Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a rabid postmodernism. As you will recall, postmodernism stresses the importance of the individual, his or her “lived experiences,” meaning his or her own reality, regardless of whether or not it is true. In fact, the perception of the individual is an unassailable mountain of truth through which all other experiences must pass through. In other words, according to CRT, truth, as evidenced by reality, is a western construct used to hold back people of color, therefore everyone’s truth is true for them. If this sounds like a different shade of relativism you are correct.
The difficulty we encounter today is that the viewpoints of racists utilizing and hiding behind CRT in order to propagate their racism and hatred are nearly incontestable. Running roughshod over other people’s rights, while maintaining the privilege to do so is utter lunacy. Lunacy codified into law is tyranny.
We are living in a time of revealing. Christians, Conservatives, Libertarians, Patriots, and other freedom and liberty-minded people, should take the time to rejoice. There are many reasons to rejoice today but here is one that some may be missing – we should rejoice because the God-haters, the America-haters, the freedom-haters, the liberty-haters, in short, the satanic, demonic, Leftists among us are finally being exposed on a scale and at a depth never before seen in American history.
Leftists, Marxists, Communists, Democrats, America-haters, and God-haters, all have one thing in common – they serve a demonic master who has completely destroyed their innate ability to reason for the common good. I and many others have said for many years that Leftist politics, whether Marxist or Globalist, is a mental disorder. We are seeing that truth verified like never before.
has the right to not be offended. That right doesn’t exist in any declaration I
have ever read.[1]
Many Americans have been propagandized to the extent that
they now form an entire subclass – the perpetually offended. What are the
signs? One of the most glaring signs of this new genre of the walking infantile
is the belief, often expressed by aggressive and even violent behavior, that
anyone or thing that offends them ought not to be allowed to exist.
People that think this way apparently believe that the universe
operates according to their ideology. They have no real justification for
believing this way. They can’t point to any standard of moral reasoning,
logical analysis, or time-tested system of thought that supports their
viewpoint. They further demonstrate their ignorance by believing everyone would
be better off believing like they do. Remarkable, they think they are the
modern equivalent of the knights of old, riding in to rescue the damsels in
distress, in this case culture, civility, and the American way. The truth that
these individuals cannot grasp is something much different.
Here is a case in point: Two University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill students were recently arrested and charged with assault. What
led to their arrests? They were arrested after they physically and violently
attacked a pro-life activist who was on the campus with Created Equal, a group
that uses dialogue to attempt to persuade people that abortion is the murder of
unborn human beings. One of the strategies that Created Equal uses is the
prominent display of actual pictures of the dismembered bodies of babies, the
result of “choice” as abortion is euphemistically called by those attempting to
disguise the barbaric truth of what abortion is and does to the preborn human.
Pictures of babies who have suffered the cruelest fate
imaginable are a powerful reminder of the truth of what abortion really is.
Pictures leave no room for debate about abortion being “women’s reproductive
healthcare” as the brainwashed like to call it. Abortion ends the life of the
baby and therefore trying to obfuscate this truth by calling it “reproductive
healthcare” is idiocy.
The university students mentioned above were shocked when
law enforcement officers arrested them. They could not believe that their noble
cause of violently opposing and assaulting pro-life individuals resulted in
arrest. One of the students said, “I cannot believe this is happening,”
referring to her arrest.
Another example of the same mindset demonstrated by the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill child murder supporters is the now
infamous behavior of Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims. Sims, the
self-proclaimed champion of a woman’s right to murder her unborn child, thought
he was valiant and courageous for demeaning, belittling, and verbally
intimidating an elderly woman outside a baby murder facility.
What was the crime that set Sims over the edge? This
grandmother was walking in front of the murder mill while praying silently. For
this gross offense Sims took it upon himself to video the woman, demanding her
name and address, offering a money reward to anyone who would identify her and
where she lived so that he and others that think like he does could go harass
her at her home.
