Progressive Marxism, Tammany Hall, Saul Alinsky, and DEI – The Creation of True Systemic Racism

American government, which is to say, American politics has become a convoluted mess of near opaqueness. This condition has been intentionally constructed to distract and disorient the casual observer. The more serious individual given to a thirst for truth will find the veneer frustrating but the treasure of seeing clearly achieved through perseverance, well worth the effort.

To unravel the quagmire that has become American politics, one must refresh their understanding of history. Philosopher George Santayana once wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” For our concern in this article, a more apt quote from Santayana might well be, “A country without a memory is a country of madmen.” Indeed, America has become a country of madmen and women. Irrational and illogical beliefs rule the day and are foisted upon sane people through the threat of lawfare – refuse to use the pronoun of choice for any number of delusional people and you could find yourself unemployed. Or refer to someone as a she when they claim to be non-binary; or refuse to accept that gender is a social construct. Or reject the idiocy that men can have babies. The question on millions of American’s lips is this: “How did we ever get to this place where good is evil and evil is good? How has darkness been substituted for light and light for darkness; bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter?” (Isaiah 5:20)

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Cultural Marxism Is A Mind Virus – Dr. Mike Spaulding

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet – Act 1, Scene 5

I found an article recently while researching a book. It provided once again, evidence of the destructive power of propaganda. People today can be turned into mindless zombies with very little effort. Let me explain.

Dr. Samuel J. Abrams is a Professor of Politics and Social Science at Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, New York. He serves concurrently as a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute where he focuses on questions related to civic and political culture and American ideologies. Additionally, he is a faculty fellow with New York University’s Center for Advanced Social Science Research.[1] Dr. Abrams is a respected and well-qualified expert in his field of research and analysis. Expertise matters not to some. Ideology is everything. Even when that ideology is wrought with error, inconsistency, and anti-American curtailment of civil discourse.

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We are living in a time of revealing. Christians, Conservatives, Libertarians, Patriots, and other freedom and liberty-minded people, should take the time to rejoice. There are many reasons to rejoice today but here is one that some may be missing – we should rejoice because the God-haters, the America-haters, the freedom-haters, the liberty-haters, in short, the satanic, demonic, Leftists among us are finally being exposed on a scale and at a depth never before seen in American history.

Leftists, Marxists, Communists, Democrats, America-haters, and God-haters, all have one thing in common – they serve a demonic master who has completely destroyed their innate ability to reason for the common good. I and many others have said for many years that Leftist politics, whether Marxist or Globalist, is a mental disorder. We are seeing that truth verified like never before.

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Who Cares? Why Don’t We? The Attack On Western Civilization, Part 1 – Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: What’s happening to America by its own hand: immigration, cultural chaos via diversity and multiculturalism

Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

This series provides a poignant and far-reaching interview with Bromwell Ault, 90, Yale graduate and author of:  Who Lost America?  He penetrates the reasons for America’s spiraling downfall into multiculturalism, diversity, endless immigration and population overload.  He offers an extraordinary depth of understanding of America’s predicament from seven decades of observations on the world stage.

I have spoken with him for hours on this subject. He brings extraordinary wisdom, understanding, and comprehension of America’s predicament.

Ault relates his thoughts as to the changes sweeping over America:

We mention these enormous changes in our society and technology in the brief period of the last half-century because we have recently entered into another period of similarly far-reaching change with the potential to devastate our values, completely alter our culture and turn America away from the destiny which past generations imagined would be theirs and strove to attain. These threats are real and have been enabled by our educational, cultural and political avoidance.

There are multiple factors that contribute to the lassitude that has gripped our government, corrupted our political class and turned the type of national unity we have been able to call upon in the past into a distant memory. If we cannot regain our past ability to view ourselves and function as one nation, then the American dream — however, it is deemed — will no longer exist.

And our time frame is shrinking more rapidly than we can know from the information or opinions provided by our government and/or MSM. It is this rapidly contracting time for corrective action that has given rise to this series of chapters we call The Attack on Western Civilization (WCIV).

America is the youngest and strongest member of what we refer to as WCIV — a mixture of thought, art, religion, government, politics, music, science, commerce, genetics and population with pre-Christian origins in the cultures of Greece and Rome. As war between the various western European states was a constant for centuries, unity was an infrequent experience, most notably exercised to turn back Muslim invasions at Tours, Vienna and the Crimea and to recapture the Christian Holy Land via the Crusades of the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries; and in more modern times to deny the designs for conquest and territorial acquisition by Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and Stalin.

Europe’s monarchies controlled its power until they self-destructed in the failing values and leadership of World War I (WW I). Their system did not allow for real unity because power could shift instantly due to birth, death, marriage, insanity, religion, as well as the usual state causes such as the expansion of commerce, territory, and population.

It became clear that this beautiful, glimmering sense of unity needed determined leadership and improvement to survive in the massive rebuilding of Europe after WW II. And although Europe has been strengthened by new methods and institutions, old ways and memories persist because they have been tried and hardened and have endured centuries of history and conflict. Even so, European unity pales beside that which the U.S. displayed so powerfully in the two great wars of the 20th century. The reason lies in our origin when the first step in becoming a free nation required surrendering our colonial identities of almost 200 years, and establishing the unity that allowed our founders dreams of freedom, honor, and equality to survive and be passed on to future generations.

