The Amateur Society – Precious Metals & Falling Paper Prices – Steven Menking

After the election of Donald Trump and more recently after the Fed decision to raise rates, we’ve seen gold and silver brought back down to almost flat for 2016 after being up significantly earlier in the year. This carnage in the paper value can be emotionally taxing for precious metals investors. Join Steven as he investigates the validity of the precious metals thesis and discusses how decision theory and a cool head must prevail in order to profit from the seemingly limitless manipulation.

This episode of Amateur Society aired on December 15, 2016. Steven’s website is here.

“We are one with the one” – chapter excerpt from “game of gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-enchantment” – Carl Teichrib

Excerpt from chapter six of my forthcoming book, Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment. This chapter documents my time at the 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Thousands of exuberant voices filled the cavernous space of the main plenary hall. It was a time of worship, a place for introspection, a space for emotional release. Multitudes lifted their voices in melodic affirmation and the assembly room, with its 30-foot high ceiling and massive cement walls, pulsed with female energy.

“Remember who you are,” sang out Vandana Shiva. “Goddess, Mother, Shakti of this Earth.” The crowd intoned back: “Goddess, Mother, Shakti of this Earth.”

   It was going to be an interesting morning.

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Sexual Identity Research Part 1 – Steven Menking

Join Steven Menking as he investigates recent research findings in the area of sexual identity and gender, a complex subject central to the ongoing culture wars and worldview-based division in our society. The focus will be on a recent report from the journal The New Atlantis.

Stay up to date with Steven at The Amateur Society here.


Geopolitics, Finance, and Trump – Ross Powell and Steven Menking


Ross Powell of Survival 401k and Remnant Radio Network joins Steven on this episode of The Amateur society to discuss geopolitics and financial affairs following the election of Donald Trump.