Diary of a Devil Hunter – Dr. Greg Reid Joins Pastor Mike

Dr. Greg Reid joins me to discuss his book Diary of a Devil Hunter. This amazing book is an autobiography that reads like an investigative documentary on the subject of child trafficking and occultism. It serves as a call to Christians and churches to stand and fight for the most vulnerable among us.

Greg’s website is – https://gregoryreid.com/


The Ingrained Barbarity of Islam

The recent barbarity inflicted upon the people of Israel shocked many across the world. The bloodthirsty and demonically inspired massacre of innocent men, women, children, and even infants, was rightly denounced by many as the wickedness it was. Of course, those controlled by bloodlust and hatred, which is to say by demons, celebrated the raping, beheading, and brutality of the Hamas Islamists who perpetrated this madness.

God will not be mocked and He will judge not just those who celebrate, enabled, and supplied the actual murderers with the opportunity to carry out this travesty, but all the people who smirked and threw out the ignorant platitude “Zionism is equally evil and therefore the Israelis deserved what they received.” Let me say this plainly to all the “Zionism is evil” crowd, which includes many who believe they are born-again Christians: Your blatant animosity toward anything Jewish or pertaining to Israel, is a clear sign that you do not understand God, His Word, or the mission of the ecclesia in these end times.

As I was traveling to an appointment today, this teaching was playing on our radio station. God’s timing is perfect. We must awake from the demonic-Islamic tranquilizer that has produced a deep and ignorant stupor to fall upon people with the available means to stop this madness.

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PayPal – support@drmikespaulding.com

The SPOTT Report Episode 8 – Communication

Hi friends! Thank you for joining Kathy and me for this episode of The SPOTT Report. Today we discuss communication in relationships and in the ecclesia. Strife and division often occur because of poor communication.

Is there a subject you want us to discuss? Email us with that subject – cmspaulding2@gmail.com and we’ll consider it for a future show.

You can support The Transforming Word Ministries and The SPOTT Report in the following ways:

Venmo – @TWGEM

Cash App – $TransformingWordGEM

Swipe Simple (Preferred method of support)

PayPal – support@drmikespaulding.com

The SPOTT Report is a ministry of The Transforming Word Ministries under the oversight and direction of the House of Spaulding, an ecclesiastical ministry not associated with any governmental entity or oversight.

The SPOTT Report Episode 7 – Finding a Remnant Ecclesia Part 4

Hi friends! Thank you for joining Kathy and me for this episode of The SPOTT Report. Today we continue to discuss the urgency of finding a true body of believers in Yeshua. There are many attractive options but are they true ecclesias? Kathy and I discuss several issues the ecclesia must stand for and against. We take off the “gloves” for this conversation.

Is there a subject you want us to discuss? Email us with that subject – cmspaulding2@gmail.com and we’ll consider it for a future show.

You can support The Transforming Word Ministries and The SPOTT Report in the following ways:

Venmo – @TWGEM

Cash App – $TransformingWordGEM

Swipe Simple (Preferred method of support)

PayPal – support@drmikespaulding.com

The SPOTT Report is a ministry of The Transforming Word Ministries under the oversight and direction of the House of Spaulding, an ecclesiastical ministry not associated with any governmental entity or oversight.

The SPOTT Report Episode 6 – Finding a Remnant Ecclesia Part 3

Hi friends! Thank you for joining Kathy and me for this episode of The SPOTT Report. Today we continue to discuss the urgency of finding a true body of believers in Yeshua. There are many attractive options but are they true ecclesias? Kathy and I discuss several issues such ministry to the community in which you are domiciled, and the great need for ministry leaders to address current events.

Is there a subject you want us to discuss? Email us with that subject – cmspaulding2@gmail.com and we’ll consider it for a future show.

You can support The Transforming Word Ministries in the following ways:

Venmo – @TWGEM

Cash App – $TransformingWordGEM

Swipe Simple (Preferred method of support)

PayPal – support@drmikespaulding.com

The SPOTT Report is a ministry of The Transforming Word Ministries under the oversight and direction of the House of Spaulding, an ecclesiastical ministry not associated with any governmental entity or oversight.