In the least Sims demonstrated that he has no business
making decisions that affect citizens of the state of Pennsylvania in his
capacity as a State Representative. More troubling than that however, is the fact
that Sims thought it perfectly normal to call for a mass turnout of like-minded
baby murderers to intimidate an individual for having the temerity to be at a
place where women murder their children and pray that they would change their
Then there is the recent case of the morally bankrupt young
women celebrating the act of murdering babies by dancing through a graveyard of
crosses representing aborted babies. This publicity stunt was noteworthy for
the callousness with which these young women were exulting child murder. Here
is one report of this incident:
Planned Parenthood supporters at the University
of Texas at San Antonio protested at a Students for Life symbolic cemetery for
the unborn.
The incident occurred on April 9 as Students
for Life commemorated aborted babies through a cemetery display, the
pro-life nonprofit group revealed in a press release Wednesday.
Students for Life set up pink crosses and talked to students
about pro-life options as part of a spring Planned Parenthood Truth Tour
throughout college campuses.
Young women from the university’s Students
United for Planned Parenthood group interrupted the memorial activity. The
protesters strode through the assembled crosses, shouted and waved signs,
according to video footage.
“Look, there’s mine right there,” one Planned
Parenthood supporter shouted in the video, pointing at a cross and pretending
an aborted baby lay beneath it. A student shouted across the cemetery
that she loves having sex and aborting babies. “My number one kink,”
she can be heard saying in the video, as noted by Students For Life.
“I love advocating for abortion! My uterus
loves advocating for abortion,” another girl shouted, waving her sign. “When I
say Planned, you say Parenthood. When I say aborted, you say fetuses!”
“It’s a fetus graveyard!” another protester
What has happened to a great number of men and women in
America is that their conscience has become seared. Their mind is in a state of
depreciating ability to grasp morality personally and interpersonally. They
have become incapable of moral reasoning and logical analysis that lead to
guilt or shame related to their thinking and behavior. They are being turned
over to the darkness they crave and prostitute themselves to and on behalf of.
Depending on the severity of the behavior, psychologists
call this psychopathic or sociopathic behavior. The difference between the two
is that a psychopath has no conscience remaining. The psychopath’s conscience
is completely seared and devoid of any emotion of shame or guilt associated
with their behavior. Ironically, Hollywood glamorizes this behavior, giving
tacit approval to the violent and murderous results of psychopathic people.
The sociopath has a small amount of conscience remaining.
This person might still feel a twinge of guilt but not enough to stop their
evil behavior. Both the psychopath and sociopath are dangerous to others with
which they interact and especially those with whom they disagree. Courtrooms across this nation are filled with
cases involving the egregious behavior of people with little to no functioning
All of the examples above demonstrate varying states of the
inability to reason morally. America is well down the path of being wrested
from its moral foundations by psychopaths and sociopaths whose faculties have
been impaired by evil. What can be done to correct this development? We must first
understand what we are dealing with.
J.I. Packer* said concerning conscience that:
An educated, sensitive
conscience is God’s monitor. It alerts
us to the moral quality of what we do or plan to do, forbids lawlessness and
irresponsibility, and makes us feel guilt, shame, and fear of the future retribution
that it tells us we deserve, when we have allowed ourselves to deny its
restraints…Satan’s strategy is to corrupt, desensitize, and if possible kill
our consciences. The relativism,
materialism, narcissism, secularism, and hedonism of today’s Western world help
him mightily toward his goal. His task
is made yet simpler by the way in which the world’s moral weaknesses have been
taken into the contemporary church.[3]
Packer identified the real crux of the issue. Conscience is
a God-given warning system that has been deliberately turned off today in a
large number of Americans. An alarm cannot warn of danger if it is not
connected to a power source.
Slowly and over time the innate ability of Americans to
determine right from wrong has been strategically and with malice corrupted.
The constant drive to remove and even erase Christianity from the public mind
and memory has borne the rottenest of fruit culturally speaking.
