Prophecies and Headlines Hint of Coming Israeli-Syrian Conflict? – Bill Salus

As the Syrian civil war winds down and President Bashar Al-Assad remains in power, what’s next for Syria? Is it payback time against Israel for conducting repeated air strikes over the past few years on Syrian soil?

Now possessing powerful alliances with Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, Syria is fighting back against Israel’s aggression. On February 10, 2018, an Israeli F-16 was shot down by the Syrian Air Defense Force after conducting an air raid on Iranian-backed positions inside Syria. Does this set the stage for the fulfillment of the Isaiah and Jeremiah prophecies concerning the doom of Damascus?


“Israel Strikes Iran in Syria and Loses a Jet”

                          The New York Times 2/10/18


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“Occupy 2018” April 20-22, 2018 Registration

Join us in Canton to hear updates from Joe and Doug Hagmann, Jon Robberson, LA Marzulli, Russ Dizdar,  Pastor Paul Begley, Pastor Mike Spaulding, Mark Trump, Bill Federer and Coach Dave.

Many events provide meaningful data on world events and biblical implications, but most of the time, event attendees leave all pumped up but find themselves all alone when they return home and are not able to further their personal growth with like-minded people.  Occupy 2018 is an event  that will encourage attendees to stay plugged into various processes (prayer groups, online training, podcasts, etc) to continue their walk in Christ.

The goal of the Occupy Til I Come Conference is to inform, guide, and connect like minded Remnant members and prepare them for the current and future spiritual battles ahead as time draws nearer to Christ’s return. (Luke 19:13)

What You Can Expect:

The Conference speaker topics will focus on standing and holding ground as Christians wherever you are.

Registrants will learn the calls to action to find training, websites, and material resources that will strengthen attendees in their personal walk and growth in truth.

The Conference Team will share with attendees tools to stay connected, access to weekly events (prayer teams, bible groups, online fellowship, podcasts, video streaming and physical fellowship)

Our aim is to connect attendees to multiple opportunities to take the fight to the enemy in areas all across the country.

Conference Dates:  April 20-22, 2018
Location: Courtyard Canton Hotel, 4375 Metro Circle NW, Canton, OH (Block Rate- $89 plus tax- Click Here)
Reservations can also be made by calling 1-800-971-4768. Ask for Pass the Salt Ministries group rate.
Block rate available through March 21, 2018.

Local Area information:

  • Canton – home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame . . . approx 5 miles away
  • The hotel has a shuttle for airport guests
  • Onsite restaurant
  • Many restaurants of all levels within minutes of the hotel, easy access for lunch and dinner breaks

Airports:  Akron-Canton Airport ( 5 minutes from Hotel), or Cleveland airport (30 miles- rental cars available)

Weekend Schedule: (Under Development)
Friday Start Time: 6 P.M.
Sunday Wrap-Up: 2 P.M.


The Church and Its Mission Today – Part 3

We often hear that “revival starts with the people of God.” That statement is true but often masks what must precede revival. Before God will bring revival in and upon His people, Christians must repent, confess, and turn from their evil ways. In other words, revival is necessary for a people that have wandered off the narrow path and have come under judgment.

The idea of revival in America has a long and storied history. From traveling evangelists to week long “tent meetings,” revival was a yearly occurrence in the lives of Christians throughout the 1940’s through 1970’s. Somewhere in the process of holding annual revival meetings, Christians made them more about evangelism than about personal repentance. This means that Christians did not do much self-reflection but instead focused on inviting friends, co-workers, and family members that they believed needed to hear the gospel.

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Israel Wayne at Calvary Chapel of Lima – Saturday, December 9th

Israel Wayne will be joining us Saturday, December 9th from 1 to 5pm. Sessions include:

  1. Why a Christian worldview is important
  2. What the Bible says about Christians educating their children
  3. Revival in the home
  4. Creation science apologetics

This is a free conference. Email Pastor Mike – for more information.


Calvary Chapel of Lima

682 W. Grand Avenue

Lima, OH 45801

The Church and Its Mission Today – Part 2

In Part 1 of this series I presented my belief that the Church has for the most part abdicated its position of moral authority in the American culture. Nature abhors a vacuum and thus the hedonists, atheists, humanists, and unconverted self-identifying Christians rushed in to fill that place with their morality. The result is that any vain and evil thing that can be imagined is advocated as normal and celebrated as liberating and natural today. The only liberty and freedom these deviants and their supporters are experiencing is liberty and freedom from conscience. Doctors include this trait in their diagnosis of sociopaths. God describes them as “worthy of death” (Romans 1:32).

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