Who Cares? Why Don’t We? The Attack On Western Civilization, Part 1 – Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: What’s happening to America by its own hand: immigration, cultural chaos via diversity and multiculturalism

Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”

This series provides a poignant and far-reaching interview with Bromwell Ault, 90, Yale graduate and author of:  Who Lost America?  He penetrates the reasons for America’s spiraling downfall into multiculturalism, diversity, endless immigration and population overload.  He offers an extraordinary depth of understanding of America’s predicament from seven decades of observations on the world stage.

I have spoken with him for hours on this subject. He brings extraordinary wisdom, understanding, and comprehension of America’s predicament.

Ault relates his thoughts as to the changes sweeping over America:

We mention these enormous changes in our society and technology in the brief period of the last half-century because we have recently entered into another period of similarly far-reaching change with the potential to devastate our values, completely alter our culture and turn America away from the destiny which past generations imagined would be theirs and strove to attain. These threats are real and have been enabled by our educational, cultural and political avoidance.

There are multiple factors that contribute to the lassitude that has gripped our government, corrupted our political class and turned the type of national unity we have been able to call upon in the past into a distant memory. If we cannot regain our past ability to view ourselves and function as one nation, then the American dream — however, it is deemed — will no longer exist.

And our time frame is shrinking more rapidly than we can know from the information or opinions provided by our government and/or MSM. It is this rapidly contracting time for corrective action that has given rise to this series of chapters we call The Attack on Western Civilization (WCIV).

America is the youngest and strongest member of what we refer to as WCIV — a mixture of thought, art, religion, government, politics, music, science, commerce, genetics and population with pre-Christian origins in the cultures of Greece and Rome. As war between the various western European states was a constant for centuries, unity was an infrequent experience, most notably exercised to turn back Muslim invasions at Tours, Vienna and the Crimea and to recapture the Christian Holy Land via the Crusades of the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries; and in more modern times to deny the designs for conquest and territorial acquisition by Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and Stalin.

Europe’s monarchies controlled its power until they self-destructed in the failing values and leadership of World War I (WW I). Their system did not allow for real unity because power could shift instantly due to birth, death, marriage, insanity, religion, as well as the usual state causes such as the expansion of commerce, territory, and population.

It became clear that this beautiful, glimmering sense of unity needed determined leadership and improvement to survive in the massive rebuilding of Europe after WW II. And although Europe has been strengthened by new methods and institutions, old ways and memories persist because they have been tried and hardened and have endured centuries of history and conflict. Even so, European unity pales beside that which the U.S. displayed so powerfully in the two great wars of the 20th century. The reason lies in our origin when the first step in becoming a free nation required surrendering our colonial identities of almost 200 years, and establishing the unity that allowed our founders dreams of freedom, honor, and equality to survive and be passed on to future generations.

While we have departed from our WCIV forbears in many ways, our culture is predominantly the same. Our language, law, dress, religion, food, history, music, literature, architecture, and science have European roots and branches onto which we have grafted our own forms for over 200 years. Some have been beautiful, others offensive; but culture, like history, is a long span, an endless game in which we participate only brie y. It thanks us, or not, for our contributions; it uses them, or not, as it prefers. We have been privileged to have a part in it, and we have taken pride in that part.

We have gone into some detail because culture, history, unity and other elements of WCIV are now under global attack and, once again, if we in the West are to defend ourselves, America will have to lead. The peril we face is one of many parts, as are the problems that it will increasingly force upon us. In this, we will describe the background and the threats that we must confront. And we will outline what we must do and how it should be done. For Matters of Conscience, this will require a transformative editorial move away from commentary towards activism which we would not consider unless the stakes were as high as they are.

Contact: Bromwell Ault, www.CenterforPublicConscience.org

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com


Hi friends! I am moving into a new arena – live video broadcasts! DrMikeLive.com is launching September 10, 2018 at 6pm EST! This is something I’ve considered doing for the last year and have reached the conclusion that now is the time. Why now? After over three years of recording interviews with great guests on Soaring Eagle Radio, I believe the time is now to begin addressing issues we face as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ in real-time utilizing video. It is a natural progression for this vision the Lord has given me. Soaring Eagle Radio will continue in its current format as well.

