Thoughts from Just Before the Fall – Steven Menking

With August coming to a close and the fall season shortly at hand, I have a few observations to make:

1. It is becoming clear to more and more people that the primary narratives in essentially every area of our lives are nothing but lies and propaganda.

Cognitive dissonance levels are so far off the charts right now that a new descriptive term may be necessary that goes beyond total denial. The severity of the narrative contortions going on currently points directly to a troubling yet all too real prospect: spiritual blindness.

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Matthew 15:14

In the Bible there are many instances where madness and blindness have come upon the leaders of a land. Nebuchadnezzar was stricken with what we would now refer to in newspeak as ‘mental health issues’ when he was driven from the throne and lived in the wild like an animal in Daniel 4.

Returning to the present, we have Hillary Clinton calling out InfoWars and the “Alt-Right” and decrying everyone questioning any aspect of her campaign, health, record, or history as a conspiracy theorist while BleachBit brags about ‘wiping’ her email servers. We also see that there are real consequences to asking questions and making statements against obvious corruption and cover-ups. Just ask Dr. Drew or Seth Rich. Hopefully InfoWars is too high profile to interrupt through covert means without overplaying a hand that ultimately engenders grassroots support for the “Alt-Right”, but that conclusion unfortunately rests on the assumption that we’re dealing with sane people. We are not.

It’s tricky to claim incessantly that everyone else is lying about everything in the face of clear and direct evidence. You can attempt to bury evidence and refuse to deal with realities like the influence of George Soros on global politics, but people just aren’t buying the lies anymore. The information is available for free in the public domain, and you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Any day now I’m expecting a poll to come out showing that people don’t trust polls. I suppose that makes me a lunatic for questioning the objectivity of our institutions. Surely they are fully unbiased, follow proper methodologies, and get everything right.

I’m not “Alt-Right”. I’m a Christian who knows how statistics can be manipulated in unscrupulous hands and understands the law of noncontradiction, the law of the excluded middle, and the false choice fallacy.

Why isn’t an understanding of basic logic a universal requirement in our educational system?

Let’s save that for another time. Brexit showed us that people are awake now. The information war is being won in small battles. The truth will win because all lies ultimately fall apart. There is nothing hidden that won’t come to light. Hopefully we will see things for what they are before it’s too late.

2. After the quietest month in financial markets in a lifetime, things are about to heat up again and the central bank saviors are either totally clueless or entirely complicit.

Realized volatility is the lowest in a lifetime. It shouldn’t be a surprise to readers that stock indexes are currently out of touch with reality, but we’ve gone past the point where anything could be described as reasonable. Interestingly enough, this situation of hyper insanity that ignores all risk potential is a necessary step before reality can set back in. Investors have lost their memory of a properly functioning system because they haven’t seen a real market in decades. The younger batch have never seen one.

So what does the Federal Reserve think?

Well, out at Jackson Hole, Janet Yellen said a whole lot of nothing and then multiple Fed goons came out with contradicting statements. It’s all just diversionary tactics. We know that Stanley Fischer is the real power at the Fed and that Janet Yellen is a prop. We know that the Exchange Stabilization Fund controls price action in all financial arenas with off book money. We know that the Fed is not an independent institution.

With that in mind, let’s see what the Fed thinks about interest rates in the future. Make sure you’re sitting down. Here’s the key graph:

These people really know what they’re doing: look at all that precision and confidence! If this doesn’t make you chuckle then you may want to go elsewhere for your economic commentary. Even more amusing is the Fed’s Facebook disaster. Check out the comments people are leaving on their Facebook page. Take a look soon because it might not be up for long. The result of this experiment gone wrong really does give me hope for humanity.

The jig is up. When the next pressure is applied to the economy in the form of a recession the Fed may need to print $4 trillion to mitigate it. It says something that even Bloomberg is reporting on this and questioning the Fed. But don’t worry everyone: Paul Krugman says everything will be fine and he won a Nobel Prize in Economics! Now we’re just waiting on the The Final Swan to land and the global reset to occur.

We’re going into an interesting season.

