Believe it! Democrats Are At War With America.

Democrats plan the complete destruction of the Republic, and the WAR has already begun.

Image: Democrats plan the complete destruction of the Republic, and the WAR has already begun

(Natural News) “Many of us are predicting that eventually these foam-spitting, psycho liberals are going to embrace violence out of frustration at their inability to recover the power we stripped from them, but we’re already past that point,” reports Kurt Schlichter of “When people tell you they want to hurt you, you should believe them. And we Normals are starting to listen to what liberals say.”

Schlichter goes on to explain:

There’s really nowhere else for the liberals to go but towards embracing widespread violence. The logic of their twisted mindset is such that Normals are not merely wrong and not merely evil, but that normal Americans and those who represent them are the evilest evildoers in evil history.

This does not leave much room for reasoned debate. In fact, it makes reasoned debate impossible. So, since they’ve taken reasoned debate off the table, there are not a lot of options left for resolving political and cultural differences. There are lies, intimidation, and violence. That’s about it. And the first two have stopped working.

That leaves them only violence. We’ve already seen it, and you can sense that it’s only a matter of time before the liberals openly embrace it. They have set the conditions for it. They have dehumanized the opposition, that is, us. Their lesser tactics aren’t working.

What’s clear now is that Democrats are planning the complete destruction of the Republic and mass executions of Trump supporters. Democrats have no desire to “coexist” with normal people; they want to destroy, dominate and suffocate any who oppose them.

America is under attack. The civil war has already begun, and if you live in America, you are living in what has now become an active battlefield where lunatic Leftists are waging war against those who love America, support the Constitution or dare to disagree with the deranged Left.

Watch my latest Counterthink broadcast, “Democrats plan the complete destruction of the Republic” here:

This article appeared on Natural News website June 26, 2018 here.

Illegal Aliens Fatally Separate American Parents and Children

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

In 2008, Colorado separated a Jewish boy from his parents.

Marten Kudlis was separated from his parents while waiting for his mother to bring him his ice cream. The 3-year-old boy who had just been playing in the park never got his ice cream.

Instead Francis Hernandez, an illegal alien driving 81 miles an hour, slammed into a pickup truck, killing the two women inside, and smashing it through the glass wall of the Baskin Robbins.

Blood and broken glass covered the floor. Little Marten, who had just learned to ride a bike, died of a slashed jugular vein and was buried with a teddy bear.

Francis Hernandez had been arrested 16 times in 5 years without ever being turned over to immigration authorities. That failure to enforce immigration law separated a little boy from his family forever.

Advocates for illegal migration claim to be outraged by family separation. They want illegal alien invaders like Francis to go on separating American children from their families. What the fake news media falsely calls family separation is just arresting illegal aliens like Francis instead of releasing them. When previous administrations failed to enforce border security, they separated American children like Marten and many others from their parents forever. And the blood of those children is on the hands of the posturing politicians, activists and pundits who want to unite illegal aliens and separate Americans.

In February 2018, the United States government separated Grace Aguilar from her parents.

Grace was a bright and cheerful 6-year-old girl. While she was sitting by her favorite tree in the front yard of her family home, Maximino Delgado Lagunas, a Mexican illegal alien who had already been deported twice, ran her down.

The illegal alien’s blood alcohol limit was three times the legal limit. He had been arrested before for a DUI, but was put back on the street by local cops instead of being turned over to immigration authorities.

Sanctuary city policies separated Grace, whose parents had tried to have children for 8 years, from her parents. The illegal alien who killed her had been deported twice, once under Bush and once under Obama. The combination of lax border security by these two administrations and local sanctuary policies permanently separated the little girl and her parents. Unlike the illegal migrants whose plight is playing out on every cable news channel, the Aguilar family will never get their daughter back.

16-year-old Kayla Cuevas and 15-year-old Nisa Mickens were separated from their parents when they were battered with baseball bats and butchered with a machete in a suburban cul-de-sac by illegal alien MS-13 members.