I see situations arising daily that need a strong biblical response. My plan is to make this a weekly one hour program – Monday’s from 6pm – 7pm EST. The format will be interactive, meaning you get to participate!

I am asking for your help with a few of things. One, please let your friends know about this new program. Let’s build a core group of people who desire to hear the information I will provide and who will share this information to equip and encourage others.

Continue reading

The Left Is Destroying Our Children – Dave Daubenmire

I heard a conservative commentator on TV make reference to “the Godless Left” the other night.  As so often happens we hear and repeat statements that often give validity to a premise that is factually flawed.

There is no such thing as a “Godless” person.  Everyone serves somebody or something.  Admit it or not we all find ourselves manipulated by forces beyond our own control.

For some it is an addiction…cigarettes…drugs…cell phones…but whatever we give our time to is what we serve.  The “Godless Left” is not really Godless.  They are Christ-less…but not Godless.  Most of the Godless Left simply serve the “god” of self.

You see it everywhere you look…MY body MY choice…don’t judge ME…who are you to tell ME what I can do.  When you remove the God of the Bible from society you don’t remove God…you simply change the god that is served.

The Bible tells us “that when there was no King in Israel the people did what was right in their own eyes.”  Self is now the King over America.  If it feels good do it…how better to please the god of self than to feed every one of its carnal desires.

President Theodore Roosevelt once said “to educate a child and not train him in morality is to educate a menace to society.”  Our amoral public schools are destroying our nation.

But they are not really amoral…void of morality…but self-moral in that right and wrong is determined by the belief system of the individual.   “Everyone doing what is right in his own eyes”…that is the mushy foundation upon which the New America is being built.

It is sinking sand.  A nation is no longer a nation if it does not share a common culture.  A nation’s culture is not determined by skin color, or ethnicity, or gender, but by a common sense of values.  A nation where whim is the determining factor in right and wrong cannot possibly survive.  If the Truth is constantly changing like Bruce Jenner’s gender then it was never really Truth to begin with.

Fake news, fake science, fake education all share the same thing in common.  They are all agenda driven.  “Truth” is shaped and molded to produce a desired outcome.  There is no proof of Darwinian evolution, or gender confusion, or the existence of God, but our children are being taught in government schools that they can create their own Truth simply by manipulating Science.

Millions of dollars are spent annually in an attempt to “prove” evolution while very little scientific research is funded to prove the EXISTENCE of God.  This is a perfect example of paying science to prove your already-believed theory.  So much of our current educational system is hell-bent on destroying God that the scientific research is directed explicitly at that target.  “There is no God and we can prove it!”  Except they can’t, no matter how hard they try.

But they can use deception.  They can create an educational system totally devoid of the God of the Bible and His precepts for how a society is supposed to operate.  That system is called multiculturalism which is simply a game plan for how to live together without a common set of values.  Tolerance has replaced Truth.  One belief is just as valid as another. Who are you to judge?  We are all just one big happy family of divergent Truths striving to co-exist on a foundation of sinking sand.

Our churches are the ones to blame.  Instead of fighting for Truth and demanding that the Truth be taught to our children we have opened the flood gates and permitted the creation of a theological swamp where Truth is merely one of a thousand opinions and God is recreated to fit the belief system of the individual.  When you create your own version of God you can mold Him into your own system of beliefs.  The average American Church no longer flies the banner of Truth.

This past weekend a few dozen of my friends and I took the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a local mosque, an abortion clinic, and to a homosexual-shame parade.  In each instance we were struck by how obvious it is that The LEFT is feasting on our children.

I remember as a young man reading where Nikita Khrushchev said “Give us a generation and we will give you communism.”  The plan of the Devil has always been to infiltrate and mislead.  Today in America all of our major institutions are under the control of The Left, including the church, and the fruit of that infiltration can be seen on any street in any town in America.

Our children are murdering our grandchildren in abortion clinics around the nation.  The homosexualists have seized the government schools to the point that the average American can no longer recognize the evil of male on male butt sex.  In fact, neither can our churches.  The Pastors and church leaders are accepting and promoting perversions which fly in the face of the “laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”

If our churches no longer recognize right from wrong what hope do our children have?

The next generation of Americans has very little in common with the morality of their grandparents.  Give them sex, drugs, video games…anything but JESUS!!  That is how The Left is destroying our children.