3. Most importantly, get right with God.

Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
1 John 3:15

The climate of hate, disunity, strife, anger, resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness that we are experiencing is truly poisonous. We can’t remove these things from our hearts in our own strength. Only God can deliver us from these prisons. Jesus Christ came to set the captives free and he is able to deliver you from these things that eat us up from the inside out. Surrender to the Lord in all things and He is faithful to begin and complete a work of purification in your life. It may not be instantaneous. It’s usually a long, delicate process. Yet continue to pray for your faith to be strengthened. He is able.

The New Testament teaches that a state of hatred in your heart and soul is equivalent to murder and that a state of lust in your heart and soul is equivalent to adultery. Those are hard lessons to learn if we are in either one of those prisons. Give it to God. Only He is able to deliver. We have all fallen short of the glory of God. We must forgive in order to be forgiven.

So who is our brother?

This epistle was written to the church, and we know all followers of Jesus are brothers and sisters in Christ adopted into the family of God. A brother isn’t necessarily a blood relative, a fellow countryman, or a member of the same ethnic group. We need to stand for truth, but we must do it in love – even if we are rejected – to show the world the love that God has shown us. We don’t have the ability to do that naturally. We must be supernaturally empowered by God to represent Him properly. Take everything to the Lord in prayer. Give everything over to Him. Let Jesus set you free.

If you’re still with me, perhaps you’ll entertain a thought I’ve had recently that I just can’t shake… We should pray for Hillary Clinton. Let me elaborate before I get taken to task. What an incredible testimony it would be if she were to be miraculously saved by Jesus and then stood up for righteousness and came out with the truth about the inner workings of political corruption in our nation that she has voluminous understanding of as a consummate insider for an entire lifetime. We know a tree by its fruits, so we know she needs Jesus. We also know that all things are possible for God. If this were to happen an untold number of the enemy’s plans would be ruined.

Remember who Saul was before he became Paul.

Perhaps another Road to Damascus moment is in the cards made wondrously poetic in light of the literal destruction of that historical city as a result of US foreign policy during her tenure at the State Department.

Look to Jesus. He is an ever present help in time of need. Have faith and be encouraged. Even if things get stormy know that God is still with each and every one of His children.

This article was originally posted August 26, 2016 on The Amateur Society website here.

The Church and Its Mission Today – Part 1

broken down pulpit

America is being led into a cesspool of deviancy and America’s pastors remain largely silent. For those of us who have been calling attention to the rank immorality that daily seems to increasingly encroach upon the shores of common sense and moral sensibleness, this is not surprising.

Few pastors said a word when contemplative prayer, labyrinth walking, yoga, word faith heresy, and many other misguided and unbiblical practices were introduced into the church by goats masquerading as sheep. While these things demonstrate a tragic departure from the faith once for all delivered to the saints, today we are facing a full on frontal assault from our politicians.

President Obama, who demonstrates a spirit of antichrist, lobbies for men utilizing women’s bathrooms and threatens our public schools with loss of funding if they do not allow boys to shower with girls. Attorney General Loretta Lynch throws around threats of fines and jail time in a blatant attempt to make sure Obama’s evil and unconstitutional demands appear legitimate.

Where are America’s pastors? The progressive Marxists among us aided by the progressive Marxist media have rendered most pastors deaf mutes for fear of being labeled as a hater or racist or homophobe. Friends it is time that Christians throw off the shackles of political correctness and stand strong in the power of God and deliver this message: “No more, no more, no more! We will not silently stand by and watch our nation be torn apart by people who hate America. We will not stand by and allow morally depraved people to have their way with our children. We will not be afraid of what this President or any other evil tyrant says or threatens to do. God will reign and He will rule in our hearts and minds and therefore we will not fear any man or the consequences of our stand!”

It is the “eleventh hour” in America friends. Will you don the spiritual armor of God and stand firm against the encroaching evil? Will you encourage your Christian brothers and sisters to join you in this battle? Please encourage other believers to find a church that is true to the gospel and is not compromised by an end times Babylonianism.  This means finding a church that is not characterized by compromise, pandering to the pagan culture, or that rejects the Bible as our guide for righteous and holy living, the very Word of God.

