Never Again! Until the Next Time: The Greatest Deception

Photo courtesy of Capitol Hill Outsider

I’ll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
We don’t get fooled again[1]

And Jesus began to say to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He!’ and will mislead many … for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show signs and wonders, in order to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance. Mark 13:5-6, 22-23 NASB

There is an eight hundred pound gorilla on the world stage and nearly every political leader in the world, save Trump, Ader of Hungary, and Duda of Poland, plus a few more, refuse to acknowledge its presence. It is getting really awkward for Macron, Merkel, and May. The atrocities that they have allowed to be committed against their citizenry by this gorilla deny reason. Can open revolt In France, Germany, and the United Kingdom be too far off?

Stated simply, world leaders who advocate for the continued freedom of this gorilla to behave in any way it desires are either deceived or being paid to downplay what is clearly a war against Western civilization. I believe it is some of both but mostly deception. Somehow, Western leaders believe they can contain the cancer that is Islam.

What kind of blindness is this? How can political leaders who rise through the cesspool of maneuvering to reach national prominence not understand what Islam is? The message of Islam is simple: convert or die. There is no ambiguity within Islam. This is why I say that the world and especially the leaders of the world’s nations, save a few, are completely deceived. This deception is satanic. Let me explain.

Jesus warned against being deceived. He said, “See to it that no one misleads you. Many will come in My name.” The context is that the time will come when people will attempt to mislead you by advocating for false Christ’s. There have been many people over the years that have done exactly that. They have all been proven to be liars and frauds. The most dangerous deception concerning Jesus – the false Jesus – is found in Islam.

Satan, who is known as Allah to Muslims, has constructed a masterful deception and named it Islam. Christians of all people should know better than to believe the lies of Islam but unfortunately that is not the case. This is to their shame and potentially to their destruction. How does Islam present the most clear and present danger to Christians and indeed the world? If you want to understand the barbarity of Islam and why Islamists are blood-thirsty savages, then you must understand their eschatology. Islam has a theology of the end times.

Would it surprise you if I told you that Jesus plays a significant role in Islamic end time’s theology? Of course, when I say Jesus, I’m talking about the Islamic Jesus. There is a difference between the biblical Jesus and the Jesus of Islam and you must understand this pivotal point.

Islam recognizes Jesus as a great prophet. But Islam states that Mohammed is greater. In fact the 12th Imam or Mahdi of Islam is even greater. The Islamic Jesus is a great prophet but:

  • He is not the Son of God.
  • He was not born of a virgin.
  • He was not crucified for the sins of the world.
  • He did not die on a cross.
  • Because He didn’t die He was not resurrected.
  • He was taken to heaven just like Elijah and Mohammed.
  • He is standing with Allah waiting for Allah to allow Him to return to the earth.

Now, some Christians get excited over that last point: Muslims believe Jesus will return to the earth. In their excitement they rush to an ignorant conclusion: We can use that as a starting place for interfaith dialogue.

As Lee Corso likes to say: Not so fast my friends! In Islam, Jesus returns to assist the Mahdi, the Islamic Messiah-Savior figure with several necessary activities. The Islamic Jesus will, according to Islam:

  • Jesus returns as a radicalized Muslim and
  • Jesus will implement Sharia Law across the entire world.
  • Jesus’ testimony as a Muslim will lead many Christians to convert to Islam.
  • Jesus will testify against those Christians who refuse to convert on the Day of Judgment.
  • Jesus will abolish Christianity.
  • Jesus will destroy every cross.
  • Jesus will kill all swine.
  • Jesus will kill the Muslim antichrist and his followers, which in Islamic theology are the Jews.
  • Jesus will marry, have children, and die.

The Islamic Jesus is the exact opposite of the biblical Jesus. In fact, the Islamic Jesus is a near perfect representation of the biblical false prophet. Yet, we have mindless Christians that believe we can dialogue with Islamists and find a common ground.

Let’s consider the Islamic messiah-savior figure, the Mahdi, sometimes referred to as the 12th Imam. The name “Mahdi” means “the Guided One.” The Mahdi is also called Sahib Al-Zaman or Al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, which translated mean “the Lord of the age” and “the Awaited Savior.” The Mahdi is Islam’s savior.