Below are three short videos of our Gospel outreach this past weekend.  Watch them and weep.  The church is asleep in the light.  The Devil is eating our children.

Mosque  [YouTube Video]

Abortion [YouTube Video]

Homo  [YouTube Video]

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

LGBT Thought Police Are Here – Rob Pue

I have just gone through quite a week, to say the least…. and more is coming my way.  It seems when you speak the truth in our modern world, you become the hated of all men (and women).  Case in point:  my recent commentary here, entitled “Earnestly Contending for the Faith” received quite a bit of feedback.  Mostly positive from people who understand what I was talking about… the need to EARNESTLY CONTEND FOR THE FAITH, breaking out of our “Churchianity” mindset and doing MORE than just attending church and feeling you have rendered your full and complete “Reasonable Service” to God.

I CONTENDED that “Contending for the Faith” involves WORK.  And the work, as those of you who DO IT know, is not easy.  I quoted from the book of Jude where we read, “…it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.  For there are certain men crept in unawares… ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Jude goes on to use as an example the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah:  “Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.  Likewise, also, these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion and speak evil of dignities.”

Sounds like our day, doesn’t it? Evil men (and women) have crept in, unawares, and now invade every single nook and cranny of our society and culture, including our professing Christian Churches, where, I pointed out in my last message, that 67% of professing believers in Christ now ALSO BELIEVE that sodomite marriage is perfectly alright.

So I heard from some of the listeners after my last program. As I said, most listeners on VCY understand the situation of real spiritual warfare we are dealing with. Real DEMONIC influences, creeping in and twisting God’s Word, defiling and deceiving our people — young and old alike, but Satan especially targets our children. If he is unable to kill God’s image-bearers in the womb before they are born, then he will twist their minds into a hideous abomination.

What’s more, the parents are now encouraging this depraved mindset.  Many today are raising their kids in absolutely GODLESS homes, with no Bible study whatsoever, no information about God AT ALL — unless it is a false god…  And so today, anything goes, as long as it is depraved.  Bring the POWER of the name of JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR into the mix, and you will be hated of all men.

We’re in a spiritual battle of good vs. evil, the Godly ones who KNOW the truth versus the evil ones who have crept in unawares.  I have said before, and I will repeat it again here:  MOST of the professing Christian “churches” in this country are absolutely over-run with carnality and cowardice.  Carnality from the preachers and pew-sitters alike, and cowardice to face the TRUTH of what God’s Word truly says.  The people are DESTROYED for lack of knowledge because so very FEW church-goers even know what the Bible SAYS.  Biblical illiteracy is epidemic.  Our pastors refuse to speak on more than just a few easy passages, lest someone get offended.  Meanwhile, the people perish.

Ask yourself:  what has changed in most modern churches in the last ten years?  I dare say nothing.  Even though our culture most certainly has.  The demonically-influenced Obama — who many heralded as the “new Messiah” — saw to that.  He not only expanded and heavily funded everything evil and abhorrent to the Lord, he also brought in the false god of Islam, and fundamentally transformed the thinking of an entire nation.  Under his watch, we went from being a Constitutional Republic to a country of “Democratic Socialism,” better described as “Mobocracy.”

He refused to prosecute crime, yet he personally committed countless treasonous crimes against our country, God and nature every single day he sat in the Oval Office.  Talk about the OBOMINATION that brought desolation!  And lest you think his days are over, let me remind you, he is now working just two miles from the White House, and it is my belief that he is one of the main operatives behind the scenes working to bring all-out civil war to this nation, using his “community organizing” skills, honed through study of his hero, Saul Alinsky — who, I might remind you, dedicated his book, “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer.

But again, while our society and culture has changed drastically in the last ten years, virtually NOTHING in our churches has changed.  Maybe the “worship team” changed drummers….  maybe you got new carpeting or padded the pews.  Maybe the church got a new, younger “pastor,” more “in tune” with the times.  Likely the doors have been opened to all manner of worldliness, while “repentance” is a word never spoken.  When was the last time YOU heard a sermon on repentance?!