The brutal illegal alien assault left the bodies of the African-American teenage girls, who had been out celebrating Nisa’s birthday, barely recognizable.

“There are days where you feel like you want your world to end, just like your child’s,” Kayla’s mother said. “Then you realize you have a new purpose: to fight, so that your child’s death is not in vain.”

10-year-old Alena Clay was separated from her family while walking down a bike lane with her 16-year-old sister and two other girls. Juan Carlos Ortega-Santos, an illegal alien, had no driver’s license, no insurance and his blood alcohol level was far over the limit. 16-year-old Tyeisha Lacy, Alena’s sister, pushed an 8-year-old girl out of Juan’s way. But Juan slammed into the two Lacy girls killing them both.

“He will never know the extent of the damage he did,” Lakeenya Lacy, Tyeisha’s mother, said in court. “You did not just take their lives. You took other people’s lives with them.”

4-year-old Ellie Bryant and 22-month-old Grayson Hacking were separated forever from their mother when Margarito Quintero Rosales slammed head on into their car. Ellie, Grayson and Courtney Hacking’s husband, Peter, were all killed.

Rosales had been previously deported and had no license. He was sentenced to two years in prison.

15-year-old Genesis Cornejo-Alvarado was separated from her parents when two illegal alien MS-13 gang members killed her in a satanic ritual after previously raping her and a 14-year-old girl.

11-year-old Abigail Robinson and 6-year-old Anna Dieter-Eckerdt were separated from their parents while playing in a pile of leaves. Cinthya Garcia-Cisneros, who ran them over, was an illegal alien and one of Obama’s DREAMERs. Despite killing the two girls, she was released from jail and allowed to apply for a Social Security number and a work permit. And that is exactly what illegal alien advocates want.

When illegal aliens separate a child from her parents, no power on earth can undo that separation.

The sheriff’s department and volunteers searched hundreds of acres for 14-month-old Owen Hidalgo-Calderon. The body of his mother, 18-year-old Selena Hidalgo-Calderon, had already been found.

Evarardo Donoteo-Reyes, a Mexican illegal alien who had already been deported twice, and convicted once of illegal entry, was charged with moving her body.

10-year-old Kayla Gomez-Orozco went missing after church. Her body was later found in a well. The accused murderer was Gustavo Zavala-Garcia, her previously deported illegal alien uncle, who allegedly sexually assaulted her, beat her with a blunt object, choked her and then drowned her in the well.

But sometimes illegal aliens don’t even bother separating parents and children. Marco Tulio Hernandez Ramirez was driving his employer’s van when he slammed into the Cannon family’s Toyota Camry.

His blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit, he didn’t have a license and was driving on the wrong side of the roadway. But the illegal alien survived to become a 40-year burden on taxpayers.  5-year-old Rose Marie Cannon didn’t. Neither did Katherine Cannon and Russell Cannon.

Rose Marie had been given a dollar to spend as the family headed out to do their Christmas shopping.

“And she died with that dollar in her hand,” Louise Cannon, Russell’s mother, said. “That’s the most heartbreaking thing.”

“He gave them the death sentence,” she said of Ramirez.

But it wasn’t only Ramirez who did that. Ramirez had been deported before, but there he was back again. The failure to enforce immigration laws separated Rose Marie forever from her family.

America is full of angel dad and moms whose children were separated from them by illegal aliens.

Ray Tranchant was separated forever from his 16-year-old daughter Tessa, when Alfredo Ramos, a drunk illegal alien, slammed into the back of their car.

“My idea of heaven”, Tessa had written in her journal, “is a nonstop vacation on a tropical island … all the people I love would be there with me.”

Ray Tranchant has been fighting to prevent other American families from being separated from their child.

And he’s not alone.

The victims are all around us. These are only a handful of their stories. They are members of every race and religion. Some were born in this country and others came here as legal immigrants.

We have a choice to make.