How can a culture sustain moral uprightness from generation
to generation when even the Church, that instrument of God meant to inform and
when necessary, correct culture, begins to emulate the culture? When a society
becomes seared in conscience, when a critical mass of people begin to think and
advocate for evil under the guise of good, and exchange light for darkness,
their minds become seared as with a branding iron and the resultant scar tissue
renders them incapable of returning to correct thinking and behavior absent a
radical surgery.
The Church is meant to be God’s scalpel, guided by His hand
to make perfect incisions to remove the cancer of evil, the scar tissue of a
seared conscience, and in so doing, restore right thinking and behavior to all
individuals. When the Church refuses to do that mass deception is allowed to congeal
and that environment creates hostility toward the truth of man’s precarious
condition and toward the only solution to his dilemma.
The answer to this predicament is not for the Church to go
with the flow, to seek the path of least resistance, to affirm inclusiveness as
that term is meant today and throw open the doors to culture. The only answer
that will turn America around is a full-on biblical revival that must start in
the pulpits of America and sweep through the local bodies of Christ spread out
over this nation. That kind of revival cannot be contained and it will spill
over into local school boards, city councils, college campuses, businesses,
state representatives, and finally our national leadership. When God’s people
once again bow their knee to Him alone, then revival will come, minds will be
freed from the bondage of the demonic slavery imposed upon them from God-hating
miscreants who have secretly snuck into our churches, communities, and
governments at every level.
True biblical revival will transform hearts, heal minds,
and lead to tangible action by those delivered from their bondage. True
biblical revival will come on the heels of true repentance, a faith that
demonstrates a changed heart, mind, and life trajectory.
The Scriptures[4]
tell us that: There was the true Light which, coming into the
world, enlightens every man. John 1:9
This means that only through
faith in Christ will people become free from a seared conscience and the
inevitable consequence of that state. Christian, rise up and take your place in
the army of God, and march forward in victory, for our God has given us this
land. Occupy until He returns!
In one of the apostle Paul’s last letters — the one he wrote to Timothy — he gave some vitally important words of caution and warning. 2nd Timothy 4, starting at verse 2: “Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts, shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables.”
Then, he added, “But watch thou, in all things, endure
afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”
I have been working in full time ministry for nearly 20 years now. I remember when I began, I was astonished at the many churches that were no longer enduring sound doctrine. The “seeker friendly” movement, which morphed into the “Emergent Church” movement was on a “fast track.” Mega churches were springing up with massive buildings. So large, in fact, they call them “campuses.” And many of these mega-churches have MULTIPLE campuses in various areas of their cities, because one building will not hold all those who want the feel-good, false “love gospel” message that is preached there.
I was saddened in
those early days of this work, to see so many formerly rock solid, Bible-based,
Scripturally sound churches DEvolve into nothing more than “happy fun
time.” A “feel-good experience,” where
one could go and see a show, lift their hands in mock reverence to God, dance
and sway, while being promised all manner of prosperity, health, wealth, and a
life of abundance. “Your BEST life
NOW.” This is just SO contradictory to
everything God’s Word says about the Christian life. Sin is no longer a word allowed to be spoken
of in many churches, and if it IS spoken of, it’s only to say that once we
simply say a prayer or walk an aisle (or worse yet, just raise our hand “with
all eyes closed and all heads bowed”); we are “good” with God.
We can then go
about our normal lives as usual. Except
now, we are told, we are assured of heaven… just because we repeated a few
words and sheepishly raised our hand while no one was looking. COME ON folks! Talk about biblical illiteracy. Talk about wolves in sheep’s clothing….
HIRELINGS lulling fat and happy fools into a false sense of eternal
security. This is so sad.
But you know, we
cannot put all the blame on the pastors.
They’re just giving the people what they want. Look again at the Scripture from 2nd
Timothy: it says THE PEOPLE will not
put up with sound doctrine any longer, and so THE PEOPLE heap up for themselves
teachers to tell them what they want to hear, to soothe their itching ears.
