It is my pleasure to host the December 2013 edition of the Christian Carnival. In this post you will find a collection of articles from many different authors with one thing in common – a desire to see Jesus Christ magnified in every aspect of living. I hope you enjoy the breadth and depth of the Christian faith expressed in what you find and are encouraged in your faith walk by being introduced to new voices in the Christian community.
J. Warner Wallace (pleaseconvinceme.com) provides a good summary and foundation for discussing the need for apologetic training within the church in his article, “Reaching Those Who Are Disinterested.”
Greg West (The Poached Egg) writes about the need for Christian apologists to be “community-minded” concerning mission and focus in “Stepping Up To The Plate: The Call For Community Apologists.”
Tom Gilson hosts a blog site that addresses the Peter Boghossian flavor of “new atheism” – On “Creating Atheists”
Tim Burns provides us a study in Mark 6 entitled “No Faith No Hope,’ on his Preach the Word blog.
Terrell Clemmons takes a look at junk science applied and global warming in her review of Chicken Little Redux.
Jennifer Vaughn Estrada reviews “Why It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe If It’s Not True” on The Chic of Domesticity
My review of Robby Gallaty’s book, “Growing Up: How To Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples.”
I admit I made this category up “on the fly” but I did so in order to post this link to Leslie Keeney’s blog Ruthless Reading and especially to her post Ruthless Reading: Inerrancy, Black Friday, and Bruce Springsteen. I’m convinced you’ll find something of interest there.
What do you think about the so-called “Christian Hip Hop” music genre? Read what some are saying in this engaging dialogue – Debatable: Is Christian Hip Hop Ungodly?
Just in time for Christmas – the annual debate about the value of the Christmas story, indeed Christianity, in a scientific age. John Lennox provides the answer: The Magic of Christmas
Ridge Burn’s reminds us to marvel at and take pleasure in the mystery of God in his post Mystery.
Ruth Povey reminds us that we are who God says we are in A Letter to Fill You In.
Hannah Beck is a dynamic young singer and songwriter with a depth of Christian faith uncommon among one so young. She led worship at a recent women’s conference my fellowship hosted and the ladies were very simply “blown away” by the Lord’s use of Hannah and her music. Check her music ministry out here – Hannah Beck Music
Josh Turansky responds to John MacArthur’s recent conference in The Strange Fire Conference and Calvary Chapel
For more information about the Christian Carnival blog group visit Christian Carnival. If you would like to submit a post for consideration you may do so here – Christian Carnival Submission Form.