‘Rogue One’ Inspired Trump Resistance Massacres The Politics Of Religion – Alex Yiannopoulos

The feel-good religion of the Light Side apparently consists in little more than muddleheaded platitudes about hope and change.

Usually, Hollywood writers leave their intellectual influences implicit in the script: “follow your dreams,” “be true to yourself,” “question authority,” “don’t conform,” and a million other clichés. You know the ideology: it’s present in just about every Hollywood movie, especially those made after 1970.

Shortly after Donald Trump’s win, however, two “Rogue One” writers made the relationship between their political ideology and their product explicit. One tweeted, “Please note that the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization.” Another responded: “Opposed by a multicultural group led by brave women.” Since then, some opponents of Trump have taken to calling themselves “the Resistance.”

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Commander in Grief: Obama’s Attempt to Sabotage the Incoming Trump Administration – Ross Powell

Since the Electoral College confirmed the election of Donald Trump as the next POTUS, the outgoing administration has raised both eyebrows and ire with its incredulous behavior on all fronts during the lame duck period. Before considering the litany of actions taken and their implications, it is important to take a step back and look at where we are as a country.

No recent incident illustrates the fervent push toward societal division, bitterness, and utter insanity more accurately than the kidnapping of a special needs teenager by four young black adults (three are 18 and the fourth is 24) in Chicago who injured their victim physically and emotionally. The teens broadcast the horrendous crime on Facebook Live and the video is filled with curses leveled at Donald Trump and white people in general.

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I don’t know how we cannot see it. Even those who were raised in “Christian” homes seemed to be wandering aimlessly in the moral cesspool known as America. The Scriptures warn us that “When there was no God in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Young American Christians are afloat in a sea without a compass. We have failed to train them to navigate the rough waters of the debaucherous American culture. If today’s parents don’t lose their children in high school they are sure to lose them in college.

It is my experience that for most of the Millenials I come in contact with “religion” is not the guiding factor in the moral decisions that they make. We have taught them to FEEL, not to think. Emotions are a poor foundation upon which to build moral values.

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President Elect Trump’s Sanctity Of Human Life Proclamation – Gregg Jackson

“At my inauguration, I swore on the Holy Bible to uphold the Supreme Law of the Land, The United States Constitution.

The 5th and 14th amendments both guarantee that no state shall deprive any innocent person of their life without due process of the law and equal protection on the laws.

As president, I will enforce these vital provisions of the United States Constitution as I am morally and constitutionally required to do.

Today, I am calling on every individual state Governor to enforce the imperative and explicit provisions of the 5th and 14th amendments by closing down all abortion centers and related activities including distribution of chemical abortion pills in their state.

If any individual state governor fails to enforce the God-given right to life for all innocent human persons in his state from conception to natural death, I will direct my attorney general and justice department to utilize any and all federal resources to shut these killing centers down.

No individual state possesses the right to alienate any inalienable rights especially the right to life.

The central motto of my campaign was to make America great again.

I am fully aware that America cannot be great again until we become good again. And I understand that America can never become good unless and until we end the Abortion Holocaust in America that has taken the lives of 60 million preborn babies since 1973.

My oath doesn’t require me to regulate child murder via abortion.

It doesn’t require me to kick the can down the proverbial road on abortion.

It requires me to END abortion, and END it I will do.

I fully recognize that Roe vs. Wade is an illegal, immoral, and totally unconstitutional court opinion that should have been rejected by every state the very moment it was issued in 1973.

I also recognize that any law or judicial opinion contrary to the United States Constitution is legally null and void and must be ignored and rejected by every civil magistrate at every branch and level of government.

But sadly, every state in the nation has treated this wicked and totally unconstitutional Roe v. Wade opinion as the supreme “law of the land” when in reality it is merely an immoral, illegal and totally anti-constitutional opinion that should have been rejected on its face as the legal nullity that it has always been.

Courts don’t make law. And illegitimate court opinions don’t trump legitimately enacted laws, statutes, and Constitutions.

Roe doesn’t need to be “overturned” for child murder to come to an end in this country.

Today marks a new day in American history.

Today I am announcing that we will be restoring the most fundamental right that all innocent human persons possess, their God-given right to their own lives from conception to natural death.

I recognize as president that no right can be secure unless the right to life be guaranteed to all regardless of age, skin color, physical condition or size.

Today I am announcing that murdering preborn babies no matter what stage of development for any reason will no longer be permitted in this nation.

No additional federal or state laws, statutes or Constitutional Amendments are required to protect the lives of preborn babies in the womb. We already have these laws on the books. They are called The Fifth and Fourteenth amendments of the United States Constitution.

And as president, I will enforce them immediately per the explicit requirements of my oath as my new Ambasador to Israel, Governor Mike Huckabee pledged to do in the first Fox News Presidential Debate.

Today, the Abortion Holocaust that has taken the lives of 60 million pre-born babies is coming to an end.

May God have mercy on us and forgive us for the blood of the innocent that we have allowed to be shed and may God bless us in the future for protecting every one of our most vulnerable and innocent persons by love and by law.”

President Elect Trump has not yet made this proclamation (these are my words) but my hope and prayer is that Christians, Christian pastors, and Christian pro-family and pro-life leaders will come alongside President-Elect Trump and strongly encourage him to boldly proclaim these words on his first official day in office.

I’m not sure if he will, but I am sure that he would be far more likely to if the Body of Christ came along side him in action, deed and prayer to end the Abortion Holocaust in America.

If you agree, please share this with your pastor and like-minded friends and on social media and let’s pray it creates a ground-swell of support across the nation for the soon to be inauguarted 45th President of the United States to do the right thing by ending the bloodshed.

As my friend Pastor Flip Benham (who founded Operation Rescue and who led Norma McCorvey (“Jane Roe” in Roe v Wade) to Christ frequently says, “abortion will come to an end when the Church decides it should come to an end.”

Have we as The Church finally reached that point?

Praying we have…

“With man this is impossible but With God all things are possible.”

This article appeared originally November 20, 2016 on Gregg Jackson’s website here.

Empathy for Michelle Obama – She is Not Alone – David Richardson

Recently, Michelle Obama confided to Oprah Winfrey, “Now we’re feeling what not having hope feels like.” That was tragic to hear. Nonetheless, there is a group of Americans who will empathize with her. They have been living without hope for the past eight years. Who are they? American veterans who depend upon the Veterans Administration for their medical care.

What is the V.A.’s record over the last two presidential terms?

·      Veterans dying while waiting weeks and months for critical treatment,

·      Illegally modified paperwork to cover administrative malfeasance,

·      Medical staff using unsanitary equipment during veteran treatment,

·      Persecution of whistle-blowers who go public to expose veteran abuse,

·      Refusal to punish incompetence–rewarding it, instead, with bonuses,

·      Impotence and indifference in the face of a suicide epidemic,

·      Fraud and abuse wasting billions of tax dollars,

·      And most recently, leaving the corpse of a veteran to decompose in a shower

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