It is the great
apostasy, the great “falling away.” And
I have watched it begin as a tiny sprout many years ago, and I’ve watched it
grow, blossom, flower and then re-seed itself many times over the years… Today it is so prevalent in Christendom that
one is hard-pressed to find a faithful congregation of true believers
anywhere. I guess that’s why God’s Word
says there will only be a small “remnant” that stand firm to the end.
During my time in
ministry, I have seen the old timers, the pastors who were faithful in teaching
the WHOLE counsel of God’s Word grow older and retire from the ministry… or
in many cases, be FORCED OUT of their ministry by church boards and elders —
only to be replaced by somebody younger, more “hip,” more “in step” with the
culture and times we are living in. In
other words, a more CARNAL “pastor.”
These “cool” new pastors often use Hollywood films on their big
projection TV screens to illustrate their sermons… they make off-color jokes
from the pulpits. They wear t shirts and
ripped blue jeans as they speak, to appeal to the average “Joe six-pack” in the
audience. They have a “hot” worship
team, complete with electric guitars, drums, smoke and mirrors and in some
cases even laser light shows. “It’s all about the EXPERIENCE,” they
Friends, I’m not
some old fashioned stick in the mud.
I’ve been around. And I can tell
you, this ain’t “church.” At least not a
biblical church. It MAY be a “synagogue
of Satan.” But it’s not church, and it
most certainly is not God-honoring.
There is NO reverence for Him; no fear of God there at all. I have seen youth leaders take their group
of kids to R-rated movies as their Youth Group “activity” for the week; I have seen pastors hold community events
called a “car smash,” which apparently the kids love… they get an old car,
put it in the middle of their parking lot, and let the kids destroy it with
baseball bats, spray paint, and tire irons.
This is their “entertainment” for the evening — a way to get kids to
“come to church.”
I’ve seen pastors
dress up like Hollywood movie characters, or the Easter Bunny or Santa
Claus. I’ve seen the bounce houses and
carnival games and rock concerts… nowadays, they will do ANYTHING to get kids
— AND ADULTS — to come to church, and KEEP coming to church… KEEP RIGHT ON
filling those collection plates. Just
don’t DARE tell them what the Bible REALLY says…. are you KIDDING? That’s MUCH too harsh. That’s no fun. Who would want to hear THAT?!
So when it comes to
doing things of any real significance; when it comes to being SALT AND LIGHT
and IMPACTING our society and culture with what our society and culture is
in DESPERATE NEED OF — the TRUTH, for heaven’s sake — they are all
AWOL… oh NO! They CAN’T “go there!” People don’t want to hear about sin and evil,
or the consequences of sin and evil in their lives. They don’t want to be CONVICTED in their
hearts. They want to be COMFORTED and
entertained. And they call this “going
to church.” Preach the WORD? Are you kidding? Reprove, rebuke, exhort with all LONGSUFFERING
and DOCTRINE? WHO in the world wants
THAT?! Endure afflictions for the sake
of the Gospel? “NO, thank you. I’ll take a
large coffee, please, and if it’s not too much trouble, please make sure the
service is over with by noon, because we need to get home to watch the game.”
If you want to know
why our world is the way it is, it’s because professing Christians have given
up. It began at least a generation or
two ago — and maybe longer. But at some
point, we stopped taking God and His Word seriously. And the Great falling away began. Instead of serving CHRIST and HIS KINGDOM, we
began seeking after things we perceived to be “good, fun, enjoyable,
entertaining.” Instead of afflicting the
comfortable and comforting the afflicted, we BECAME the comfortable,
…and we like it that way. So as for
those old time preachers who just want to preach the “hard stuff,” “hit the road, Jack, we’ve decided to go a
different direction.” Yes, indeed,
they have.
Over the years I
have known countless faithful men of God who have been run out of town by these
congregations that no longer wish to hear the truth. I, myself, have been “disinvited” from more
churches than I can count. But let me
tell you about a friend of mine who has recently experienced this at his church
in California. His name is Pastor Justin
Hoke, and he is a faithful truth-teller, a watchman on the wall. He doesn’t allow political correctness to
dictate his message. He speaks the WHOLE
counsel of God’s Word — out of love for the lost, and to inform those who
profess Christ of the spiritual culture war we are SUPPOSED to be fighting
— as we stand our ground against the enemy and his demons.