Either we can detain illegal migrants crossing the border or we can let them all in. We can take the Merkel way out and hope that the family that pays the price for illegal migration isn’t our own.

There are no apologies or excuses necessary for detaining illegal aliens who illegally cross the border. Even if we set aside minor matters like national sovereignty and the rule of law, the stories of these murdered children provide ample justification for arresting every single illegal migrant.

Either we separate illegal migrants from this country. Or they will go on brutally tearing families apart. And if we allow them to use children as human shields, then American children will pay the price.

President Trump has called the media the “enemy of the American people.” It’s not just the enemy. Its manicured hands are covered in the blood of American men, women and children. The media advocates for drug dealers, for Islamic terrorists and for illegal aliens. The more Americans they kill, the more the media cheers them on. The media’s lies aren’t just tearing apart the country, they’re killing children.

This article appeared here on June 20, 2018.

You’re a Conspiracy Nut? Not So Fast My Friend!

Mainstream Media Confirms Conspiracy Theory That Walmart Stores Are Being Turned into Prison Camps

By Rachel Blevins

When citizens began to ask questions about why Walmart stores were suddenly closing in in southern states in 2015, the mainstream media insisted that the closures were due to plumbing problems and that any suggestion of government involvement was a crazy conspiracy theory. Three years later, the MSM is finally admitting that several of those Walmart stores were converted into detention centers, which now house immigrant children who have been separated from their parents.

At least 1,500 boys are currently being detained in Brownsville, Texas, where NBC News reported that they “spend 22 hours per day during the week (21 hours on weekends) locked inside a converted former Walmart,” where at least five boys are packed into rooms built for four. Many of those in prisons across the United States get more yard time than these children.

The boys range in age from 10 to 17 years old, and the average stay at the center is around 52 days. If the idea of imprisoning young boys as if they are felons for two months straight sounds agonizing and cruel, that is because it is. A small group of reporters was allowed inside the facility, and the report from NBC claimed that guard asked them to “smile at the hundreds of detained migrant kids in line for a meal because ‘they feel like animals in a cage being looked at.’”

report from ABC News also noted that the detention center in Brownsville “was once a Walmart,” and while it claimed that the facility was “clean and well-staffed, with activities to keep the kids busy and their minds off their unfortunate situation,” it also noted that this was “a media tour, and journalists weren’t allowed to interview any of the children.”

“Where there were once racks of clothes and aisles of appliances, there were now spotless dorm-style bedrooms with neatly made beds and Pokémon posters on the walls,” The New York Times report noted that the converted Walmart store is now the largest licensed migrant children’s shelter in the country, but failed to point out that it was one of many stores that mysteriously went out of business when President Obama was still in office.

At the time, citizens became concerned when a number of Walmart stores mysteriously went out of business in Texas, Oklahoma, California, and Florida starting in April 2015. The mainstream media and its “trustworthy fact-checker” were adamant that the closures were due to plumbing problems, as Walmart claimed, and that there was no government involvement.

However, the reality that the former stores are, in fact, being used by the government, and that they are being used to imprison migrant children who have been separated from their parents, made headlines recently when Senator Jeff Merkley attempted to enter the converted Walmart in Brownsville, and he was denied entry by police.

“When I was at the center at McAllen Border Station, this is the processing center, earlier and I was admitted there and I did see the people, hundreds of children locked up in cages there at that facility,” Merkley said in an interview with CNN. “They have big cages made out of fencing and then wire and nets stretched across the top of them so people can’t climb out of them.”

While it is not clear whether any of the children in the detention center in Brownsville are being kept in cages, it is clear that the government worked diligently to keep facts from the public.

The young children who are forcefully separated from their parents are treated like prisoners and taken to detention centers where they are forced to live among hundreds of other children they have never met. The lifelong consequences can be detrimental; and, in some cases, these children will never see their parents again.

The individual cases are horrific, and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal recently shed light on her experience visiting a facility near Seattle where she met with more than 170 women who were taken into custody near the southern U.S. border.

