The time in which we live has become a study in faith. Recent events have not unfolded as most Americans believed they would. Many Americans were convinced that President Trump would be overwhelmingly re-elected. The truth is he was overwhelmingly re-elected but the outcome for Joe Biden was orchestrated through a massive multi-nation conspiracy to overthrow the will of the vast majority of Americans.
China, Germany, Italy, the Vatican, and others were the major players in this brazen assault on America’s 2020 election. Deep State resources were in concert with Dominion voting systems, uplinked to a Leonardo SA satellite owned by the Vatican. Votes were changed in order to ensure a Biden outcome. I will not use the word victory in the same sentence as Biden because he won nothing but a prison sentence if justice prevails. This information has been acquired and is ready to be revealed to the world at the proper time.
The data is available to support these claims. I will not rehearse them here for the simple reason that haters will hate and continue to reject what is clear. I do not need to convince my fellow patriots and believers. They already know what happened and why. I won’t simplify the argument beyond the expression that Jesus frequently used – those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will know the truth. This statement has application in every context of life, not just in the context of saving faith.
For the last couple of months, I have contemplated the place we as a nation has arrived at. The media continue to lie, big pharma continues to maim and murder hundreds of thousands, big tech continues to censor, the United Nations continues to orchestrate the global overthrow of freedom and individual liberty, and wicked moneyed families continue to lurk in the shadows of what they see as a chess match where they believe that they control the board.
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