He recently put a
message on his church sign stating common sense, simply TRUTH. The sign read: “Bruce Jenner is still a man.
Homosexuality is still sin. The
culture may change. The Bible does not.” According to a news story by, LGBT activists swarmed the church recently, claiming the sign
was “hateful.” They later vandalized the
sign. And less than a week later, Pastor
Hoke made the following announcement on his Facebook page:
“As of today, I am no longer the pastor of
Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church. After
much prayer and counsel, I have decided that it is best to briefly communicate
what has taken place. 1) I was informed by our other elder that he
felt he could no longer follow my lead as pastor. 2) I
was informed that essentially all but one couple in membership would leave the
church if I continued as pastor. 3) Our
other elder and the couple felt that those who left would likely return if
I would leave.”
Pulpit And Pen
commented, “Apparently, the public
outrage was enough to cause discontent within the local congregation, which
appears to value the opinion of men more than the Word of God. May it not be said of us.” I should note that this came after the pastor
gave one of the most powerful sermons I’ve heard in a long time, entitled “Love Warns.” In his sermon, Pastor Hoke noted that to
“accept and affirm” what the culture embraces, but which God’s Word calls
abomination is NOT to love those trapped in sin; but rather WARNING the
wicked of their need for repentance and forgiveness by the shed blood of Christ
is the definition of truly LOVING your neighbor. It was an incredibly powerful message he
gave. And then he was immediately
tossed out of his role as pastor. For
simply telling the TRUTH, straight from God’s Word.
I’m reminded of the
prophet Jeremiah, known as the “weeping prophet,” because he wept for the
nation of Israel. God sent him to
declare His Word and Truth to the people, and sound the warning regarding all
their iniquities. But the people did NOT
want to hear. Instead they demanded, “Jeremiah, tell us something GOOD for once…
tell us what we want to hear!”
Let’s read just a
little bit from chapter 7 as God explains things to Jeremiah: “But
this command I gave them: ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall
be My people. And walk in all the ways
that I command you, that it may be well with you.’ But they did not obey or incline their ear,
but walked in their own counsels and the stubbornness of their evil hearts, and
went backward and not forward. From the
day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt to this day, I have
persistently sent all My servants the prophets to them, day after day. Yet they did not listen to Me or incline
their ear, but stiffened their necks. They did worse than their fathers.”
And so God
continued, “So you shall speak all these
words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but
they will not answer you. And you shall
say to them, ‘This is the nation that did not obey the voice of the Lord their
God, and did not accept discipline; truth has perished; it is cut off from
their lips.”
Does that not sound
like America today? Truth has
perished. It’s DEAD! Evil is called “good” and good is called
“evil” and we LIKE it that way.
And anyone who DARES defy the celebration of sodomy or speak TRUTH on
this matter is virtually crucified by all — even those you would THINK would be
on your side — the “church” people.
Indeed, we are at a place and time now where even those who profess to
be people of God will no longer endure sound doctrine. Instead, they heap up for themselves teachers
who tell them what they prefer to hear.
I can tell you,
from PERSONAL experience, being a watchman on the wall puts a target on your
back — for Satan to aim at, AND, sadly today, for many church-goers to aim at
as well. You WILL be persecuted for
speaking truth. It is SO SAD realizing
just how many — I dare say, the VAST MAJORITY of regular church-goers today —
have NO IDEA what the Scriptures actually say; nor do they have any intention
of finding out, of “studying to show themselves approved.” They would rather just attend the weekly
meetings at their local “Religious Service Provider” … as long as it’s a
message that makes them feel good about THEMSELVES.
In the Gospel of
John, Jesus said, “IF YOU HOLD TO MY
TEACHING, you are really My disciples.