The appearance of the Mahdi on the world stage is to Muslims the equivalent of the return of Jesus Christ to Christians. The Mahdi is:

  • A descendant of Mohammed.
  • The final and longed for Caliph who will establish the Islamic worldwide Caliphate.
  • He will rule the world through a series of holy wars.
  • His rise to power is preceded by an army of black flag carrying warriors.

The black flags these warriors carry are inscribed with the words “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his Messenger” in Arabic. The Mahdi will lead the black flagged warriors to conquer Israel and will reign from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. Muslims believe the Mahdi will be loved by the entire world.

The reason Muslims believe the entire world will love the Mahdi is because they believe the Mahdi will establish world peace. He will negotiate a peace treaty between the Arabs and the Romans, by which is meant Christians.

Let’s contrast what Islam reaches about the Mahdi with whom the Bible says accomplishes these things. The Bible teaches that the antichrist will arrive on the world stage as a political savior. He will bring peace to the world through a treaty between Israel and the Muslim world. The antichrist will appear to be a spiritual leader for the entire world and he will make use of the one world religion.

The biblical antichrist attempts to destroy Jews and Christians. In fact, the biblical antichrist breaks treaty with Israel, demands he be worshipped, and seeks to attack and conquer Jerusalem and establish his headquarters there.

Readers that are even vaguely familiar with the Bible see clearly that the Islamic savior, the Mahdi, is the biblical antichrist. The Islamic Jesus is the biblical false prophet.

Islam is Satanic. It is thoroughly demonic in origin and practice. Indeed, it manifests the spirit of antichrist right before the eyes of the world and yet world leaders turn a blind eye to the horrific evil being unleashed on innocent people.

Jesus warned of the day when false Christs would come onto the world scene, and I remind you of one such passage in Mark.

And Jesus began to say to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. Many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He!’ and will mislead many … for false Christs and false prophets will arise, and will show signs and wonders, in order to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance. Mark 13:5-6, 22-23

Those days are upon us. Here are characteristics of the spirit of antichrist:

  • and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. 1 John 4:3
  • Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.  Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also. 1 John 2:22-23
  • For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. 2 John 1:7

The spirit of antichrist deceives people, and is a liar. Those consumed by the spirit of antichrist deny that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah of Israel and the world; they deny the Father and the Son and therefore the Trinity; they deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, and therefore the incarnation.

Yet, people want to say that the God of the Bible is Allah, that Jesus is revered within Islam, and that if we just keep dialoguing with the Muslims then we can achieve a peaceful co-existence with them. Neville Chamberlain lives again as every modern imbecile who believes Islam is about co-existing.

Those that are pushing a globalist Chrislam one-world religion harlotry should be denounced and shamed. People that want to have conversations for better understanding with jihadi Imams should be denounced in the strongest possible terms.

You want to have a conversation with Islamists? Tell them to confess their sins and receive God’s free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Tell them to renounce the demonic lies of Islam and live as a disciple of Jesus.

Wake up church!

Pastor Mike Spaulding

[1] The Who, Won’t Get Fooled Again, written by Pete Townsend. From the 1971 album Who’s Next.

SER 168 – Dr. Mike and Olivier Melnick – End Times Anti-Semitism: A New Chapter in the Longest Hatred

Olivier Melnick and his new book End-Times Antisemitism.

Olivier Melnick is an internationally known speaker on the world-wide growth of anti-Semitism. Born in Paris, France, to Holocaust survivors, he has equipped thousands to recognize and defeat anti-Semitism with his research, writing, speaking, and teaching. Olivier is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute. He serves as the Northwest Director of Chosen People Ministries, and has served in Messianic Jewish ministry for over 25 years,

He is the author of “They Have Conspired Against You:Responding to the New Anti-Semitism,” and his latest book, which is the subject of our conversation today, “End-Times Anti-Semitism: A New Chapter in the Longest Hatred.”

Olivier’s website here.

Fight the New Anti-Semitism.

