Dr. Mike Spaulding

Random thoughts from a disciple of Jesus Christ

Dr. Mike Spaulding

Colleges Queering The Bible and God! – Rev. Austin Miles

This is a column I never expected to write. But how could it really NOT be expected as the stage was being carefully set to sodomize the world. Little by little this LGBTQ band of perverts began to become more and more visible. And the public just sat and watched. The churches were silent. Not a peep from the pulpits.

Then the Pride Parades emerged, where, with police protection, they sashayed down the main streets of the various towns and cities with elaborate floats with the participants in bizarre costumes and makeup, with some of the participants chanting….“We are queer and we are here.”

Then they started with LGBT clubs in the educational system. I remember seeing a sign at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, California stating; “523 gays, lesbians and transgenders welcome you to Los Medanos College.”  

Who are they to welcome incoming students?  They had no official position there. But they are driven by assumption that was never stopped or even challenged.

Next they began bringing in “queer writers” to speak to the student body. Open homosexuals were hired as teachers and professors. I remember one young woman who had written a book that came there to speak to the student body. She was crude and used the “F” word frequently in her talk. Then she said, “I hope I didn’t offend anyone.” I had to say, “Yes you did.”  

She made several references to her sexual orientation, saying things like, “I don’t want you to see me as just another queer writer.”

I asked the psychology professor, whom I was sitting with, if she kept referring to herself as a “queer writer,” attempting to convince the audience, or…herself that it was OK to be what she was proclaiming.

The Psyche professor agreed with me that this was exactly what was going on. This showed she was not that secure in her lifestyle choice.

Next, transgenders in full regalia were allowed to read stories to children in libraries. I guarantee you that nobody would be allowed to have a spot in a public library to read Bible stories. I know because I petitioned to do so but was refused.

That same week, the NAMBLA, (North American Man Boy Love Association) that is working to make pedophilia – sex with children LEGAL- was given a ‘community room’ to have their demented meeting.  Yes that was perfectly OK for our government but never to talk about the Bible.

The sodomites had the audacity to go to Zondervan book publishers and demand there be changes in the Bible that would delete all references to homosexuality. I kid you not.

They began to interrupt church services. At St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City they crashed a mass taking place, throwing condoms to the congregation. And who can forget the scene in San Francisco when these deviants, dressed in their gaudy clothing and make-up came in and demanded to be served Communion. This is blasphemy.

And by the way, it is a felony to interrupt a religious service. Preachers, remember this and file charges if this happens in your church.

It has reached a point that if anyone does not agree to participate in sin, such as churches allowing same sex ‘marriages’ to take place in their sanctuaries or providing services like baking a cake with an LGBT message, those who refuse to follow their orders and join in the “celebration,” can be ruined by the government.

Here is one of the ‘rewards’ of homosexuality. AIDS! A horrific disease due to “anal intercourse.”  AIDS patients die slowly. But for the totally obsessed, it is worth it.  When the AIDS disease was first discovered I remember seeing a sodomite on TV stating, “Well, now every time I make love I don’t know if it will be my last time.”

Even knowing the fatal risk of sodomy they are still so consumed by perverted lust that they simply can no longer control themselves. They are enslaved.

It should be noted that many confused married men demand to have anal sex with their wives.  WHAT? How can they improve what God gave us for satisfying sex?  HOWEVER, when a man enters a woman’s rectum, then goes back into her vagina, it is a totally unnatural use of the human body and THIS is what causes the disease known as AIDS since it mixes up bacteria.  So, many so-called straights are also subject to this disease.

Governor Moonbeam of California recently announced that he would require regular LGBT classes of study in the public school system, even though he, nor anyone else, will allow parents to see what is actually being taught. Hiding something like this proves malfeasance.

One of his first things is to incorporate, now get this, GAY PORN, to show school CHILDREN!  This is sick! Porn of any kind is totally unacceptable for  children to view…but GAY PORN???

Now the closets are empty as all the perverts have come out. The latest is: Colleges offering courses on….now sit down…Queering the children, The Bible, and, the most shocking of all….the queering of…God! They are all guilty of blasphemy and will all go to hell for it.