THEN you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” You see,
every church-goer claims to want to follow Jesus — until they find out
where He’s taking them. If the truth be
told, they don’t really want Jesus, nor do they want His TRUTH. They just want the benefits. They just want to feel good. But apart from Jesus you can’t even know the truth… and unless you HOLD to His teaching,
you are not His disciples at all. So if
you’re not serious about being His disciple, then by calling yourself a
“Christian” — you are actually taking the Lord’s name in vain. So stop it.
America is in the midst of serious judgment. We are a nation of depraved minds. God has sent strong delusion upon our people
because we refused to hear and heed His Word.
If you want to know WHY the world is in such a mess, I can tell you. We have deserted our Heavenly Father, and shunned His Son. America will never be great again, unless we turn back to God, — who promises if we do, THEN He will heal our hearts and our minds, and our land. America needs Jesus. And men and women of true faith and courage, willing to preach the Word — in season and out. Reprove, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering and SOUND doctrine. Unfortunately, in our world today, TRUTH sounds like HATE, because our people hate the truth…
This is a column I never expected to write. But how could it really NOT be expected as the stage was being carefully set to sodomize the world. Little by little this LGBTQ band of perverts began to become more and more visible. And the public just sat and watched. The churches were silent. Not a peep from the pulpits.
Then the Pride Parades emerged, where, with police protection, they sashayed down the main streets of the various towns and cities with elaborate floats with the participants in bizarre costumes and makeup, with some of the participants chanting….“We are queer and we are here.”
Then they started with LGBT clubs in the educational system. I remember seeing a sign at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, California stating; “523 gays, lesbians and transgenders welcome you to Los Medanos College.”
Who are they to welcome incoming students? They had no official position there. But they are driven by assumption that was never stopped or even challenged.
Next they began bringing in “queer writers” to speak to the student body. Open homosexuals were hired as teachers and professors. I remember one young woman who had written a book that came there to speak to the student body. She was crude and used the “F” word frequently in her talk. Then she said, “I hope I didn’t offend anyone.” I had to say, “Yes you did.”
She made several references to her sexual orientation, saying things like, “I don’t want you to see me as just another queer writer.”
I asked the psychology professor, whom I was sitting with, if she kept referring to herself as a “queer writer,” attempting to convince the audience, or…herself that it was OK to be what she was proclaiming.
The Psyche professor agreed with me that this was exactly what was going on. This showed she was not that secure in her lifestyle choice.
Next, transgenders in full regalia were allowed to read stories to children in libraries. I guarantee you that nobody would be allowed to have a spot in a public library to read Bible stories. I know because I petitioned to do so but was refused.
That same week, the NAMBLA, (North American Man Boy Love Association) that is working to make pedophilia – sex with children LEGAL- was given a ‘community room’ to have their demented meeting. Yes that was perfectly OK for our government but never to talk about the Bible.
The sodomites had the audacity to go to Zondervan book publishers and demand there be changes in the Bible that would delete all references to homosexuality. I kid you not.
They began to interrupt church services. At St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City they crashed a mass taking place, throwing condoms to the congregation. And who can forget the scene in San Francisco when these deviants, dressed in their gaudy clothing and make-up came in and demanded to be served Communion. This is blasphemy.
And by the way, it is a felony to interrupt a religious service. Preachers, remember this and file charges if this happens in your church.
It has reached a point that if anyone does not agree to participate in sin, such as churches allowing same sex ‘marriages’ to take place in their sanctuaries or providing services like baking a cake with an LGBT message, those who refuse to follow their orders and join in the “celebration,” can be ruined by the government.
Here is one of the ‘rewards’ of homosexuality. AIDS! A horrific disease due to “anal intercourse.” AIDS patients die slowly. But for the totally obsessed, it is worth it. When the AIDS disease was first discovered I remember seeing a sodomite on TV stating, “Well, now every time I make love I don’t know if it will be my last time.”
Even knowing the fatal risk of sodomy they are still so consumed by perverted lust that they simply can no longer control themselves. They are enslaved.
