Biblical Prophecy Refutes Earthly Utopian Dreams Part 1 – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Biblical Prophecy Refutes

But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance. Mark 13:23

Utopian dreams burst onto the American mainstream consciousness in 1967 with the iconic “The Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In” medley originally part of the Broadway production of Hair, later recorded by the R&B group The 5th Dimension in 1969. According to the lyrics, the remedy for mankind’s needs is found in the planets and star constellations of our galaxy.  To gain insight into our shared path forward in peace and love, mankind must “look to the stars.” The lyrics state this plainly:

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation

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Kingdom War Room #15 – Corrupting the Image II – Dr. Douglas Hamp Dr. Michael Lake, Dr. Mike Spaulding

Click here to listen to this powerful conversation.

There are events in human history that not only shape the near future but can well extend beyond the millennium in which they occur.  Some are so powerful that they can stretch their influence from the very ancient world to today.  Such events are found in Genesis 3, 6, and 10.  Jesus reminded His followers in the First Century that:

37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, . . .

Matt 24:37,38A

Unfortunately, what those that first heard these words understood has been lost in the common consciousness of humanity.  However, Christian researchers have been laboring to unearth these trues in our day.  One such researcher is Dr. Douglas Hamp.

Dr. Michael Lake, representing the Kingdom Intelligence Briefing and Biblical Life TV.

Dr. Michael Spaulding, who is the teaching pastor of Calvary Chapel of Lima, OH, the author of Upsidedown in America, more than ten other books, and the host of Soaring Eagle Radio and Dr. Mike Live.  Mike’s website is

Dr. Douglas Hamp:  Douglas Hamp earned his M.A. in the Bible and its World from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and his PhD in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University. He served as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa for six years, where he lectured and developed curriculum at the School of Ministry, Spanish School of Ministry and Calvary Chapel Bible College Graduate School. He is the author of numerous books, articles, & DVDs and has appeared on national and international TV, radio, and internet programs in English and in Spanish. He is senior pastor of the Way Congregation in Denver, CO.

You may support The Transforming Word Ministries by sending your gifts to:

Dr. Mike Spaulding
PO Box 3007
Lima, OH 45807

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James: A Commentary for the Remnant Body of Jesus Christ

My newest commentary is now available. From my Introduction:

The book of James is an oft-quoted and oft-misunderstood book. How can those two things be true simultaneously?

James is quoted often when it comes to passages of Scripture that inform us about our communication. James has much to say about how we should speak. James also warns us of the great danger ever lurking in the shadows to be unbridled if we do not guard our speech.

James is often misunderstood when compared to Paul’s writings. This is particularly true when it comes to discussing the doctrine of justification. Some admit to being confused by what Paul says and what James says. Let me be another voice in the many that say there is no contradiction between Paul and James. Paul speaks of justification by faith alone. James does not deny that. In fact, James’ focus is not on the means or process of salvation at all. James is focused on what the Christian life will look like after someone is born again. Thus arguably the most quoted passage in James – “Faith without works is dead.”

James reminds us that walking by faith with God is a call to action. Head knowledge alone is worthless. James reminds us that Christianity informs the culture in which it is present. True faith is not a cloistered, monastic, cerebral exercise.

Let’s get out into the streets of our communities and press the case of Jesus Christ, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which anyone can be saved.

That is our message in every age – only Jesus saves. I pray you will demonstrate Holy Spirit boldness and courage. We need you today more than ever.

I encourage you to have your Bible open and study along with me in these chapters of the book of James. May our great God and Father bless your efforts.

Blessings in the mighty name of Jesus!

Signed copies available for a suggested donation of $23 which includes shipping cost. You may send a check for that amount to me at:

Dr. Mike Spaulding

PO Box 3007

Elida, OH 45807

You may use PayPal by sending the suggested donation to – Or by PayPal

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Did the Jewish People of Jesus’ Day Expect a Healing Messiah?

A question was recently submitted to the GK Podcast Network for inclusion on the Ask Dr. Mike live show. Here is a shortened version of the question.

In Matthew, the sick and even the healthy expect the Son of David to be a healer. It’s not clear to me why the 1st century Jews would have expected the Son of David (which I interpret to be the Messiah/Anointed One/Rightful King) to be e healer from reading the OT.

What follows is my response to this question. Continue reading

The True Basis and Meaning of “Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain” in Mark 11.

Mark’s Gospel is replete with theological gems worthy of the time to mine them. None is more important to the times we live in today than the entire vignette of Jesus and the disciples leaving the temple complex, Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree, and His admonition concerning “this mountain.”

The first item I would like for you to consider is that the expectation of the Messiah was also, of course, the expectation of His Kingdom’s arrival. The disciples were not wrong in thinking that way. The church age was a mystery to them.

That’s the primary reason the Jews wanted Messiah to arrive – to overthrow Rome. Then there’s the question of the Abrahamic Covenant fulfillment, especially the land aspect of that covenant.

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