Revelation 17-18 Show Us The Near Future – Babylon Will Fall

I hear people say “The world is falling apart.” I take a different view. I believe things are falling into place. We are marching toward the culmination of Jesus’ destruction of wickedness and evil upon the earth. Revelation 18 offers details of the true nature of the end times civic and commercial Babylon, as well as the complete and total annihilation of it. This one world government is coming into sharp focus in our day and will for a short time have complete control over all aspects of life for those “who dwell on the earth.”[1]

It appears to me that the current race to implement the United Nations agendas across the earth, the rapid development of AI, transhumanist technology such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, and the virulent Anti-Israelism evidenced across the earth, is proof that we are on the cusp of a drastic change in how we live our lives day by day. At stake is our freedom and liberty as Americans, our rights of self-determination under a form of government where we are meant to have input, and the very ideals of Americanism. Add to this the creation and expansion of BRICS[2] and the push by the US Government working in conjunction with the Federal Reserve to implement a new government controlled crypto currency, and you have the makings of a totalitarian global regime.

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Kamala Harris: A Clear and Present Danger to Israel and the Jewish People

Not so long-ago conservatives applauded the announcement by the Democrats that Kamala Harris would replace Joe Biden as their Presidential candidate. The reason conservatives cheered was due to a perceived handicap Harris brought to the ticket. Biden was demonstrably incoherent but how was Harris any different? Her speeches, loosely called, were rambling sentences of nonsensical gobbledygook, littered with equally nonsensical Marxist catch phrases such as, “What can be, unburdened by what has been,” highlighted her stumping. What conservatives did not understand a few weeks ago has become their handicap. Let me explain.

Kamala Harris is many things, She is a political survivor, someone who understands how the game of politics works. It is helpful to have benefactors who will open doors along the way and Harris has certainly availed herself of such. She has risen from a lowly state employee to United States Senator at a meteoric rate not seen since a junior state senator from Illinois by the name of Barack Obama did the same. Continue reading

6 Signs We Have Arrived at a Repeat of the 1930s and 40s! – Olivier Melnick

The 1930s and 1940s are here, and we know what’s next! I have warned Christians that history will eventually repeat itself and here we are. The question is: “What side of history do we want to be on as it pertains to Israel and the Jews?” In fact, the more important question really is:”Do we want to be on God’s side or not?” I see six signs that we have reached that dangerous point of a repeat of the 1930s and 1940s.

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The International Court of Justice – A Perversion of True Justice – Dr. Mike Spaulding

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8[1]

Justice for all! This statement is a great sound bite but little more than that. Indeed, as it is used today, it is superfluous on the surface and vacuous once a brief examination is undertaken. However, given that Americans have been conditioned to respond to sound bite journalism and half-truths and worse masquerading as fact-based news, this mantra has become a dangerous, misleading, and effective tactic utilized by those bent on destroying Israel, in part by undermining American support for it.

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The Love of Many Has Grown Cold – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. 

Matthew 24:12 NASB

The context of Matthew 24:12 is Jesus speaking to His disciples after leaving Jerusalem during His Passion Week. He had sparred with the religious leaders several times in the preceding days. As He and his disciples left Jerusalem that day, Jesus responded to some of the disciples’ comments about the beauty of the Temple complex. He said that what they thought beautiful would be destroyed one day. This led to some of His disciples asking when that time would come. Jesus then described the things that would be prominent during the time right before His Second Coming.

The timing of this verse in Matthew’s Gospel is generally accepted as being during the time of the Tribulation.[1] This is thought to be the case because Matthew 24:9 mentions “Then they will deliver you to tribulation…” Following that, verses 9-11 describe a falling away from the faith, betrayal, and hatred arising among the brethren to the extent that many will be misled by false prophets apparently suggesting that their betrayal, hatred, and callousness toward the brethren is warranted. Verse 12 describes the fading love of many. Some scholars see this entire passage as part of the period Jesus called “birth pangs” prior to the Tribulation (Matthew 24:8). Regardless of the timing of this worldwide event, I see this very behavior spreading across the world today and especially in American Christianity.

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