A Snapshot of the History of the World – Mike Spaulding


One of my greatest joys in life is to teach the Bible to people. Sunday, Wednesday or any other time is always a good time to open up the Bible and hear what God wants to say to us today.

Lately I have had an increasing opportunity to discuss events we are witnessing in America and around the world with many people. I see this as a great blessing from God and also as a responsibility that I do not take lightly.

Several passages have risen to the top of these many discussions as they represent focal points to seeing and understanding world events.

The Bible serves as a remarkable filter in this respect. One of the most often asked questions is “What is wrong with the world today?” This type of question is almost always followed by “What can we do?”

The answer to these two questions is found in Psalm 2. In 12 verses the psalmist succinctly describes a timeless truth. That truth is this – when people abandon God terrible things happen.

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The Cult Of Expertise And Neo-Feudalism – Steven Menking

We are told to trust the experts. They know what is right. They know what is best. We would all be better off if we would all just outsource our decision making and follow their advice, suggestions, and commands. Those who don’t obey the experts are the ones who are making things difficult for the rest of us. If only we could get rid of those pesky fools who won’t listen to the experts then all of our problems would be solved. After all, the experts know how to solve all our problems. They told us they do. Not only that: they’re experts! Surely we don’t want to go against the experts. They’re much smarter than we are. Wouldn’t it be so much simpler if we all just went along with the program?

Here at The Amateur Society we have no overarching gripe against experts generally as a category of people. When I needed reconstructive foot surgery as a child I went to an expert. The medical field provides us with any number of areas where expertise is fundamentally necessary. More broadly speaking, we are always reliant upon others who have more developed skills than we do in various areas. If you can guarantee that you are 100% self-reliant in all current and potential future scenarios, then drop me a line. I’d be thrilled to learn from your experience and abilities!

What I vigorously object to is what I call the cult of expertise.

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When the Foolish Confound the Wise – Steven Menking

When the Foolish Confound the Wise

Much ink has been spilled declaring and defining the time of trial and tribulation that is swiftly approaching and even – in many cases – already here. With your permission I would like to pass over all of our current background context in order to get directly to a point of exhortation that will hopefully encourage you in the Lord and strengthen you for the days to come.

The Holy Spirit has put it on my heart that there are a great number of people all around the world who understand that we are potentially on the precipice of dangerous scenarios that could affect all of us. Of this group, it feels as if many are discouraged and don’t see a way forward. For some the obstacles may be concrete and immediate, and for others it is the darkness of the horizon that is troubling.

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Is It Possible To Talk Out of Four Sides of Your Mouth? – Steven Menking

Is It Possible To Talk Out of Four Sides of Your Mouth?

With Deutsche Bank hitting a fresh all time low today and getting within striking distance of the psychologically important $10 price point, we just might find out the answer to the question in the title of this article. That’s right ladies and gentlemen… Back again for the very first time, fighting out of Jekyll Island, in the green trunks with the white trim: it’s THE FEDERAL RESERVE! Everyone’s favorite central bank – based on the way economists, investors, and most importantly trading algorithms hang on every jot and tittle of its mouthpieces and press releases – is set to make another policy announcement this week, which means that we’ll get to hear once again from our dear monetary grandmother.

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The Global Two Minute Drill: What Happens When the Cracks in the Foundation Are Too Obvious to Ignore, Cover, or Patch? Steven Menking

Posted on September 18, 2016 by The Amateur Society

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In the past I’ve written about how our economic and governmental institutions are currently maintained because of a perception of confidence. In A Collapse in Credibility I anticipated a hastening erosion of confidence in the Federal Reserve. Fast forward three months and even mainstream media outlets are questioning the effectiveness of the ongoing emergency monetary policy at the Fed in light of their lies concerning data dependence and their lack of direction. Some are even openly declaring that the unprecedented monetary policy pursued over the last decade has failed. While this was by no means a difficult forecast, to this day it remains opaque to those who hold on to the beliefs that the Fed has their best interests in mind, is focused only on its stated objectives, has the power to achieve its stated objectives, and provides accurate forecasts.

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