This article is the first in a five-part series looking at the subject of the Church and its mission today. The intent is to encourage you as well as to help you identify a body of believers who is being the church as God intended.

God bless you today as you seek Him.

You can reach Pastor Mike by email at

Standing For Truth – Eagle Forum of California

Here is conference information for those of you who live in the southern California area. Mark the date – Saturday, May 7th from 9:00am to 1:00pm at Calvary Chapel East Anaheim. More info call 562-305-5003.

Free live streaming of this conference anywhere in the world at




They Can’t All Be True


A very common bumper sticker is making the rounds these days. This bumper sticker contains one word – COEXIST. Each letter of the word coexist utilizes a different religious symbol to spell out the word.  For example in some renditions the C is a crescent moon representing Islam and the T is a cross that represents Christianity. Other religions such as Hinduism, Judaism, and Taoism are also represented. The meaning is clear – all religions can and must coexist if there is to be world peace.

This idea is not new. There has been an ongoing effort for decades to find common ground among the world’s largest religious groups. What is new however is that the effort is now being publicly advocated by the United Nations as well as several so-called World Congresses that meet yearly or bi-annually to discuss strategies to unite the religions of the world into one homogeneous whole.

The first issue that I have with this thinking is that it is illogical and demonstrably false. The idea that all religious people must learn to coexist for peace to occur assumes that religious people are responsible for conditions other than peace. While it is a common refrain of the easily duped, the idea that religion has caused the most death and war is easily refuted.

Joseph Stalin of Russia and Mao Tse-tung of China are responsible for nearly 125 million deaths of their own citizens.* We don’t even need to take into consideration other despots, tyrants, and dictators throughout history that easily dwarf any deaths caused by religious fanatics.

A second issue that the COEXIST mentality overlooks is this – How do you convince people who believe in diametrically opposite religious principles to forsake those? The clear answer is by coercion. That means that if the current trend of COEXIST manipulation continues you can expect to see various attempts to pass laws that drastically curtail religious expression. We are seeing this strategy being employed today in America, aimed specifically at Christianity.

A third issue with the misguided COEXIST philosophy is that advocates believe that the creation of a religious utopia will result in a global political utopia. Again, the primary cause of wars, crime, and evil generally speaking is not religion. It is the unregenerate heart of sinful man that refuses to acknowledge the Creator.

Finally, the thinking that supports a COEXIST theology ignores the impossibility of the task.  In order for all religions to coexist peacefully, the primary points of difference will need to be removed completely. No other religious system teaches a personal God who came to earth and died for the sins of mankind. For Christians this means that the teaching that there is salvation in no other name but Jesus Christ will need to be denied. That is the definition of apostasy and will never happen for true believers.

Friends, do not buy into the dream of the religious Utopians. That path leads to death. Stand firm in the Lord Jesus Christ and continue to proclaim the good news of salvation in Him alone. That is a transforming truth.

*Mao is responsible for nearly 65 million murders of Chinese citizens click here for resource.

*Stalin is responsible for nearly 60 million murders of Russian citizens. Click here for resource.

Faith and Freedom Friday-God Contends With Those Who Contend With His People-Pt 5

prepper recon psalm 35 pic

My friend Mark Goodwin – author of The Economic Collapse Chronicles, The Days of Noah series, and his latest offering, Behold Darkness and Sorrow, was kind enough to post my 5-part teaching through Psalm 35. His synopsis is below.

God will defend His people against those who oppose Him and them. How far will God go and how far should the Christian go in denouncing evil? Psalm 35 gives us an in-depth look into the answer to that question and much more. Buckle up for this 5-part teaching through Psalm 35. You might be surprised by what you will learn.

This Part 5 starts at verse 20 and concludes the study of this chapter. Pastor Mike takes a look at Romans 13 and the proper, correct interpretation that is out of step with the general view of Romans 13 in the majority of the Church today. The overreach of the US Government has hit unprecedented levels. This message will challenge all the shallow thinking and erroneous application of the Church’s responsibility to obey the US government. Stand strong believer!

View other teachings from Pastor Mike on his YouTube channel HERE – Calvary Chapel of Lima.

Listen to Psalm 35 Part 5 here.

Marks’ website –