Who’s Team Is President Trump Playing For? – Coach Dave Daubenmire

I don’t know if I have ever seen a public figure as hard to figure out as President Trump.  Certainly, no one who has ever been elected to the Presidency has been more of a battle axe than he.  He has forged a political coalition that has baffled even the most seasoned political scientists.

Which team is President Trump playing on?  Is he part of the Deep State, and his promise to “drain the swamp” is merely a diabolical diversion from what he is actually orchestrating, or is he really “one of us” a man who has promised to deliver our government back into the hands of  “we the people.”

We are going to know very soon.

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God Calls the Faithful, Not the Fancy – Rob Pue

By “The Boys of the Bible, by Hartwell James, published by Henry Altemus Company, 1905, 1916 –, Public Domain,

It must have been quite the scandal.  A young, 14 year old girl, Mary, engaged to be married, had just returned from a visit to her relatives, Elizabeth and Zechariah who lived in the hill country of Judah.  She had been gone for three months, and when she returned, she was pregnant.

She had not seen her fiance’ Joseph in all that time.  We can assume that Joseph knew nothing of Mary’s delicate condition;  as a carpenter by trade, he had likely been busy working, perhaps building a house for himself and Mary to live in after they were married.  In those days, a young man would not marry until he was well established, with a way to provide for his new wife and a place for them to live and raise a family.  Joseph was looking forward to the wedding day, and doing his best to make everything ready to receive Mary as his bride.

Imagine his shock and dismay when Mary returned to town.  Imagine what HE must have thought… his hopes and dreams dashed; all he had been working for these many months, seemingly gone.  He may have thought to himself, “Well, at least I found out what sort of girl she is BEFORE we got married.”  But he did not know what he was about to find out.

We can only imagine the buzz around town.  You know how people talk, especially in small towns.  Mary takes off for three months and comes back pregnant.  Obviously the child was not Joseph’s…  how her reputation must have been dragged through the mud among the townspeople.  She perhaps went from being a “nobody” to being despised.

And her STORY!  “The child she was bearing was not by the act of fornication, but of the Holy Spirit!”  She may as well have claimed she’d been abducted by a UFO.  How the people must have whispered and gossipped behind her back.  Her parents, also, must have had doubts.  Often times we read the story of Jesus’ conception and birth, but do not really think much about what the people involved endured through it all.

Yes, surely, Mary was the target of much controversy in her little village.  And surely most people expected Joseph to call off the wedding, and abandon her in her “sin.”   “She made her bed,” they likely said, “and now she’ll have to sleep in it.”

Things were different in those days.  Premarital sex was absolutely off limits.  Fornication was perhaps the greatest sin one could commit, other than murder.  Sex outside of Holy Matrimony just was NOT acceptable.  And Mary, they thought, had committed that horrendous crime.  There could be no forgiveness for her, at least among the townspeople, to say nothing of the religious leaders of her day.

But Mary knew something no one else did.  And she had no doubts.  Because three months earlier, she had seen something no one else in town ever had:  she saw for herself the angel Gabriel.  He came to her in person — in her home town of Nazareth in Galilee.  Mary was not only pure of heart and innocent of the crime people accused her of.  But Gabriel declared, in Luke 1, “Hail, thou art highly favored.  The Lord is with thee:  blessed art thou among women.”

The Holman Standard version of the Bible continues, “But she was deeply troubled by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be.” Obviously.  Here was an angelic being, the angel Gabriel, standing before her, calling her “highly favored” and “blessed among women.”   She must have been shaking in her shoes… but then imagine how much more disturbing the news must have been for young Mary, as Gabriel went on to explain:  “Do not be afraid, Mary.  For you have found favor with God.  Now listen:  you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call His name Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.  He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”

Can you imagine YOUR response in such a situation?  Luke simply states, “But Mary asked the angel, ‘How can this be, since I have not been intimate with a man?’”  ABSOLUTELY she would ask that.  But the mere words do not convey the emotions and doubts and fears this young maiden must have been experiencing…  on top of that, these were the words of an angel.  Angels didn’t just go around appearing to EVERYONE in those days, anymore than they appear to us today.  This was something truly fantastic and supernatural.  And it was happening to HER!