And NONE of the SERIOUS, major cultural and social issues that are plaguing this land can EVER be mentioned — MOST “pastors” “CENSOR” such things from the pulpits…  They will simply say we must “love everyone” and just pray for them.   Let me tell you something though:  God does NOT love everyone.  That may sound like a radical statement.  But clearly, we know from GOD’S HOLY WORD, which DOES NOT CHANGE — that He HATES all workers of iniquity.

Today, workers of iniquity abound.  A few weeks ago, Maxine Waters encouraged people to physically attack all Trump supporters.  Since that time, there have been more than 200 attacks around the country on Trump supporters.  Physical, BLOODY attacks.  Our college campuses are no longer places of higher learning — they are outposts of radical socialism and fascism.

Truth has fallen in the streets, truly.  Truth is no longer an acceptable thing.  Today, it is abhorrent to the people.  TRUTH SOUNDS LIKE HATE, TO THOSE WHO HATE THE TRUTH.  Hedonism rules the day.  And if you think for a moment that the sodomite agenda is not real and flourishing, think again, because I have seen it.  I have personally FACED it, up close and personal.  SO IF YOU HAVE NOT, then please, save the emails:  don’t try to tell me how “loving” the militant sodomites are.  I know better… if you have not seen them in action for yourself, then you know NOTHING — other than what they WANT you to believe.

Those marching in these sickening “pride parades” are some of the most depraved, mean-spirited and hateful people you will ever come across….  and let me again remind you, they do not march alone anymore.  They are now joined by countless so-called Christian “churches,” pastors and clergy.   The TRUTH of God’s Word, His natural design and order for marriage, family and parenting is simply NOT ALLOWED.  It is now deemed HATEFUL and BIGOTED and the lying Left must SILENCE all dissent, because they know they have no moral or righteous leg to stand on.  We literally, now, have some in our pulpits calling the Word of God “hate speech!”  How much more reprehensible can you get?

Let me tell you what else happened this week.  Our Vimeo account was abruptly shut down — DELETED without warning.  Vimeo is an internet video-hosting and archival service.  If you want to post videos to your website, which we DO at Wisconsin Christian News, you need a server or a host site to post the videos to first — unless you have the money and resources to purchase and maintain your own equipment to do that.  And the equipment to do that is prohibitively expensive for most, especially ministries like ours.

At the start of the year, we purchased a video-hosting plan from Vimeo to the tune of $1,000.00 so that we could include video content to our website.  Since January, we have posted countless videos there, with never a single problem or issue.  However, early last week, we began hosting David Arthur’s new program on our Vimeo account, as a way to help out his new ministry.  He does not have the resources and cannot afford to do this on his own, so we wanted to help.

David Arthur, in case you don’t know, is a former “transgender prostitute,” who was radically saved by the grace of God.  He has come out of that lifestyle and now has a ministry to help others do the same.  He is not “mean spirited,” “hateful,” or “bigoted.”  He simply speaks the truth from God’s Word and he gives encouragement and hope to those trapped in the demonic sin of perverted sex by giving his own, powerful, personal testimony of salvation.

Well, we ran ONE — you heard me right — ONE of David’s TV programs on our Vimeo page, and then our Vimeo page was IMMEDIATELY DELETED by the Vimeo “Thought Police.”  Mind you, we PAID for this service:  DEARLY!  Users of Vimeo post all kinds of materials.   ANYTHING GOES on Vimeo — EXCEPT, (and listen closely now), EXCEPT TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY, TRANSGENDERISM AND SEXUAL PERVERSION.  You do THAT, and you are DONE!

But it is worse than the money we spent to pay for their video hosting service.  When they delete your account, you also LOSE all your content.  Meaning that all the time, money and effort involved in professional video production is just stolen from our ministry.  Why?  Because THEY CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH being spoken of, therefore, we are silenced.

What did Vimeo say?  Here’s their statement:  “Any commentary that makes derogatory or inflammatory statements about individuals or groups of people will be a violation.  Homophobic statements that call gay individuals ‘unnatural’ are not permitted under the Terms of our Service.”

I have to wonder:  how many videos do they allow that make derogatory or inflammatory statements about Donald Trump?  Are THOSE taken down and accounts deleted?  No, in fact, Vimeo is PACKED with such things.  How many videos do they allow that make derogatory or inflammatory statements about Christianity or those who believe in natural male/female marriage?  And I hope you caught the part of the message where they stated to me, “Homophobic statements that call gay individuals ‘unnatural’ are not permitted.”

