Hatred of Israel and the Jewish People Exposes Sharp Disagreement Among Churches – Dr. Mike Spaulding

A further heresy clouds premillennial interpretations of Scripture – their exultation of racism into a divine principle. Every attempt to bring the Jew back into prophecy as a Jew is to give race and works (for racial descent is a human work) a priority over grace and Christ’s work and is nothing more or less than paganism…There can be no compromise with this vicious heresy.[1]

In the last few days, I have had a discussion with other believers on a social media platform. That discussion has focused on the status of Israel both current and future. Specifically, the discussion centered on the differences between a Dispensational view of Israel and a Covenant Theology Postmillennial view of Israel.[2] One simple post that I made ignited a storm of counter-post responses. My post simply said, “Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel are not spiritually realized in the church. Two separate entities.” I expected “push-back” from some people due to their different views. Still, I did not expect to be called a blasphemer, false teacher, and enemy of Christ by others, who acted as if I had somehow denied Jesus by making a distinction between the church and Israel. What exactly has happened within the body of Christ that we have arrived at a place where calling other believers blasphemers is acceptable, especially over things that there is wide disagreement about?

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