Gabriel explained, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  Therefore the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.”

What would YOU have done in Mary’s situation?  I can only imagine.  But likely still trembling in fear and excitement, Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s slave.  May it be done to me according to your word.”  By the way, Gabriel also let Mary know that her relative Elizabeth had ALSO conceived a son — even in her old age — and was at that very moment, six months pregnant.  And he added, “For nothing will be impossible with God!”

Immediately Mary set out to visit Elizabeth and Zechariah…  and when Elizabeth heard Mary’s voice in greeting, the baby inside her lept for joy!  Elizabeth then CONFIRMED what the angel had told Mary:  “You are the most blessed of women, and your Child will be blessed!”  Elizabeth went on, with sheer joy:  “How could this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?  For you see, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped for joy inside me!  She who has believed is blessed because what was spoken to her by the Lord will be fulfilled!”

Such joy, such excitement.  And such wonder!  How could all this BE?  Yet it WAS.  And it was happening to Mary, just 14 years old, some say, and not yet even married.

Mary must have wondered what her fiance’ Joseph was going to think of all this. Would he believe her story about the angel’s visit? And the confirmation from Elizabeth?  Yet she had great faith, and great obedience to the Lord.  Luke goes on in verses 46-55 with Mary’s song of praise because of what the Lord was doing in her life.  Unbelievable, yet very, very true.

And what about Joseph?  We don’t know a lot about him, but we can surmise what HE must have been going through as well.  After a three month visit away from home, Mary returned, pregnant.  He KNEW the baby was not his.  Matthew tells us only, “When Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.”

We know from Scripture that Joseph was a “just” man, an honorable man, and a Godly man.  He was a FAITHFUL man, one the Lord knew He could count on to provide for Mary and the baby Jesus, to protect and defend them.  Yet, Joseph could not wrap his mind around the situation.  After all, he was only human, and this was the first he had heard of the situation.  He could have joined the rest of the townspeople in their derision and slander.  He could have accused her of sleeping around and he could have made it public record that this baby was NOT his — HE was not a fornicator!  He could have defended his own pride and reputation.  Imagine Joseph’s turmoil.  The sleepless nights, the anguish as all his hopes and dreams had been dashed, yet he knew he had to do the right thing.  He loved Mary, still, regardless of what she might have done.  But what would he do now?  Matthew tells us, “Being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privately.”

But then we read, “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife.  For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.  She shall bring forth a Son, and thou shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.”

Matthew reminds us that all these things were foretold by the prophet Isaiah… which Joseph likely was familiar with, being a Godly man.  You, too, can read about it in Isaiah 7.  But still:  how INCREDIBLE that the Lord had chosen HIM as the husband of that virgin, foretold in the Scriptures so long ago.  But Joseph was a good man.  When he awoke, the Bible tells us, without a second thought, he did as the angel had told him, and took Mary as his wife.  Yet Mary and Joseph did not consummate their marriage until after Jesus had been born.

We all know the rest of the story of the birth of the Savior, how the entire heavenly host of angels praised the God of Creation, how the shepherds came and, in awesome faith, worshiped the baby Savior, as He lay sleeping — in of all places, an animal’s feeding trough in a barn.  We also know what took place after. Joseph proved himself to be a faithful man, a good provider and protector of his family.  When Herod sought to kill the infant Jesus, he again did as the angel of the Lord instructed him:  with NO hesitation and with no doubt in his mind,  he immediately took his family to safety and settled in Egypt until after Herod’s death.  Then, again following the Lord’s instructions, he returned his family back home to Nazareth.

It’s a beautiful story.  But it is also a TRUE story.  It is HISTORY, not a fairy tale.   It’s the miraculous story of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  The ENTIRE story of Jesus’  birth, childhood, ministry, death, resurrection and His soon return is indeed, the greatest story ever told.  And depending on where YOU stand with God, it’s either real GOOD news or real BAD NEWS for you.

 As the song says, “Wonderful, Merciful Savior, precious Redeemer and Friend;  who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of men?”