Friends, there is NOTHING “Natural” about sodomy.  (They HATE that word too, by the way, because it DESCRIBES the ACTIVITY that homosexuals engage in).  No, friends, make no mistake:  homosexuality is not about “love.”  It is about unbridled LUST and depravity.  THERE IS NOTHING NATURAL ABOUT SODOMY.  So for us to state in our video content that homosexual activity is “unnatural,” is NOT “homophobic.”  I have no “phobia” about homosexuals.  They are simply lost, confused people, caught up in a demonic perversion that is, INDEED about as UNNATURAL as you can get!  Yet the THOUGHT POLICE at Vimeo have silenced us — at least on their service.

It’s no different from the college campuses that experience riots, burning, and physical attacks if a conservative speaker tries to make a speech there.  It’s no different from those in the “pride” parades physically attacking Christians who go there to try to snatch these lost souls from the claws of Satan’s grasp…. while the police look on in amusement.

We live in a world where truth, indeed, has fallen in the street.  TRUTH, now, sounds like HATE, because so many now HATE THE TRUTH.  They cannot TOLERATE it.  They WILL NOT tolerate it.

What can you do about it?  Number one:  NEVER BE AFRAID TO SPEAK THE TRUTH.  Never buckle under the intimidation they try to throw at you.  Stand up for Jesus and God’s Word — EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!  And number two:  If you are so inclined, you might like to contact Vimeo and politely, but firmly express your thoughts as to their censorship of truth.    You can reach them at:  Vimeo Inc., Attention Legal Department, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York, 10011.  Email them at legal@Vimeo.com

Finally, please keep ME in your prayers, as well as our ministry, because we are under attack and wearing a target on our backs every single day.  We have, as God’s Word warned, become a prey to the ungodly.  Isaiah 59:  “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the street and equity cannot enter.  So truth fails, and he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.”


Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.   Ask for message number 228.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved. Jul 22, 2018.

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com



(ED. NOTEI have devoted a lot of time on my radio shows recently to the subject of Revoice, the pro-“LGBT Christianity” conference set to take place July 26-28 at a Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) church in St. Louis. Readers may find links to my “Janet Mefferd Today” coverage of Revoice hereherehere and here. The following is an important guest post, written by my good friends Tom Littleton — a Southern Baptist pastor and writer — and Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez, professor of humanities at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I am enormously grateful for both these men, for their clear biblical voices on the issue of homosexuality and Revoice and for their refusal to compromise the Word of God. Tom broke the story about Revoice and has been a hero in exposing how the unbiblical premises and language of Revoice are undermining the Word of God and the truth about gospel transformation through the tactics of incremental gay activism. He’s also noted how this narrative has been fueled not by biblical language or concepts, but by the psychological stylings advanced within evangelicalism by Dr. Mark Yarhouse. Further, Tom has connected the dots and shown Christians the troubling-but-undeniable ties between Revoice and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission and The Gospel Coalition — not a popular truth, but one that nonetheless must be exposed. You can read Tom’s work at Thirty Pieces of Silver here. Dr. Lopez not only submitted an important-but-denied resolution to the recent SBC annual meeting on leading people from homosexuality to heterosexuality, but his own testimony of deliverance from homosexuality stands as a beautiful testimony to the grace of God. Here, both men argue that while many evangelical leaders have rightly stood for biblical marriage, that doesn’t guarantee they will stand firm on biblical truth during the next stage of discernment: whether or not you can be “born gay.” It is my privilege to reprint this article, with permission, from Dr. Lopez’s blog, English Manif.)

“RESOLVED, the Southern Baptist Convention rejects as heresy any claims that God makes people homosexual…”

These words were included in the resolution that we submitted to the Southern Baptist Convention at its annual meeting in Dallas. We entitled the resolution, “On Ministry and Counseling to Lead People from Homosexuality to Heterosexuality.” Arguably the quote above was the most important ingredient in it.

On June 12, 2018, the SBC announced that the resolutions committee declined this resolution. Thus it never came to the floor. No other resolution has affirmed the Southern Baptists’ commitment to ministry and counseling for people who want help moving away from homosexual identity or behavior to heterosexuality.