While we have departed from our WCIV forbears in many ways, our culture is predominantly the same. Our language, law, dress, religion, food, history, music, literature, architecture, and science have European roots and branches onto which we have grafted our own forms for over 200 years. Some have been beautiful, others offensive; but culture, like history, is a long span, an endless game in which we participate only brie y. It thanks us, or not, for our contributions; it uses them, or not, as it prefers. We have been privileged to have a part in it, and we have taken pride in that part.

We have gone into some detail because culture, history, unity and other elements of WCIV are now under global attack and, once again, if we in the West are to defend ourselves, America will have to lead. The peril we face is one of many parts, as are the problems that it will increasingly force upon us. In this, we will describe the background and the threats that we must confront. And we will outline what we must do and how it should be done. For Matters of Conscience, this will require a transformative editorial move away from commentary towards activism which we would not consider unless the stakes were as high as they are.

Contact: Bromwell Ault,

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Left Is Destroying Our Children – Dave Daubenmire

I heard a conservative commentator on TV make reference to “the Godless Left” the other night.  As so often happens we hear and repeat statements that often give validity to a premise that is factually flawed.

There is no such thing as a “Godless” person.  Everyone serves somebody or something.  Admit it or not we all find ourselves manipulated by forces beyond our own control.

For some it is an addiction…cigarettes…drugs…cell phones…but whatever we give our time to is what we serve.  The “Godless Left” is not really Godless.  They are Christ-less…but not Godless.  Most of the Godless Left simply serve the “god” of self.

You see it everywhere you look…MY body MY choice…don’t judge ME…who are you to tell ME what I can do.  When you remove the God of the Bible from society you don’t remove God…you simply change the god that is served.

The Bible tells us “that when there was no King in Israel the people did what was right in their own eyes.”  Self is now the King over America.  If it feels good do it…how better to please the god of self than to feed every one of its carnal desires.

President Theodore Roosevelt once said “to educate a child and not train him in morality is to educate a menace to society.”  Our amoral public schools are destroying our nation.

But they are not really amoral…void of morality…but self-moral in that right and wrong is determined by the belief system of the individual.   “Everyone doing what is right in his own eyes”…that is the mushy foundation upon which the New America is being built.

It is sinking sand.  A nation is no longer a nation if it does not share a common culture.  A nation’s culture is not determined by skin color, or ethnicity, or gender, but by a common sense of values.  A nation where whim is the determining factor in right and wrong cannot possibly survive.  If the Truth is constantly changing like Bruce Jenner’s gender then it was never really Truth to begin with.

Fake news, fake science, fake education all share the same thing in common.  They are all agenda driven.  “Truth” is shaped and molded to produce a desired outcome.  There is no proof of Darwinian evolution, or gender confusion, or the existence of God, but our children are being taught in government schools that they can create their own Truth simply by manipulating Science.

Millions of dollars are spent annually in an attempt to “prove” evolution while very little scientific research is funded to prove the EXISTENCE of God.  This is a perfect example of paying science to prove your already-believed theory.  So much of our current educational system is hell-bent on destroying God that the scientific research is directed explicitly at that target.  “There is no God and we can prove it!”  Except they can’t, no matter how hard they try.

But they can use deception.  They can create an educational system totally devoid of the God of the Bible and His precepts for how a society is supposed to operate.  That system is called multiculturalism which is simply a game plan for how to live together without a common set of values.  Tolerance has replaced Truth.  One belief is just as valid as another. Who are you to judge?  We are all just one big happy family of divergent Truths striving to co-exist on a foundation of sinking sand.

Our churches are the ones to blame.  Instead of fighting for Truth and demanding that the Truth be taught to our children we have opened the flood gates and permitted the creation of a theological swamp where Truth is merely one of a thousand opinions and God is recreated to fit the belief system of the individual.  When you create your own version of God you can mold Him into your own system of beliefs.  The average American Church no longer flies the banner of Truth.

This past weekend a few dozen of my friends and I took the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a local mosque, an abortion clinic, and to a homosexual-shame parade.  In each instance we were struck by how obvious it is that The LEFT is feasting on our children.

I remember as a young man reading where Nikita Khrushchev said “Give us a generation and we will give you communism.”  The plan of the Devil has always been to infiltrate and mislead.  Today in America all of our major institutions are under the control of The Left, including the church, and the fruit of that infiltration can be seen on any street in any town in America.

Our children are murdering our grandchildren in abortion clinics around the nation.  The homosexualists have seized the government schools to the point that the average American can no longer recognize the evil of male on male butt sex.  In fact, neither can our churches.  The Pastors and church leaders are accepting and promoting perversions which fly in the face of the “laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”

If our churches no longer recognize right from wrong what hope do our children have?

The next generation of Americans has very little in common with the morality of their grandparents.  Give them sex, drugs, video games…anything but JESUS!!  That is how The Left is destroying our children.

Below are three short videos of our Gospel outreach this past weekend.  Watch them and weep.  The church is asleep in the light.  The Devil is eating our children.

Mosque  [YouTube Video]

Abortion [YouTube Video]

Homo  [YouTube Video]

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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