Such is the love of our Heavenly Father for His children.  Jesus said, “There is no greater love than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.”  But second to that, as a father myself, I can tell you there is no greater love than a parent for their precious child.   I cannot imagine the INFINITE love it must take to sacrifice your own Son to save the souls of those that are born predisposed to hate you. Scripture tells us, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Jesus came to show us Who God is, and like His Father, during His earthly ministry, He called the “least in the Kingdom” — men and women of no reputation to be His followers, ministers and disciples.  Imagine, a 14 year old girl and a carpenter, from the middle of nowhere, bearing and raising the very Son of God Himself… because God knew, these were FAITHFUL people He could trust. These were His true servants.  They BELIEVED God and they OBEYED Him, without hesitation.  That’s real faith.

It is the same today.  God calls those who love Him, those He can count on to be faithful to Him, who believe Him.  He calls faithful men and women to be His servants, His hands and feet in this world, and those who are the MOST faithful you will probably never hear of in this life.  To the world, they are “nobodys.”   But the prideful, the “high and mighty,” the famous — those He has little use for, and in fact, Jesus Himself most often had to condemn the religious leaders, the Priests, Scribes and Pharisees  — as well as the rich people — for their hypocrisy.  Those He made examples of, for us NOT to follow.

It’s sad that so many today follow and worship the celebrities, the fancy folks who we see on TV, in movies, in politics, in popular music, in the media… even many church leaders.  Worldly people LOVE the rich and famous.    But those rich and famous ones  may have made a name for themselves here in THIS world, but unless they repent and turn to Jesus Christ as their LORD, and not JUST their pseudo-Savior, life on this earth is the only heaven they will ever know.  Because it doesn’t matter that they know who Jesus IS.  What matters is, does Jesus know YOU.   For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?  God doesn’t care if you’re a ‘nobody’ in this world.  In fact, that’s usually who He chooses to do His best and most important work.  In the Kingdom of God, the first become last and the last become first and the greatest is servant of all. These are the ones who honor Him with their HEARTS AND LIVES, not just with their lips.  Those who BELIEVE and OBEY.

So let us each examine our own hearts today.  Do we truly BELIEVE and OBEY God, or do we just know OF Him?   Could YOU have done what Mary did? WOULD YOU have done as Joseph did?  Or would your response – today – be drastically different?

You may not be seeing angels, but God has still given you His Word.  Will you believe?  Will you obey?  Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, teaching them to OBEY all He had commanded.  Not just the “nice” parts — not just the warm and fuzzy parts, those parts of God’s Word that make us and other feel GOOD — but the HARD parts too.  You see, Truth is often a hard pill to swallow, but it’s always what we need.  If we neglect to preach ALL Jesus commanded, in order to be popular and well-liked in this world, we are not good and faithful, nor are we servants to those who need Jesus’ saving grace the most.  So let us be faithful.  Let us be servants to all.  Let us always tell the WHOLE truth, protect and provide for the helpless and innocent.  Be about His Kingdom business, occupying until He returns.  Let us judge with righteous judgment, never afraid or ashamed of the only One Who offers a transformed heart and mind, and everlasting life, for all who will forsake the world, lay down their lives and humbly seek the Savior.  And then, when our time on this earth is through, we may hear those amazing words that Mary heard: “you are highly favored; you are blessed.  Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

   Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 238.
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But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons.” Matthew 12:24

If I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? For this reason they will be your judges. Jesus Christ in Matthew 12:27


A recent article posted at The Huffington Post by religion reporter Carol Kuruvilla announced the group Vote Common Good (VCG), was beginning a bus tour to selected cities in America to challenge conservative evangelical Christian support for President Trump.

Who and what is Vote Common Good and what issues do they see as problematic for Christians supporting President Trump specifically and the Republican Party generally? Not surprisingly the “who” of Vote Common Good reads like a progressive, leftist, Marxist list of who’s who. The Executive Director of VCG is Doug Pagitt, he of the once dubbed Emerging Church movement, and author of An Emergent Manifesto of Hope, among other books.

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