Sixteen colleges have now signed on with these lug-headed bastards. Don’t get your knickers in a twist over this word which is in The Bible meaning questionable birth details. It is accurate as these people are in Satan’s family, not God’s family.

Journalist Tyler Durden of Campus Reform, writes: “Students at Pomona College in Claremont, California have the opportunity to enroll in a brand new course titled; “Queering Childhood.”  

According to the college,, the course “explores secular philosophies of queer and post-colonial theory as well as their critical and constructive application to religion,” focusing on topics like “the sexual ethics and ritualization found in the S&M community, transgender Christs, and the mestiza (or mixed) cultures of Latin America.”

Harvard University–yes HARVARD–Divinity School offers a course on “Queer theologies, Queer Religions” this fall, and how it relates to “larger aspirations of queer religion or spirituality in America.”

The course information of Harvard states: “Students will begin by sampling the efforts to revise traditional Christian theologies in order to accept or affirm same-sex loves.”  There it is in their own words.

And there are many more outrageous statements coming from this bastion of higher education.

The most outrageous of all comes from Swarthmore College with courses named; “Queering the bible, and Queering God.’ What???

Gwynn Kessler, the Swarthmore religion professor teaching the course had this to say:

“By reading the Bible with the methods of queer and trans theoretical approaches, this class destabilizes long held assumptions about what the Bible-and religion says about gender and sexuality.”

The University of Pennsylvania’s “Gender, Sexuality, and Religion” course will read religion through a variety of feminist and queer theory lenses.

University of San Francisco has the course,”Christian Feminist

Theology that aims to develope and understanding of how feminist scholarship provides one fruitful means towards reapproprration of central Christian insights about God.

The City by the Bay adds, “We will also look at the central significance of gender to the field of religious studies generally, with particular attention to non-binary genders.”

The real kicker is the statement that God is neither male or female. This is the basis for Queering God as they proudly proclaim.

And this is the new, modernized church coming your way? Or is it already here?

Pastors, this cannot be allowed to happen. Too many have simply stood aside and watched as this blasphemy and war against God has multiplied, increasing so much that it is now at a point of no return unless stern measures are taken.

This article has been written to fulfill a commission given to all ministers when they are ordained. The commission to be a defender of the faith.

See this story I wrote a couple of years ago about a boy named Trevor, a wonderful kid who after going to a public high school and college denounced God, turned on me the best friend he ever had, and became part of the LGBT crowd. This can happen to any and all of your children you surrender to government schools.

Pastors, man your pulpits and tell it like it is. We must preach against sin. Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not a natural state. It has introduced AIDS since biologically you cannot practice anal sex as is exclusive with sodomites, or combined with vaginal sex.

Pride Parades must be stopped, introducing sick sexual practices in public schools must be stopped, that is NOT why children are sent to school. This has been Satan’s greatest victory. It is now up to the pastors to preach the Word and MAN YOUR PULPITS.

WHAT WE CAN DO:  First of all, saturate your lives with God. There are plenty of good Bible-believing churches everywhere. Without God in your active lives, you can be yanked in any direction evil people pull.

Meet with your pastors to encourage them to start a Christian School. It is not difficult to do. And help support that effort by volunteer work. It is the life of your children at stake.

Be alert and ready to defend your family.



© Copyright by Rev. Austin Miles, 2018. All rights reserved.

Spiritual Deception of the New Age – Rob Pue

We are seeing the words of Scripture play out in living color before our very eyes every single day now, though the unsaved world cannot comprehend it.  With all we have to contend with, it’s easy for us to get distracted, focusing on the things we see in this physical world every day, and forgetting about the invisible, spiritual world all around us.  But this is where the REAL war is actually being waged.

The abominations we SEE on this earth are actually just the manifestations of intense warfare being played out in the spiritual realm.  Ephesians 6 tells us, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but…against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”  There is a whole SPIRITUAL WORLD “out there” that we do not see while we live in these earthly bodies, yet it is as just as real as the ground we walk on.  And these “spiritual forces of evil” are working overtime against all of us.  Peter warns us to be aware of this.  “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”

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‘Drag Tots!’ and ‘Super Drags’ Cartoons Wooing Kids

Netflix continues their assault on children

Adding more controversial programming to its lineup this year, Netflix – along with another network – has announced plans to air a new animated series about cross-dressing drag queens to introduce, desensitize or incite children to the homosexual lifestyle.