“Thirty to 40 percent of these women came with children who had been forcibly taken away from them. None got a chance to say goodbye to their children—they were forcibly taken away,” Jayapal toldThe Nation. “One said she was deceived because they were in detention together. Then the CBP officers told her she was going out to get her photograph taken. When she came back, she was put in a different room, and she never got to see the child again. Some of them said they could hear their children screaming for them in the next room.”

A father from Honduras, who came to the United States with his family to seek asylum, was so distraught after he was separated from his wife and child that he killed himself while he was left alone in a jail cell last month.

In another case, a mother from Honduras who came to the U.S. seeking asylum with her family said she was breastfeeding her infant at a detention center when her baby was suddenly taken from her with no warning and no explanation.

A former employee of one of the detention centers is now speaking out after he said he quit in protest after he saw how horrific the process was for the children. Antar Davidson said he watched young children being “ripped from their parents” and sent to a detention center, where in some cases, no one spoke the same language they did.

Davidson claimed the facility was understaffed, the employees lacked the proper training, and as a result, the children were “extremely traumatized.” He also said the workers were underpaid, while “the CEO and his wife clear more than a million dollars a year in mostly federal tax money and undercut the services we need.”

“It’s a basic private prison deal in the guise of this shelter,” Davidson said. “So the people at the end of the day, when they have to put the kids to sleep have already worked an eight-hour shift and are often times asked to stay overtime. On top of that, these kids are running up and down the halls screaming, crying for their mom, throwing chairs. Everyone is tired. The under-trained staff is dealing with an increasingly traumatized population of minors.”

As The Free Thought Project has reported, while there have always been people seeking asylum in the U.S. from other countries, it should be noted that the “War on Drugs” in the United States has contributed both to violence in the countries immigrants are seeking asylum from, and an increase in drug trafficking over the border that has resulted in all migrants being treated like criminals.

Former Congressman Ron Paul noted last year that the War on Drugs has “produced no benefit to the American people at a great cost,” and “just as with the welfare magnetthere is an enormous incentive to smuggle drugs into the United States.”

There is also the troubling concern over what is happening to the immigrant children who are separated from their parents. While the idea of an innocent child being locked in a cage is troubling, it is not the worst fate many of the children are subjected to. The Health and Human Services Department recently admitted that nearly 1,500 immigrant children have gone missing, and many of them are suspected to have been kidnapped by human traffickers.

Watch Davidson’s interview below:

Rachel Blevins is an independent journalist from Texas, who aspires to break the false left/right paradigm in media and politics by pursuing truth and questioning existing narratives. Follow Rachel on FacebookTwitterYouTubeSteemit and Patreon. This article first appeared at The Free Thought Project.

This article appeared here on June 16, 2018.

Between Lambs and Lions – Mark Sutherland, Producer

In a dystopian future, politician Daniel Alesso campaigns against the oppressive New Republic, challenging the President as the last remaining honest face in American history.

Mark Sutherland is a friend and has given me permission to repost this short movie. In my opinion, America is perilously close to becoming what this movie suggests: a nation that has given up its liberties and freedoms and as a result of this constant bartering for peace and safety loses both and becomes the newest totalitarian nation on earth. Wake up remnant!

Prophecies and Headlines Hint of Coming Israeli-Syrian Conflict? – Bill Salus

As the Syrian civil war winds down and President Bashar Al-Assad remains in power, what’s next for Syria? Is it payback time against Israel for conducting repeated air strikes over the past few years on Syrian soil?

Now possessing powerful alliances with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, Syria is fighting back against Israel’s aggression. On February 10, 2018, an Israeli F-16 was shot down by the Syrian Air Defense Force after conducting an air raid on Iranian-backed positions inside Syria. Does this set the stage for the fulfillment of the Isaiah and Jeremiah prophecies concerning the doom of Damascus?


“Israel Strikes Iran in Syria and Loses a Jet”

                          The New York Times 2/10/18


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