It should be noted that many confused married men demand to have anal sex with their wives. WHAT? How can they improve what God gave us for satisfying sex? HOWEVER, when a man enters a woman’s rectum, then goes back into her vagina, it is a totally unnatural use of the human body and THIS is what causes the disease known as AIDS since it mixes up bacteria. So, many so-called straights are also subject to this disease.
Governor Moonbeam of California recently announced that he would require regular LGBT classes of study in the public school system, even though he, nor anyone else, will allow parents to see what is actually being taught. Hiding something like this proves malfeasance.
One of his first things is to incorporate, now get this, GAY PORN, to show school CHILDREN! This is sick! Porn of any kind is totally unacceptable for children to view…but GAY PORN???
Now the closets are empty as all the perverts have come out. The latest is: Colleges offering courses on….now sit down…Queering the children, The Bible, and, the most shocking of all….the queering of…God! They are all guilty of blasphemy and will all go to hell for it.
Sixteen colleges have now signed on with these lug-headed bastards. Don’t get your knickers in a twist over this word which is in The Bible meaning questionable birth details. It is accurate as these people are in Satan’s family, not God’s family.
Journalist Tyler Durden of Campus Reform, writes: “Students at Pomona College in Claremont, California have the opportunity to enroll in a brand new course titled; “Queering Childhood.”
According to the college,, the course “explores secular philosophies of queer and post-colonial theory as well as their critical and constructive application to religion,” focusing on topics like “the sexual ethics and ritualization found in the S&M community, transgender Christs, and the mestiza (or mixed) cultures of Latin America.”
Harvard University–yes HARVARD–Divinity School offers a course on “Queer theologies, Queer Religions” this fall, and how it relates to “larger aspirations of queer religion or spirituality in America.”
The course information of Harvard states: “Students will begin by sampling the efforts to revise traditional Christian theologies in order to accept or affirm same-sex loves.” There it is in their own words.
And there are many more outrageous statements coming from this bastion of higher education.
The most outrageous of all comes from Swarthmore College with courses named; “Queering the bible, and Queering God.’ What???
Gwynn Kessler, the Swarthmore religion professor teaching the course had this to say:
“By reading the Bible with the methods of queer and trans theoretical approaches, this class destabilizes long held assumptions about what the Bible-and religion says about gender and sexuality.”
The University of Pennsylvania’s “Gender, Sexuality, and Religion” course will read religion through a variety of feminist and queer theory lenses.
University of San Francisco has the course,”Christian Feminist
Theology that aims to develope and understanding of how feminist scholarship provides one fruitful means towards reapproprration of central Christian insights about God.
The City by the Bay adds, “We will also look at the central significance of gender to the field of religious studies generally, with particular attention to non-binary genders.”
The real kicker is the statement that God is neither male or female. This is the basis for Queering God as they proudly proclaim.
And this is the new, modernized church coming your way? Or is it already here?
Pastors, this cannot be allowed to happen. Too many have simply stood aside and watched as this blasphemy and war against God has multiplied, increasing so much that it is now at a point of no return unless stern measures are taken.
This article has been written to fulfill a commission given to all ministers when they are ordained. The commission to be a defender of the faith.
See this story I wrote a couple of years ago about a boy named Trevor, a wonderful kid who after going to a public high school and college denounced God, turned on me the best friend he ever had, and became part of the LGBT crowd. This can happen to any and all of your children you surrender to government schools.
Pastors, man your pulpits and tell it like it is. We must preach against sin. Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not a natural state. It has introduced AIDS since biologically you cannot practice anal sex as is exclusive with sodomites, or combined with vaginal sex.
Pride Parades must be stopped, introducing sick sexual practices in public schools must be stopped, that is NOT why children are sent to school. This has been Satan’s greatest victory. It is now up to the pastors to preach the Word and MAN YOUR PULPITS.
WHAT WE CAN DO: First of all, saturate your lives with God. There are plenty of good Bible-believing churches everywhere. Without God in your active lives, you can be yanked in any direction evil people pull.
Meet with your pastors to encourage them to start a Christian School. It is not difficult to do. And help support that effort by volunteer work. It is the life of your children at stake.