Two recent articles published by Public Discourse—Robert George’s “Fr. James Martin, Friendship and Dialogue,” and Ron Belgau’s “In Defense of Spiritual Friendship and Revoice”—feel particularly ominous given what became of the resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention. George and Belgau address debates that have interested Roman Catholics. The same doctrinal crisis afflicts the Southern Baptists, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States.

The 2017 effort called “Faith in America,” which seems to have vanished in 2018, revealed that well-funded LGBT groups targeted the Southern Baptists as part of a willful drive to suppress Biblical resistance to homosexuality. In our current context, a siege mentality corresponds to basic realism and survival.

Many esteemed intellectual figures in both churches, such as Robert George and Russell Moore, have earned a reputation as being “beyond reproach on LGBT issues.” Russell Moore is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). We owe George’s and Moore’s high reputations to the stances they took when the United States was debating same-sex marriage. While they may deserve some credit for standing up for marriage in the past, their positions on sexual orientation change and “born this way” look increasingly weak.

Prof. George’s praise for radically pro-gay Jesuit James Martin has alarmed many, particularly ex-gays who have felt the brunt of James Martin’s abusive behavior and feel betrayed. Dr. Moore has refused to confront or admonish his own research fellow, Dr. Karen Swallow Prior, about her support for the controversial Revoice conference. “Revoice” is the name of a pro-LGBTQ+ organization and is also the name of a conference by the same, to take place in St. Louis July 26-28, 2018.

Dr. Moore’s evasive response to critics of Revoice contributes to our disappointment with many evangelical critiques of Revoice. We have seen lukewarm criticisms from figures such as Al MohlerAndrew Walker, and Kevin DeYoung. Mohler, Walker, and DeYoung have framed the problems with Revoice in esoteric or semantic terms. Yet Revoice poses an existential threat to evangelical religion. Revoice enshrines an assumption — the idea that non-heterosexual orientation can be an innate identity and impossible to change. That assumption negates core messages of the Bible.

Mohler, Walker and De Young’s lukewarm criticisms of Revoice sidestep the central question — can we say that people are born gay and God made them that way? The fact that Revoice uses some unclear terminology or might confuse some who hear Revoice rhetoric is significant, so we thank these evangelical commentators for picking up on such problems. Nonetheless, no critique of this conference/organization is truly adequate unless it confronts the horrendous apostasy at the core of Revoice’s rhetoric.

Backlash against Revoice has been so enormous in the evangelical world. It will obviously benefit the LGBT lobby if someone sympathetic to them can publish “critiques” that superficially placate worried Christians while distracting them from the sinister and ongoing assault on their belief system.

We wonder if a better course for thought leaders might consist of simply letting new voices oppose such heresy with the full attention of evangelical audiences. Early voices that came out against Revoice, such as ourselves and people like Janet Mefferd and Stephen Black, are noticeably ignored in the “critiques” that have been published by people who have much closer ties to established editors like the people at the helm of Public Discourse.

Many of the late-breaking writings that dispute parts of Revoice feel like controlled-opposition pieces, irrespective of their good intentions. When dealing with so much propaganda and psychological manipulation, as in LGBT debates, perception plays a major role. We need bold and clear discernment, rather than carefully calibrated stances that appear designed to insulate writers from accusations of complicity with heresy without actually confronting the heresy itself. While it’s true that the Revoice conference has not yet happened, given the long-lasting impact of an ERLC conference that took place on homosexuality in 2014 (to be discussed more momentarily), evangelical Christians are justified in wanting to prevent an ill-conceived conference from causing irreversible fallout.

The New Battleground: Different than Defining Marriage

Consider for a moment the case of Philippe Pétain. He received accolades for his heroism in World War I, but we remember him for the humiliating mistakes he made during World War II. He will forever be associated with the shame of the Vichy government. “Marshal Pétain” went from glory at the battle of Verdun in World War I to being sentenced to death for treason once the Allies liberated France from the Nazis. Pétain was the figurehead placed in charge of the Nazis’ puppet government in France.

Our churches are embroiled in less violent but nonetheless high-stakes theological conflicts that we can understand by applying Pétain’s example. The fight over homosexual marriage was one conflict, but the fight over “born this way” is a different war, with the potential to go nuclear. It is entirely possible to have been a stellar hero in the last war and yet to become a catastrophic disappointment in the current war.