The sexual and perverted nature of Netflix’s and the World of Wonder channel’s disturbing cartoons has spurred Christian entertainment and movie critics to send out a warning to parents.

“More than ever, parents need to be on top of what their children may be watching, because the days of innocent Saturday morning cartoons is officially over – honestly, it’s been over for a while,” MovieGuide advised. “Two new shows coming this year are pushing cross-dressing lifestyles on children.”

Shows for the whole family to avoid

The World of Wonder channel is premiering one of the disturbingly perverse cartoon series on June 28, using the world’s most recognized drag queen as a voiceover for one of the characters.

“The first is Drag Tots! – a disturbing cartoon from the production company that makes Rupaul’s drag race about toddler drag queens,” MovieGuide’s Dr. Ted Baehr informed. “The cast voicing the toddlers are famous drag queens, like RuPaul himself.”

Netflix – which has already pushed the controversial envelope with its arguably suicide-glorifying 13 Reasons series and its new series paying the Obamas $50-million – is also getting into promoting alternative lifestyles to kids through its debut of Super Drags this year.

Here is how the streaming network giant is introducing the release of its new kids’ animated TV series:

“By night, they tighten up their corsets and transform into the baddest Super Drags in town, ready to combat shade and rescue the world’s glitter from the evil villains,” Netflix’s description of the TV show reads. “Get ready, because the Super Drags are going deeper than you think.”

The sexual content and graphic portrayal of body parts was in the programming is alarming – at best.

“The trailer – which Netflix released in May – shows drag queens dressing up, with superimposed shots of a characters’ breasts and buttocks,” Baehr pointed out.

Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing …

With all of the gender-bending hysteria over-sexualizing kids that is being pushed in the schools, media and entertainment industry in the name of tolerance and civil rights, the alarm is being sounded for families to closely monitor shows – even when they’re specially designated for youth.

“What should now be clear for parents is that you can’t trust a network’s children programming simply because they deem it ‘children’s programming,’” Baehr alerted families. “The filmmakers will insert whatever messaging they desire, and many parents won’t notice.”

Even Disney – the biggest name in kids’ entertainment in the world – has been in the habit of subjecting children to deviant sexual lifestyles, including a homosexual couple shown in its latest non-animated big screen version of Beauty and the Beast and in its popular animated series.

“Disney XD – a channel that numerous parents will leave on all day to distract their children – drew controversy last year for featuring a boy princess in an episode of Star vs. The Forces of Evil,” the Christian movie critic recounted. “The Disney Channel has also featured multiple LGBT stories in various children’s shows.”

Drag queens coming to a local school or library near you …

And the motivation behind exposing children to deviant sexual lifestyles is recognized as being more than tolerance or acceptance, as Baehr warns that the objective is to tear down Christian morals and inculcate kids with a new brand of sexual morality before encouraging them to explore unnatural relations.

“Parents shouldn’t have to worry about sexualized themes and agenda’s in children shows, but the reality is that they do have to worry,” the Christian entertainment guru insisted. “Whether it be Drag Queen reading sessions at schools, characters of classic literature being made lesbians, or your local city holding a LGBT Pride event, Christians should be ready to pass on biblical values and teachings to their children regarding these issues.”

In fact, libraries have been some of the most popular venues for local governments to encourage youth to explore the world of drag queens.

“Last year, the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library in Long Beach, California – a public facility – presented to children in its young readers program a huge array of diversity and ‘inclusion’ programs, including a visit by a drag queen named Xochi Mochi,” WND reported. “Mochi’s visit took place during the “Drag Queen Story Hour” – a collaboration between the Long Beach Public Library, the LGBTQ Center of Long Beach, the Genders and Sexualities Alliance Network and the LGBTQ nonprofit Imperial Court of Long Beach, according to the Long Beach Public Library’s calendar.”

Many might not too surprised of such a program turning up in deep-blue California, but such programs are also popping up in the nation’s interior, including Minnesota, where the Saint Paul Public Library (SPPL) announced its new summer series this month on cross-dressing called “Drag Story Hours,” which invites children and adults alike to attend.

