SER 168 – Dr. Mike and Olivier Melnick – End Times Anti-Semitism: A New Chapter in the Longest Hatred

Olivier Melnick and his new book End-Times Antisemitism.

Olivier Melnick is an internationally known speaker on the world-wide growth of anti-Semitism. Born in Paris, France, to Holocaust survivors, he has equipped thousands to recognize and defeat anti-Semitism with his research, writing, speaking, and teaching. Olivier is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute. He serves as the Northwest Director of Chosen People Ministries, and has served in Messianic Jewish ministry for over 25 years,

He is the author of “They Have Conspired Against You:Responding to the New Anti-Semitism,” and his latest book, which is the subject of our conversation today, “End-Times Anti-Semitism: A New Chapter in the Longest Hatred.”

Olivier’s website here.

Fight the New Anti-Semitism.

The Potential Pitfalls with the Traditional View of the Seal Judgments Part 1 – Bill Salus

This article is taken from a chapter in the Bill Salus book entitled, The Next Prophecies.

There is a dominant tendency in the prophetic community to place the opening of the seal judgments within the seven-year Tribulation period, a.k.a. Daniel’s Seventieth Week. This article series exposes some of the potential pitfalls with this traditional teaching and introduces an alternative view to the timing of the Seal Judgments.

The alternative view presents the possibility that the first five seal judgments are opened in a mysterious prophetic time-gap that exists between the Rapture and the Tribulation period. Although these five seals are opened in the gap, they find final fulfillment within the Tribulation period.

Introducing the Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation Gap Period

Before examining the seal judgments it’s important to introduce the Post-Rapture / Pre-Tribulation gap period. This time-gap begins in the immediate aftermath of the Rapture, which positions it in the Post-Rapture period. However, it concludes at the commencement point of the seven-year Tribulation period, making it a Pre-Tribulation interval.

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Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat With Host Pastor Mike Spaulding On Soaring Eagle Radio

Friends, please visit Messiah of Israel Ministries page to see what our Father is doing through Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat in the land of Israel. Please join me in praying for Rabbi Zev and the work the Father has him doing their among the Jewish people.

Link to show – 


Prophecies and Headlines Hint of Coming Israeli-Syrian Conflict? – Bill Salus

As the Syrian civil war winds down and President Bashar Al-Assad remains in power, what’s next for Syria? Is it payback time against Israel for conducting repeated air strikes over the past few years on Syrian soil?

Now possessing powerful alliances with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, Syria is fighting back against Israel’s aggression. On February 10, 2018, an Israeli F-16 was shot down by the Syrian Air Defense Force after conducting an air raid on Iranian-backed positions inside Syria. Does this set the stage for the fulfillment of the Isaiah and Jeremiah prophecies concerning the doom of Damascus?


“Israel Strikes Iran in Syria and Loses a Jet”

                          The New York Times 2/10/18


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The Theological Basis For Why Israel Should Matter To Christians – S. Douglas Woodward

Anti-Semitism Arises Once Again – What is the Biblical Basis to Oppose it?

It’s quite unusual to find a Christian author or teacher that favors Israel who isn’t also a dispensationalist.  And it is difficult to find a dispensationalist who isn’t also a Christian Zionist.  Nevertheless, in Gerald McDermott, we have an Anglican theologian, Israel scholar, and author who is not dispensational, but who advocates for Jews everywhere, especially those living in the present state of Israel.  McDermott has written extensively on the subject of why Israel should be valued by Christians rather than repudiated for their historical rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. Given the intensifying controversy surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the growing disapproval of the Israeli government by many Christian groups, a timely analysis of the situation appears most warranted.

In this article, I begin by pointing out while McDermott’s advocacy of Israel is welcomed and proceeds from an eschatological basis, his rationale owes as much to “Christian guilt” over our historical treatment of the Jews, as it does to truly biblical commitments for why Israel should matter to Christians.  To be more specific, his theological basis dismisses the dispensational hermeneutic, seeing Dispensationalism as a birthplace for wild prophetic speculation and fundamentalist dogma. McDermott offers an alternative basis for favoring Israel. His viewpoint is gaining traction and thus, it is worthy of consideration. My goal in penning this piece affords only a short analysis of his perspective, it is a relevant way to begin when considering the conventional basis for supporting Israel, commonly identified as Dispensationalism.  Additionally, while affirming Zionism (limited in its proper meaning here, advocating solely for Israel’s right to exist in its historic Middle Eastern land), I will provide a counter-argument to McDermott’s point of view, which comprises my main reason for writing; that is, asserting that Dispensationalism is a respectable, historical, and indeed, the strongest hermeneutic for why Christians should care about Israel.  Obviously, one could write an entire book on the subject.  This I hope to do in the months ahead.  Here I will provide what amounts to no more than a prolog.

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