Episode 12 of my radio /podcast show has been released. I interview author and prepper extraordinaire Mark Goodwin. Enjoy!
Listen here.
Episode 12 of my radio /podcast show has been released. I interview author and prepper extraordinaire Mark Goodwin. Enjoy!
Listen here.
PART 2 – Author Mark Goodwin (Days of Noah, Books One and Two; The Economic Collapse Chronicles) and I talk about the upcoming financial reset most economists are talking about on his podcast show Prepper Recon. What should Christians be doing to prepare for a potential change in the economy. Being forwarned is being prepared. Enjoy!
America is in the throes of a monumental moral struggle. The recent and ongoing release of videos showing the barbaric evil that Planned Parenthood conducts as a matter of everyday “business” has shaken America like nothing in recent memory. Commentators from many different perspectives have offered their take on the monstrous actions of murdering babies in the womb in such a way that organs can be preserved for sale to a robust “after-market” of so-called research and medical facilities.
Friends I have deliberately taken some time to consider the Supreme Court decision that created legislation making homosexual marriage legal in all fifty states. I want to address this in as clear a fashion as possible.
One thing that has become painfully apparent to me is that the Christian Church in America and by that I mean the big “C” Church, has been deceived into believing that life would continue on like it has always been and our Disneyland existence in the land of milk and honey would go on uninterrupted indefinitely.
This weekend the weather forecast is for sunshine and temperatures in the 60’s – very nice for Ohio. I hope your weather is as nice. If so, take time to get outside and enjoy it. Don’t forget to feed your spirit and mind this weekend as well.
Some articles I recently read include:
Jared Moore encourages pastors and church leaders to stay the course through self-reflection in When They Won’t Follow Your Leadership
Thom Rainer hits the nail on the head with One Sentence That Pastors and Church Staff Hate to Hear
Praying for other pastors and churches has become such a foreign idea in so many churches that when we do pray for one another as we are commanded to do, people assume something is wrong in that other church. Eric Bancroft candidly leads us to a better understanding of our Kingdom responsibilities toward others in 5 Reasons to Pray for Other Churches
Parents – do you have any idea what the text message you found on your child’s phone means? Here’s a list of texting abbreviations that will help you decipher the code. Essential texting acronyms every parent must know
Finally, over at The Federalist Sean Davis hits a home run with his piece entitled, Men Without Chests; How C.S. Lewis Predicted Charlie Hebdo Censorship.
Enjoy your weekend friends.
“But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 NASB
*As always, references in my blog do not constitute full and unqualified endorsement of everything you might find on another blog site. Be Bereans folks. Acts 17:11