Steven Menking On The Parker J Cole Show

Do you know the truth about you? Not what you think is the truth but the real, behind the scenes look of you? The way you define who you are, what is it that make you, you? Is it the culture you were born with? Is it the family you’re born into? Is it money you make or the challenges you overcome? What is the truth about you?

Find out all about yourself as Steven Menking from the Amateur Society tells us all about the truth about ourselves. You can listen at 646-668-8485, press 1 to be live on air. Or, download Stitcher on your mobile device.

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Sowing and Reaping in Modern America

“You have plowed wickedness, you have reaped injustice. You have eaten the fruit of lies.” Hosea 10:13a

America has been on a spiritual slide into darkness for many years. At first barely perceptible, the slide is now apparent to all but the most demonically oppressed and possessed who are blinded to the grievous condition we find ourselves in today. Unfortunately this blindness includes many who consider themselves Christians.

Although I could chronicle myriad examples from decades ago let me start with some of the most recent outrageous and wicked examples of this spiritual slide. Exhibit number one is the Kathy Griffin stunt concerning President Trump that was immediately condemned by most people. The recent apostasy of Hank Hanegraaff into Eastern Orthodoxy and compromise of James White with Islam provide more proof. Next consider the shooting of Congressman Scalise and other staffers in Washington DC. As a last example I offer you a video game that is set to be released soon called Far Cry 5. All of these seemingly disparate examples are tied together by the verse in Hosea cited above.

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Southern Baptist ‘Resolution’ A Microcosm of the Problem

(Photo: Screengrab/SBC Annual Meeting)

In what can be described as another wildly misguided missive poorly aimed and good only for virtue signaling to a cadre of reality-oblivious followers, William Dwight McKissic, an African-American Texas pastor, drafted a resolution that was considered at the annual Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Phoenix this week. What was misguided about his resolution? Simply this – McKissic sees in the so-called Alt Right, a source of unparalleled evil and hatred such that any rational individual would condemn it.

The Christian Post writer Michael Gryboski states in his write-up about the Resolution that, “The Alt Right is a political movement generally associated with white nationalism and known for launching intense attacks on ideological enemies on social media.” Oh the evil of such individuals who would oppose other people’s viewpoints along ideological lines! Note to Gryboski – this IS political discourse in America today. Social Media IS a political battlefield occupied by people of all ideologies including black supremacists, Hispanic and Latino supremacists, and every other ethnicity who has a grievance to advance.

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Matthew 7:1-6 – Why the Confusion About Judging?


The following story appeared in a recent edition of Leadership Journal.

“A traveler, between flights at an airport, went to a lounge and bought a small package of cookies and a newspaper.  The woman found an empty seat in the gate area and sat down next to a man reading a magazine.  After a couple of minutes she became aware of a rustling noise.  From behind her paper she peeked to see the man sitting next to her helping himself to her cookies.  After the initial shock she decided not to make a scene so she reached over and took a cookie for herself.

A minute or two passed and then came more rustling.  The woman peeked from behind her paper and sure enough, the man was helping himself to another cookie.  Again the woman decided not to make a scene and instead reached over and took two cookies for herself.  This same process occurred several more times until there was one cookie left.  The man broke the cookie in two pieces, ate half, and slid half over to the woman, got up and left.

The woman couldn’t believe the audacity of the man and was still fuming over the whole affair when she boarded her flight.  After takeoff the woman needed something in her purse and when she opened it up the first thing she saw was her package of unopened cookies.”

Our assumptions can be misleading more often than we want to admit!

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Mastering Flexibility And Adaptation – The Amateur Society with Steven Menking

Following up on last week’s discussion of change and growth, we now turn to the related concepts of flexibility and adaptation. Change and growth are certainly necessary ideas for us to grapple with, but in order to understand this dynamic we must also understand our threshold for change. From a worldview perspective, flexibility and adaptation match this concept nicely.

What do flexibility and adaptation mean in this context? Where are the lines for ‘not flexible enough’ and ‘too flexible’ in the process of change? How are those lines determined? What do differing worldviews have to say about this concept? Why should we care?