LGBTQ activist Chad Kampe organizes queer-friendly events in Minnesota is has actively promoted the drag queen series with the library.

“Drag pushes people to break boundaries and explore creativity,” Kampe expressed, according to Intellectual Takeout. “At a very young age, we are taught to embrace our differences. Drag not only provides an opportunity to embrace who we are, it allows for us to broadcast and share who we are with the world.”

SPPL officials announced in a press release that the three gender-bending events in June and July are being livestreamed on Facebook and feature songs, story reading and two drag queen performers who will “strut their stuff for an over-the-top story hour.”

Sexually deviant lifestyles are hitting children with such frequency today as part of the government’s social justice campaign, which portrays so-called “transgenderism” as a civil rights issue – as if the decision to identify oneself as a different gender is the same as being an ethnic minority.

“The series is part of an inclusivity campaign called “We Belong Together” – a 2017 initiative that SPPL officials said was a response to the Trump administration’s so-called ‘Travel Ban,’” Intellectual Takeout’s Jon Miltimore explained.

Children visiting public libraries and attending public schools have been easy prey for such sexual indoctrination programs.

“Using public infrastructure as a vehicle to advance social justice morality is not new in Minnesota,” Miltimore stressed. ”In 2017, one of the state’s top school districts made national news after it was revealed officials had initiated a ‘sweeping initiative that reordered the district’s mission from academic excellence for all students to ‘racial equity.’”

The public library has worked hand-in-hand with “We Belong Together” to facilitate its events, and visiting the movement’s website shows that it puts a heavy emphasis on the drag culture. It provides visitors with a recommended reading list that exposes children to sexually deviant lifestyles, which has made many parents in Minnesota wary that local governments have launched a campaign that is essentially indoctrinating kids to embrace unbiblical sexuality.

“This agenda is just coming on so strong,” a Minnesota stay-at-home mom told Intellectual Takeout. “A very sad day has arrived when we are handing our children over with their innocence and their pure minds and filling them with such confusion.”

Copyright OneNewsNow.com. Reprinted with permission.

This article appeared here on June 23, 2018 –

‘Rogue One’ Inspired Trump Resistance Massacres The Politics Of Religion – Alex Yiannopoulos

The feel-good religion of the Light Side apparently consists in little more than muddleheaded platitudes about hope and change.

Usually, Hollywood writers leave their intellectual influences implicit in the script: “follow your dreams,” “be true to yourself,” “question authority,” “don’t conform,” and a million other clichés. You know the ideology: it’s present in just about every Hollywood movie, especially those made after 1970.

Shortly after Donald Trump’s win, however, two “Rogue One” writers made the relationship between their political ideology and their product explicit. One tweeted, “Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization.” Another responded: “Opposed by a multicultural group led by brave women.” Since then, some opponents of Trump have taken to calling themselves “the Resistance.”

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Carl Jung, Culture and Apologetics – M. Brunet

Carl Jung, born 1875 and died in 1961, may have more to do with the cultural direction we see today then one might realize. His influence and thinking has touched “not only psychiatry but also philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, literature, and religious studies” according to Wikipedia and is even seen today in “twelve-step programs, video games, novels, movies and educational materials used” according to Dr. Peter Jones. An early disciple of Freud, he parted ways and began a version of psychological wholeness that would find a basis in the spiritual realm. Unlike Freud, who believed religion was mythical and went so far as seeing it as a sickness in need of a cure, Jung saw “classical religion” (ancient pagan and mythological religion), as the vehicle to explain and solve human behavior and this healing would come through psychology and the wisdom found in cultures. This view led Jung to claim to claim that “we are on the threshold of a new spiritual epoch” and that he was developing “the worlds final, unitary religion”. The true nature of his quest can be scene in the this quote…

“I imagine a far finer and more comprehensive task for (psychoanalysis)…I think we must give it more time to influence people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which He was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were—a drunken feast of joy where man regained his ethos and holiness of an animal. That was the beauty and purpose of classical religion” (Richard Noll, Aryan Christ ,54)

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