The Nashville Statement of 2017, for instance, should not function as an indicator of who is trustworthy on the “born this way” controversy since it dealt primarily with issues from the last war — namely the fight over the definition of marriage and whether homosexuality was a sin. One could easily be in the Pétain role of signing the Nashville Statement and then, one year later, assisting the LGBT movement in destroying the churches’ ministries designed to save people from homosexuality.

Many Christian readers may not see the clear differences between the debate on marriage and the debate on whether homosexuals can change. The latter debate is fundamental and more critical at the pastoral and ecclesiological level. Defending Christian marriage meant denying recognition to unrepentant homosexuals and entangling churches in debates about civil law. But the debate about sexual orientation change is different. If we in the church accept the notion that people are born gay and cannot change, we deny the existence of people who have changed. We also withhold our help and hope to repentant individuals who have homosexual experiences but want help to conform to God’s design for love and sexuality — a heterosexual design.

As Southern Baptists we have not received adequate guidance or stewardship from people who needed to lead us against the “born this way” heresy. In October 2014, Russell Moore’s ERLC organized a conference on homosexuality whose lasting effects on the denomination have proved profoundly negative. Dr. Moore rejected “reparative therapy” in broad terms that parallel the phrases used by LGBT in subsequent years as they sought to ban any kind of sexual-orientation change counseling. At the same events Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, stated that the church had been wrong about “sexual orientation” and that the LGBT community was right about homosexuality’s being to some degree innate and real.

Also, at this event, J.D. Greear — now the president of the Southern Baptist Convention — declared that Christians should be advocates against discrimination aimed at LGBTs. If he had specified that he did not define “discrimination” the way LGBT activists do (to include efforts to change homosexuals), he may have been on solid ground. But the silence about whether he meant discrimination in the broad sense to encompass any challenges to the pro-gay “born this way” doctrine leaves the Southern Baptist Convention now in a doctrinal disaster.

All signs point to the Southern Baptist Convention’s growing acceptance of the idea that people are born gay or that homosexuality originates in some way that does not exclude the will of God for it to exist. One sign is the SBC’s rejection of a resolution declaring that people are born according to God’s design (heterosexuality) and not according to the false design of homosexuality. Another major sign is the SBC’s troubled ties to the “Revoice conference,” which features a panoply of presenters who affirm gay identity even if they claim they will not engage in homosexual sex. The underlying ethos of Revoice is “born this way” ideology, since the alternatives suggested by the conference speakers all exclude the simple (and most logical) solution for Christians who struggle with homosexual tendencies: change, follow God’s design, and turn yourself into a heterosexual. In an interview, Austin Ruse of Crisis magazine revealed that the Revoice conference appears a repeat-performance of the “New Homophiles” who tried to force the Catholic church into many of the same theological compromises, and only fell from prominence with the rise of the more radical James Martin.

“Heresy” might be too strong a word for some. For us it’s just right.

As Southern Baptists, we pay no undue respect to human authorities. For we consider ourselves a priesthood of the believer. As evangelical Christians our prevailing reference point is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. The story of His ministry and death provides important cues for us to understand the spiritual battles to which God calls us. A mob insulted Jesus, Roman soldiers nailed Him to a cross, and corrupt authorities in both the church and civil government mistreated Him in a sham trial.

But Judas Iscariot, one of those closest to Him, betrayed Him with a kiss. And He found Himself abandoned even by disciples who had mastered all His teachings. We take important lessons to heart from these details. Even the humans best known for their wisdom and virtue, the Apostle Paul reminds us, “have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Much of the New Testament indicates that we are in greatest danger when we place so much trust in reputable people that we deem them beyond reproach. Jesus speaks not only of Pharisees and Sadducees but also of “messiahs and false prophets” who “will rise up and will perform signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, the elect” (Mark 13:22).

Scriptures abound in warnings about people who gain authority and convince us to trust them. Jesus warns us to leave alone “every plant that My heavenly Father didn’t plant,” noting, “if the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit” (Matthew 15:14).

