You Shall Be As Gods Part 1 – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Professor Yuval Noah Harari, a top advisor to World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, has been widely quoted as saying that human beings can be hacked and controlled.

“Humans are now hackable animals. You know the whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit and they have free will. So, whatever I choose whether in the election, or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will. That’s over – free will.”[1]

An increasing number of people around the world now recognize the so-called pandemic associated with the Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus known simply as COVID-19, as a huge success in terms of forcing heretofore unknown monitoring, surveillance, and curtailments of individual liberties and freedoms globally. This admission is now out in the open among those responsible for creating the mass hysteria that became a tsunami of acquiescence to the unscientific and unprovable dangers the technocrats insured us all were lurking in the shadows. Dr. Harari admitted as much. Speaking within the context of the COVID-19 hysteria (my word not his), Harari noted:

“And maybe most importantly, all this was the moment when surveillance started going under the skin. Because really, we haven’t seen anything yet. The ability to hack humans to understand deeply what’s happening within you and what makes you go. And for that, the most important data is not what you read and who you meet and what you buy. It’s what’s happening inside your body.”[2]

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Letters From Jesus: What the Seven Ecclesias of Revelation 2-3 Say To Us Today – NOW AVAILABLE

Lost amidst the various viewpoints concerning the interpretative methodology of the book of Revelation is the fact that Jesus spoke to His ecclesia. He spoke about a range of topics and to each of the seven ecclesias He spoke a word specific to them. A general outline is visible in Jesus’ letters. Generally, to each ecclesia Jesus spoke a positive affirmation, a corrective exhortation, an eternal motivation, and a partial restatement of the revelation of Himself to John in Chapter 1. The most obvious exception to this is Jesus’ letter to the ecclesia of Philadelphia where Jesus had nothing corrective to say.

Why study the book of Revelation and these letters from Jesus to the seven ecclesias? We must study these letters because what Jesus said to them then matters to us today. These letters from Jesus all have the same closing remarks: “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” I believe Jesus’ intention was and remains today that His ecclesia understands that He still speaks and that we still need to listen intently. He is after all, the head of the ecclesia.

Join me on this journey of discovering what you and the ecclesia you are a part of needs to hear from Jesus today.

Signed copies are available from me for a donation to the ministry of $24 which includes shipping cost. We are able to receive your donation by the following methods:

Venmo – @TWGEM

Zelle – Transforming Word Global Ecclesia Ministries

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Swipe Simple (A Christian Based Alternative to PayPal) Transforming Word Global Ecclesia Ministries

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You may also send a postal money order to:

Dr. Mike Spaulding
PO Box 3007
Lima, OH 45807


Hi friends. Kathy and I are about to begin a new show where we discuss items of interest to the body of Christ. WE have named it THE SPOTT REPORT. SPOTT captures the goal and purpose of the effort – Strategic, Prophetic, Overcomers, Training and Tactics. Stay tuned for the launch announcement.

We also have several new ways for friends to support the ministry. Check out the Donate page. We are set up now on Swipe Simple, a Christian donation processing provider, as well as Venmo, and PayPal.

Success God’s Way – Dr. Mike Spaulding


I remember hearing a story not long ago about a young, up-and-coming stockbroker who dreamed of making it big one day. He adjusted everything in his life to enhance his career and realize his dreams.

One day this young stockbroker had a chance encounter with a friend from school and during their conversation about their lives since graduation, the young stockbroker decided to impress his schoolmate with the potential success he was hoping to achieve.

He took his friend on a drive to the local marina and began to point out the huge yachts at the dock. He pointed to one and said, “That one belongs to the senior partner at Merrill Lynch. That one over there is owned by the CEO of Goldman Sachs. And look at that yacht over there; that is the pride and joy of the top seller at Prudential-Bache.”

The young stockbroker glanced at his friend expecting to see a look of wonder and awe but instead, he saw a pained look accompanied by silence. The young stockbroker was taken aback and asked his friend what was wrong. The friend responded, “I was just wondering, are there any customer’s yachts you can show me?”

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