Fake Israel? Fake Jews? The Poison Pill of Conspiracy

I received another email recently from someone claiming that current Israel is not biblical Israel. The writer further stated that the people we call the Jews today are not Jews at all. The typical rant ensued about the wickedness of modern Israel, Zionism, the Mossad, and the Ashkenazi Jews who control the world. Normally embedded in the rant is some expletive about Israel controlling America.

I receive these types of emails berating me for being so naïve, blind, deceived, and several other things I can’t print, all because I support the modern state of Israel and its right to exist in her land without constant threat of terrorism.

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Revelation Commentary Now Available

My Revelation commentary is now available at booksellers everywhere. If you use a retailer other than Amazon, use ISBN 979-8326831033 to order.
Signed copies will be available for shipping to you after June 10.
Message me for details on how to receive your copy.

House GOP Gullibility on Display Once Again – Dr. Mike Spaulding

In Greek mythology, a story is told about Odysseus, a king of Ithaca. This king is said to have waged war against the city-state of Troy. After an unsuccessful siege of the city, Odysseus conceived the idea of building a huge horse and hiding within its structure many of his best fighters, counting on the Trojans to see the wooden horse as a sign of their victory over the Greeks.

As Odysseus believed, the Trojans pulled the wooden horse inside their city walls, believing it to be a sign from the gods of their victory. At nightfall, the Greeks disembarked their hiding place, opened the gates for their fellow soldiers and the city of Troy fell. History has trumpeted the genius of Odysseus. The Trojans on the other hand, have been seen as gullible and painfully naïve.

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The Absurdity of the Two State Solution Crowd – Dr. Mike Spaulding

Asking why we continue to see and read of the hatred and vitriolic rants against the nation of Israel often sounds like a “broken record.” I have surmised that we will continue to hear and see the incessant spewing of Antisemitism because those expressing these views are short on reason, rational thinking, and logical, analytical deduction skills. This is not meant as an insult. This is observably true. What else can possibly explain the lack of comprehension among so many?

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The Storm Is Here – Do Not Panic – Dr. Mike Spaulding

“Truth will ultimately prevail where pains are taken to bring it to light.”

George Washington

We are living in unprecedented times. America appears to be imploding. The once strong moral and social fabric of American society has become threadbare and is showing serious signs of tearing apart. How did this happen? How did this happen seemingly “overnight”?

Answering the first question is easy. America is in the position that it is because evil has been allowed to permeate every facet of our government, civic, and social institutions, and has propagandized a critical mass of Americans.

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