inclusivity campaign called “We Belong Together” – a 2017 initiative that SPPL officials said was a response to the Trump administration’s so-called ‘Travel Ban,’” Intellectual Takeout’s Jon Miltimore explained.

Children visiting public libraries and attending public schools have been easy prey for such sexual indoctrination programs.

“Using public infrastructure as a vehicle to advance social justice morality is not new in Minnesota,” Miltimore stressed. ”In 2017, one of the state’s top school districts made national news after it was revealed officials had initiated a ‘sweeping initiative that reordered the district’s mission from academic excellence for all students to ‘racial equity.’”

The public library has worked hand-in-hand with “We Belong Together” to facilitate its events, and visiting the movement’s website shows that it puts a heavy emphasis on the drag culture. It provides visitors with a recommended reading list that exposes children to sexually deviant lifestyles, which has made many parents in Minnesota wary that local governments have launched a campaign that is essentially indoctrinating kids to embrace unbiblical sexuality.

“This agenda is just coming on so strong,” a Minnesota stay-at-home mom told Intellectual Takeout. “A very sad day has arrived when we are handing our children over with their innocence and their pure minds and filling them with such confusion.”

Copyright OneNewsNow.com. Reprinted with permission.

This article appeared here on June 23, 2018 –