There Is A Coming Kingdom – Dr. Mike Spaulding

We are seeing in our day, a rise in Christian radicalism. Specifically, I see some Christians calling for an armed rebellion to squash the evildoers in our midst. I see it because at one time, I was of the same opinion. I no longer hold the view that the Church of Jesus Christ is to take on the Deep State, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, or the United Nations, to name a few.

The commission the Church has been given is to tell the world about the free gift of salvation God the Father has made available to “whosoever will” believe in Jesus the Christ. It is our solemn duty and honor to expose the workings of the kingdom of darkness. We must exercise all spiritual authority in Christ to persuade the hearts of men and women toward Him. But make no mistake, it is the work of the Holy Spirit which causes the new birth.

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The Gospel of Matthew – Chapters 1-2


In a couple of weeks I will be begin teaching through the Gospel of Matthew for the third time.  In light of that I will be posting some of my old sermon notes from previous trips through this wonderful book.  Feel free to share, use, and comment below. God bless you my friends.

Matthew 1-2

Any Sherlock Holmes movie fans out there this morning? Remember the “Hounds of the Baskerville? In that movie Sherlock Holmes and his faithful sidekick Dr. Watson went on a camping trip.

After a very good evening meal cooked and ate around an open fire the 2 went to sleep in their tent. Some hours later, Sherlock nudged Watson and said “Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see.”

Watson replied, “I see millions and millions of stars.”

So Sherlock asked, “What does that tell you?”

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