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The Love of Many Has Grown Cold – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. 

Matthew 24:12 NASB

The context of Matthew 24:12 is Jesus speaking to His disciples after leaving Jerusalem during His Passion Week. He had sparred with the religious leaders several times in the preceding days. As He and his disciples left Jerusalem that day, Jesus responded to some of the disciples’ comments about the beauty of the Temple complex. He said that what they thought beautiful would be destroyed one day. This led to some of His disciples asking when that time would come. Jesus then described the things that would be prominent during the time right before His Second Coming.

The timing of this verse in Matthew’s Gospel is generally accepted as being during the time of the Tribulation.[1] This is thought to be the case because Matthew 24:9 mentions “Then they will deliver you to tribulation…” Following that, verses 9-11 describe a falling away from the faith, betrayal, and hatred arising among the brethren to the extent that many will be misled by false prophets apparently suggesting that their betrayal, hatred, and callousness toward the brethren is warranted. Verse 12 describes the fading love of many. Some scholars see this entire passage as part of the period Jesus called “birth pangs” prior to the Tribulation (Matthew 24:8). Regardless of the timing of this worldwide event, I see this very behavior spreading across the world today and especially in American Christianity.

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Ezekiel Commentary Now Available

Now available in large format (8.5 X 11), 590 pages. Cost including shipping is $43. If you prefer the traditional 6X9 format, it is available in a two volume set for $58 which includes shipping. You may send a check or money order in the amount above to me at PO Box 3007, Elida, Ohio, 45807. Or, you may send payment through our Christian payment processor Swipe Simple via the link below.

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You Are Meant To Be Giant Slayers – Dr. Mike Spaulding

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