And He tells us: “Beware of the scribes who want to go around in long robes, and who want greetings in the marketplaces, the front seats of the synagogues, and the places of honor at banquets” for “these will receive harsher punishment” (Mark 12:39-40). Jesus minced no words about the existence of a devil who outsmarts those who fear confronting the powerful or allow psychological tricks to persuade them. Paul tells us, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:13), elaborating on what Jesus Christ said to Peter himself: “Get behind Me, Satan, because you’re not thinking about God’s concerns, but man’s!” (Mark 8:33).

Jesus’s stark warnings target not only those with esteemed reputations among men, but also people whom we may personally like. Personal affection does not trump obedience to God’s instruction. Jesus tells us, “My brothers are those who hear and do the word of God” (Luke 8:21). Those who have a smaller following and hold authority over few, or no, other people, may actually be the ones who are right: “whoever is least among you—this one is great” (Luke 9:48).

These scriptures mean a great deal to us because we know that we will anger many people by calling out the heresy: “God makes people gay.” If you allow the argument that people are born gay and cannot change, you are stuck on a one-way track to the heresy that God makes people gay. If God is sovereign and creates each of us in His image, and if God sent Jesus Christ as a sacrifice to atone for human sin, then “people are born gay and cannot change” must mean that homosexuality is in God’s image and Jesus Christ accepts homosexuality as something to remain in a person even after grace and redemption.

Christians should have never entertained the slightest discussion of separating homosexual identity, thoughts, and desires from physical enactment of homosexuality. This is why the frustration and angst toward Russell Moore’s vagary and Robert George’s friendliness with James Martin come from legitimate concern about the encroachment of heresy into the church.

The highest law cited by Jesus Christ was the Deuteronomistic phrase, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind” (Luke 10:27). This phrase appears in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical conformity to God’s will inseparably form obedience to Him.

There is no threshold that separates mental commitment to God’s design from behavioral enactment of God’s design. Jesus Christ’s liberating of people from ceremonial laws does not include, in any way, liberating them from the central demand that all mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical behavior points toward love of God and the following of God’s design. In the original Deuteronomy passage, these key lines follow: “These words I give you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (6:6-8) God’s design — which is a heterosexual design of male and female in exclusive intimate partnership — encompasses everything about our living experience, including our identity, mental discipline, and focus of our thoughts.

The High Stakes of This Heresy

To accept any version of the “born this way” heresy, we would have to disregard the passage from James 1:13: “God does not tempt anyone. But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desires.” We would have to say either that James is wrong here, or that homosexuality is not evil but rather conforms to God’s design.

If we accept that homosexuality is part of God’s design, we will have to grant that Jesus did not really mean, in Matthew 19, for us to understand Genesis as mandating heterosexuality as His design for us. Absent this, we can no longer cite Genesis as the basis for defining marriage as only between a man and a woman. We cannot sustain a position against homosexual marriage and cannot, therefore, defend Christian vendors who cite their Christianity as the reason to refuse service for a same-sex wedding.

Ultimately, to accept that people are born gay, we will have to accept that God makes people gay, and much of the scripture we have is simply incorrect. At that point defining marriage is the least of our worries. We will contend with the conclusion that Adam’s maleness and Eve’s femaleness are accidents of history with no lasting implications as to our proper behavior. We will face the next inference, which is that everything we feel, no matter how much it conflicts with Christian tradition, comes from God. God becomes the author of everything, good and evil, a Father who gave us no clues as to how we are supposed to live, and a Son who came among us to promote love and anarchy, but not to redeem us from anything, since we are fine in the state in which we find ourselves as long as our inner emotions tell us that this is “who we are” right now. Repentance will become a side option for those who think it might be enjoyable.

Before a heresy of this magnitude, committed Christians should not refrain from disagreeing with or publicly challenging people like Robert George, Russell Moore, or Albert Mohler. Even Ryan Anderson. Thomas Littleton and Robert Oscar Lopez should not be trusted, either, if they come with strange doctrines at odds with the Bible. Do as one of John’s epistles advises and tell us “you are not welcome” if we come with wrong ideas. The Word of God never told us to treat them as perfect sages. Human history shows us that even people we are friends with, even people to whom we owe past favors, can be dangerously wrong.

This article appeared on Janet Mefferd’s blog on July 3, 2018 here.